Jonghyun vs Jacob / Dino vs Dog

Jonghyun vs Jacob / Dino vs Dog


Jonghyun was standing now near the entrance to the cinema’s hall, waiting for his kitty Kibum, his arms filled with two popcorns, one nachos with cheese dip and two cokes, big cokes.

Aish, where the hell is he? He wanted to see this film, he invited me and yet he is late. And I was paying for everything, food, drinks even tickets. Jonghyun thought, but fortunately, the advertising always takes at least 10 minutes or so... He checked his watch again, it was already 18:05 and the film started 5 minutes ago. Ugh, I will ing scold him for being late – but then he felt two small, delicate and slim arms hugging his waist, Jonghyun unconsciously smiled, totally forgetting the idea of scolding Kibum.

„Hey Kibummie.“

„Hi Jongie, sorry I am late.“ Key murmured the last sentence under his breath, anyway when Jonghyun heard nickname of his from Kibum, he grinned froom ear to ear, not being mad anymore.
„Anio, it’s okay. Let’s go, you should hope they are still advertising.“ He grabbed Kibum’s hand and yanked him forward. Finally, he got to see the whole Key, not just his face... his heart stopped beating for a moment, he was breathtaking, but when he is not?

His blond hair frame his flawless face perfectly, the bangs were making his face even more adorable than he was, his eyes shining because of the excitement for the film, smiling a bit, he showed Jonghyun two rows of perfect white teeth, his precious dimples appearing. Dinosaur gulped, he wasn’t supposed to think like this, but , it wasn’t his fault that Kibum was this georgeos.

He was dressed casually, yet so cute. Key was wearing a bit over-sized white t-shirt with a blue ribcage printed on it and also there was clipped a black bow, over that he had a grey cardigan, his perfect long slim legs were hugged by tight blue jeans, so tempting lovely.

„Yah Dino, quit staring and let’s go! We already are ... 8 minutes late! Come on.“ Key nagged, but Jonghyun smirked at him. „Says the one, who came late.“

„Hmpf! Anyway... let’s go.“ Kibum blushed and went ahead, leaving Jonghyun behind, chuckling. That was one of many reasons why he likes him Kibum being his best friend, right best friend. Key passed the entrance’s girl, not even looking at her, she wanted to shout at him to go back, but Jonghyun patted her on the shoulder. She gave him a questioning look.

„He is with me, sorry for his behaviour„ Jonghyun sent her apologetic smile, yet heart-melting one, which made her flushed. 
„A-ani! It’s okay, ummm h-have a good time,“ she smiled slightly and bowed to him. Normally he would find this cute, but today somehow his mind kept showing him that adorable face of Kibum, with those irresistible dimples, he was way more cuter than her... oh wait no! Of course not! Key is boy.

She is girl, and she was cute, right, very cute at all! Not Kibum, but her. Not Kibum, but her. Not K- „Jjong, hurry up!“ Key waved at him, his upset mood probably left and was replaced by a bubbly one. „Uh, okay...“ not her, but Kibum...oh , he jogged to the younger and they entered the hall 7, running to the highest row, to their seats with numbers 13 and 14, Key was ahead, it was maybe he was far more excited than Jjong, he was already up there, but Jonghuyn was only in the middle.

„Jonghyun-hyung! Quickly, it’s starting!“ Key shout-whispered to him, waving his hand frantically , making people looking at them, annoyed. The lights were already off, so Jonghyun didn’t see much, but he managed to get to his seat, somehow. „Kyaaaa! I’m so excited, Jonghyun-ah.“ But Jjong just rolledhis eyes. 

„You’re way too hyper. But yes, me too“ –because I am here with you.

~(°o°~)  (~°o°)~

[The scene, where Jacob is shirtless, showing his six pack]

Jonghyun was practically sleeping, when he heard Kibum squeal. „Omg, Jonghyun! Did you see that? He is effing hot! I swear there is nothing hotter than him and is chocolate abs, ugh!“
„Seen better...“
„Pfft, you’re just jealous.“ Key murmured under his breath. Gosh, that Kibum, what’s so great about him? He isn’t even that hot nor handsome! Stupid dog, hope he will not show again T.T but after 2 minutes, again the ing stupid ugly shirtless Jacob appeared and Kibum was fanboying, again.  

„Oh god, oh god! Don’t you want to meet him soo bad? Because I do! ♥_♥“ –No!- „Uhum,“ Jjong hummed in response, irritated and this, has repeated like four times, but to be fair, there were also good things on this, like that time where Kibum was actually scared to even look at the screen, so he buried his face in Jonghyun’s firm, stable arm, he felt like teen schoolgirl for being like this, but Key couldn’t help it, he was just too scared, no pretendind T.T. So he continuedto bury his face like a girl into her crush arm, but to be honest Jonghyun didn’t mind it at all, the truth was he was pleased, satisfied and grinning like idiot each time Kibum did that.

„Has the fight ended yet?“
„No, no yet.“
„...okay, just tell me when it ends okay?“ Key said and buried his face deeper and farther, making Jjong unconsciously grin.

„Kibum-ah, the fight is over,“ but dino immediately regretted telling Kibum, because that ugly dog appeared again, but his irritation became bigger, when he heard Kibum saying those nasty worlds to that ugly mutt. „Jonghyun, do you feel it? Kekeke, my heart is always beating so fast when I see him, I really must l-“ but Key didn’t even finish his sentence, because he yelped at Jonghyun, who was pulling him out from their seats, people hissed at them but dino didn’t care, he didn’t give a , not now.

He kept pulling the younger one downstairs with him, it was hurting Key a bit, because his grip around his wrist was so strong.
„Yah, Jonghyun! Slow down a bit!“ but he couldn’t hear Kibum, okay maybe he heard him, but he ignored it completely, he was way too furious, so he even speeded up, making Key almost fall.They came out from the hall, heading to toilet’s, making people look at them curiously. Dino forcibly opened the toilet’s cabine door and pulled Kibum and himself in a small space and slammed the door, locking it quickly.

„What the , Kim Jonghyun! Why did you drag me out of there? you. It was almost the end and now, I have to watch it again, because you and again I have to see or more like avoid that ing fighting scene! You stupid dino, i hope you have a very good excuse now, or I am going to rip you in two halves! And I didn’t even mention, how you almost killed me on the stairs, because you were walking too fast and I almost fell! , why don’t you say anything! Yah! Answer me!“
„That’s all because of Jacob! The way you talk about him! Yah, he is ugly stupid dog, so why are you fanboying over him like he was god or something?“ 

Because I am god-Jacob Black/ 
Oh, please. I am the god here-Jonghyun
*kick his , flying out of their conversation*

„ Yah, is it your problem, who I am talking about? Is it bad, that I like him? T.T“
You heard that? He like me, LOL- Jacob Black

„Yes, it is! And it is my problem, don’t talk about him in my presence, I ing hate that! I hate that ugly mutt!“
„Don’t insult my Jacob! And I will talk about him, even in your presence, you can’t control me, you stupid dino!“ Go babeeeh! Just defend me, you rock Kibummie<3
Shut your mouth you idiot.

„No, you will not talk about him!“
„Idiot, I will!“
„No,you won’t!“
„I ing wi-“ but Kibum didn’t even finish his sentence, because Jonghyun slammed Key to the wall and pressed his lips on Kibum’s in a flash, the younger’s eyes wide open, staring in disbelief, while puppy closed his eyes tight, afraid of his bestfriend reaction, he desperately, needy and carefully moved his lips against Kibum, Key finally loosened and closed his eyes too, shyly responding to Jonghyun’s lips, kissing him back. Jonghyun nibbled on his lip lightly, making Key moan. The younger cautiously tangled his hand with Jonghyun’s hair, making no space between them at all. It felt so perfect, but because the lack of oxygen, they have to break their so amazing kiss.

Jonghyun panted hardly, his face still close to the younger’s. Kibum’s eyes slowly opened, they are so beautiful, Jonghyun thought. Key carefully touched his ravished lips, which were now a bit puffy and swolle and also pinkish and reddish. Jonghyun’s hands were now on the cold wall, leaning on it and Key was between them.

„Finally get it? I don’t want you to talk, no, not even think about anyone but me,  when you’re with me. I want be the one, who makes your heart beats faster than normally. Not anyone, not that Jacob, but me.“ Key nodded, shyly murmured a quiet ‚okay‘.

„So does that mean you like me better?“ Key hummed in agreement, Jonghyun grinned happily, but wanting to hear it once more.

„So you like puppy better than that ugly dog?“
„Neh.“  Jonghyun’s grin got even bigger.

„So you like dinosaur better than that mutt?“
„Jesus yes, Jonghyun. You’re sometimes so immature.“

„Pft...but one last question. So you don’t love that hound right?“
„No, I love puppysaurus, you silly.“

„Okay, I love you too. But promise me, that you’re never gonna mention that stupid name of his in front of me.“ Key sighed.
„I promise. Ummm, so can I mention Edward?“ he smirked at dino-face.
Hell yeah, I am the fabulous here! – Eward Cullen. 
Hell nawh, you . you - Jonghyun.


You heard that Jacob Black, Kim Kibum loves me! He loves Kim Jonghyun, muahahahaha.




Okay, maybe that's a bit creepy and you are like this

But thank you so much for reading my story ~~~

It means a lot for me, really ^^ 

I would be reeeeaaaaally thankful if you would leave any comment or even subscribe
*wink wink*
I am like this when someone leaves comment or subscribe


and like this 

so yeaaah, make me happy and spazzing like maaaaad ~ 

Also I was so angry, because my comp lag and guess what the whole chapter disappeared so I went like THIS!

Okay I should stop my ting spam AND BEGIN WITH JONGKEY SPAM 


Aren't they just so precious ? <333 

I love youuuu! 

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pinkeyesmile #1
That was so adorable -- Jjong is so y in there kdsklfsd
Chapter 1: Hahaha OMO that was really cute and hot I love too see Jonghyun angry!
Chapter 1: Hahaha OMO that was really cute and hot I love too see Jonghyun angry!
shiashin #4
Chapter 1: omg i loved this story so so so much! <3 <3 I wish trhere would be a sequel to this. <3
Chapter 1: Aigoooooo my lifee!I looooove your stoooory!!! And yeah JongKey are so damn precious<3<3~ Great job ^^
_Ailee__ #6
Chapter 1: OMG I LOVE THISSSS!!!!!