Wow, you have really cold hands


Kibum is in a situation, where he needs to know how real love feels.

So now, when he finally found his victim and teacher at the same time, how will lecturing be? Will it start at all? And who is his lecturer? 



"What exactly do you want from me? And what do these photos mean?!"  


"Well, that's easy. Teach me real love! And then show me how it feels like to be in love!" Kibum declared loudly, looking directly at Jonghyun's eyes.




This is my second story here ~ To be honest, I don't think I am good at writing, but I am enjoying it, so yeah.  

I should stop blabbering about my problems, anyway I hope you will enjoy my story ^^.
Also I don't own any characters here. S

And english isn't my first language, so if there are any mistakes, I am very sorry! *bow

And to my readers, who are so kind to even read this --> HUG FOR ALL OF YOU ♥



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Hi there! I love it! please update soon? =)