because I love you

Emotional Chaos *hiatus*


The next day a letter was on Miku's desk at school.
Dear Miku,

I think some things are still unclear.

We need to talk.

I wait for you in the park at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

That's soon! Then I can finally talk to him!
The day did not seem to pass. After what feels like 3 years, he had finally made it.
He went as fast as he could in the park.
And there he stood, Takuya, quite expectantly, and so awesom as ever.
As their eyes met, they smiled at each other. Miku blushed.
"Hey, you wanted to talk to me?" Takuya asked.
"Huh? But you wrote that you want to talk with me." Miku was totally confused.
"I have not written anything. You've placed a letter on my desk."
"No, I did not"
They watched for a while and then it became clear Miku: "Mai" he said lax.
"Mai?" Takuya was able to start with the name of anything. "This girl of yesterday. She know of the night."
"WHAT? Why do you say that?" Taku seemed to be angry.
"Who else could I talk to? She also promised that she says nothing."
For a while, no one could say anything.
"And ... we really need to talk." Miku sounded very sad.
"Ok, about what?"
"Well, what am I to you?"
"I love you. You're my best friend."
"Best friend ... so that's it. Miku was disappointed. So he was 'only' a best friend.
"What am I to you?" Taku asked after a while.
Miku looked at the floor and did not answer.
"I really love you. You want to know if I'm your boyfriend, right?"
He waited for an answer but Miku stood there expectantly.
"If you like we are now a couple." Taku smiled, but Miku looked at him in surprise.
"Well, of course I would. I love you."
"R-really? T- then we are now a couple." Takuya was as happy as a toddler and Miku was able to laugh at last.
"So what's the deal with this Mai?"
"Huh? We learn together. Really! And what is with Yuiko?"
"She's my cousin." Takuya laughed.
"WHAT? Why you didn't say that?"
"Hm, I also would never fall in love with a girl." Taku grinned.
"Huh ~? I thought you liked girls." Miku was totally confused.
"No. Do you?"
"Good. Then we go to you, get your things and go to me."
"Why my clothes?"
"Wouldn't you stay with me?"
"Oh. Of of course I will"
Mai's P.O.V.
I know I would not have allowed to meddle, but I like Miku so much so I would like that he is happy!
I just hope that I get out of trouble. They go together now from the park.
Maybe they have now cleared everything ...
Later at Miku ...
"Okaa-san? 'I've brought someone!"
Miku's mother came into the hall. She looked at Takuya in surprise.
"Konban wa." Takuya said and smiled nicely.
"This is Takuya. You know him already."
"Yes, he has grown up. What's the matter? Come on in. and sit down. I made ​​us tea, green tea, your favorite variety."
They went into the living room and made themselves comfortable.
"Okaa-san, I must tell you something. Please do not get mad."
Miku's mother looked nervous. Takuya could stand it no longer.
"I love Miku."
"Oh God. And I thought it was something bad. Are you now a couple?" Miku's mother asked very friendly.

„Yes“ Takuya answered.“I would asked if Miku can sleep with me.Two or tree nights.“

„For sure.“ She answered and Miku was very surprised. He never thought it will be ok.

After they took his clothes there went to Taku-chans house.

„Hey, Taku. Miku is not my real name.“

„Huh? So what is your real name?“ Taku was very confused.

„Miku is my nickname. My real name is Akihara Tsukiyama.“

„Such a long name! My name is Takuya Nuguishi.“

„I’m so sorry that you don’t know that.“ He sounded a little bit sad.

„Well, it’s ok but Akihara don’t sounded like Miku, so why Miku?“ he wondered.

„I had a dog named Mikuru.“ He grinned.

„Oh ok“ he laughed. „So let’s go now. It’s five PM and I want to cook for you.“

So they go a bit faster and the whole time they grinned and blushed. When they arived Taku opened the door for Miku. It was all cleaned and fresh. Taku get Miku’s jacket and went with him in the kitchen. He took some rice, turkeymeat and vegetables.

„I love your food. It’s so tasty.“ Miku grinned.

„Thank you. And I love you.“ He blushed.

„What do we do this afternoon?“ Miku asked.

„I don’t know yet. We can play some games or watch a DVD or TV. In the afternoon comes some funny soaps. Or we listen to music. Don’t know.“

„Hm. We will see.“

After an hour Takuya finished. „Sorry, it takes so long because of the meat. I hope you like it.“

„I’m sure I’ll like it.“Miku said and Taku blushed.

„Itadakimasu!“ they said in the same time, and laughed.

After they finished Taku looked thoughtfully. „Uhm, we can play a dance game.“

„Dance game? Uhm, why not.“ Miku said.

So they go to the living room. Takuya take his PS3 and started the dance game.

„Uhm, ok you must follow the moves.“

„Ok. I trie it.“ Miku laughed.

It looked a bit stupid but he became better and better.

„Haha. Not bad. So now I will trie it.“ Taku said.

It also looked not so nice.

„AWESOME!“ Miku began to cry because he laughed so much. „ SO Y!“

„Puh~ I think I should take a shower know. You too?“ Takuya asked.

„Uhm, y-yes.“

„With me or alone?“

„Uhm, I don’t know.“

„It’s ok. So I’ll go alone.“

He went to the bathroom. Miku waited in front of the door. He looked secretly in the bathroom and he blushed. Takuya stood under  the shower.

He is so handsome and so awesome. I-I want to touch him.

Miku felt like he was in an other world. Like in paradiese.

Takuya finished but Miku was dreaming and don’t realise this.

„HEY! You secretly looked at me!“

„U-Uhm, s-sorry!“

Takuya take him and kissed him. Revenge is sweet. He kissed his mouth and his neck.

„My little stalker“ he grinned. „Let’s finish the shower together.“


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miku and takuya are my favorite
Chapter 5: XD WoW I can't believe you tried it! Respect! It's not that bad and I think for the first time writing something like this is pretty good! =3. Keep the good work! <33
Chapter 1: Das ist irgendiwe richtig niedlich! :3
Mach genau so weiter, mit den Dialogen.
Das ist einfach zu lesen und man kann es sich auch gut vorstellen. WoW L. bin beeindruckt. *erfersüchtig*
Dir gelingt das viel besser als mir. Ganbatte! ^^'