
All I Want For Christmas Is You
"That would be a hundred bucks," the cashier said as she scanned the barcode, examining the box. "It's rare to see people getting so enthusiastic for the festive season here," the cashier said as she placed the box inside a huge plastic bag. "Merry Christmas."

"Thanks!" Youngjae greeted back politely and carried that plastic bag. He had planned that night perfectly, even to the point of scheduling what to do. The box inside the plastic bag, contained the grand finale of that special day, and he chuckled lightly to himself, earning some awkward attention from strangers.

Soon, he reached home and kept the box under his bed. Youngjae then took out the Christmas decorations in the store room and started to decorate the interior of the house. Sure, he wanted to decorate it earlier, but he couldn't since he was very busy till the Christmas holidays.

Youngjae carefully placed a mistletoe on the beige-coloured wall, all the while humming the same tune. He then started hooking colourful ornaments onto the Christmas tree, some glittery and shiny. Youngjae then started wiring the tree with decorative lights before placing a yellow star on the top of it. He then quickly switched on the lights and stepped back to admire his work. Sure, he might have done this a lot of time, but the feeling never gets old.

"4.30pm? Time to prepare dinner!" Youngjae cheered for himself as he quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbing out the ingredients needed for tonight. He didn't really know what to prepare since Christmas Eve's the next day and it would be very weird to have a Christmas dinner before. Therefore he decided to cook a few simple home-cooked food, preparing a much larger portion for that special someone. That someone who's able to chomp down hectares of food. That someone who's able to eat a mountain of strawberry cheesecakes. That someone who sometimes put food first, then him.

"Jung Daehyun, I don't even know why I love you," Youngjae murmured to himself as he washed the vegetables.

"What, Daehyun?" Youngjae answered annoyingly in a purposeful way, playing with Daehyun. "What do you want?"

"Nothing," Daehyun smirked as Youngjae turned back to the front, walking alongside with him on the snow-covered street. Quickly, he tapped Youngjae's shoulder again.

"I know it's you Jung Daehyun. I'm 15, not 3!" Youngjae growled as Daehyun feigned innocence.

"But I really didn't!" Daehyun denied, waving his hands. "How can you frame me, your best friend for 2 years?"

"You're not my best friend. You're just an annoying ,"

"Ouch, Jaejae, it hurts here," Daehyun pointed to his heart, pouting his lips in a depressed manner.

"Yah I don't even know why I'm friends with you. I should have just went home with Jaebum instead of you. He's taking the cab," Youngjae rolled his eyes.

"Well, you volunteered, I didn't force you," Daehyun chuckled as they laughed along the way, making jokes towards each other. Suddenly, Daehyun blurted out a question.

"Youngjae, do you like anyone? Like, love?" Daehyun asked, walking slower this time. Youngjae felt a lump forming in his throat suddenly. He was stumped. He stood frozen with the snow on the ground. His heart basically froze into a icy stone. 'Daehyun must not know that I'm having a terrible crush on him since I'm 14 or else this friendship is ruined. He will definitely steer away from me. No, I shall not tell him then.' Youngjae thought to himself.

"I don't love anyone," Youngjae lied, Daehyun somehow or rather looked disappointed with his answer as he stared at the younger.

"Oh okay. Youngjae ah, since Christmas is coming, I might as well tell you who I love. Who I have a major crush on," Daehyun suddenly looked serious and oh boy, Youngjae wanted the jokish and funny Daehyun back. Nevertheless, Youngjae was curious, even though he might be crying like a crazy hormonal girl when he found out who was the lucky one. He wanted to know so badly, even if the answer killed every part of his soul. Like as if there's some sort of hope.

"Who's that unlucky person?" Youngjae took a breath and asked. Daehyun gave a displeased look and put his arms on his hips, looking away. "Tell me,"

"er," Daehyun hissed before taking in a deep breath, leaving Youngjae clueless. But it was answered as he felt Daehyun's cold hands on his cheeks, their lips attatched together. Youngjae looked at him in shock, happiness sprouting out of him as he thought he saw Frosty the snowman giving him the thumbs up. He was so happy he didn't realised Daehyun removing their lips, his face full of sadness as he looked away panickly.

" . What the did I just did," Youngjae heard Daehyun mumbling to himself as if he had forgotten about his presence, until he saw Daehyun looking up at him. "Oh god I'm so sorry but I ing love you! I-I-I don't know what to say but, it's okay if you don't love me. I-I-I mean, we can still be friends, best friend you know?" Youngjae was still in silence. Daehyun thought it was over. "God ing damn it I just ruined my friendship I-"

Daehyun was talking to himself again until Youngjae's mitten-covered hands were placed on his cheeks this time, their cold and needy lips together for the second time. It was Daehyun's turn to see Frosty again.

"Jung Daehyun, you really ruined our friendship," Youngjae broke from the kiss, trying to look serious before giving a smile. "Because we are not friends anymore. We are a couple!"

" I'M SO HAPPY!" Daehyun exclaimed out loud and hugged Youngjae up, lifting him above the ground as he swung him around before landing carefully.

"Me too, you bastard. You don't know how much I want this," and there, their third kiss of the day.

Youngjae giggled at the thought of Daehyun's face then, when he was still wearing his spectacles.

After cooking everything that was simple in his head, he glanced back to the clock again. "7.30pm? Wow that's fast. Well, Daehyun's coming anyway."

Placing the savoury food one by one onto the kitchen table, he sat down and patiently waited for his boyfriend to come home. Waiting. And waiting. Till it was 8, when the sky's totally dark.

"Hmm maybe he have something up," Youngjae said to himself mentally and soon he stood up from his chair to proceed to the living room. He switched on the tv and watched some shows. It's 9pm now.

"Better call him," and soon Youngjae picked up his phone and dialled the all-too familiar number. However, Daehyun didn't pick up. "What the heck is he doing? Didn't he know that today's special? Maybe he's kidnapped. Oh no, what should I do?"

Many thoughts were stirring in his mind as it's impossible for Daehyun to ignore his calls. Somehow or rather, Youngjae felt irritated and a little bit pissed off at the elder. Thanks to him, their plans were ruined. The dinner was cold, but Youngjae decided to continue and wait while watching the television. Until it was 12, midnight. Their special day was over, and it's Christmas eve.

"Why the isn't he picking up my calls?! Did something happened to him?" Youngjae paced anxiously in his house, gripping onto his handphone tightly. ".."

Yoo Youngjae's now angry and worried. He didn't know who to contact since he doesn't have his colleagues number. Realising that worrying wouldn't help anything, he decided to go to sleep. But he couldn't. What if he couldn't see Daehyun anymore? He knew that he have to do something, to find him. But he didn't know how. So basically, he was wide awake the for 3 hours, until he heard a doorbell. Quickly getting off the bed, he opened the door, hoping to see Daehyun standing there, carrying presents, saying "I'm so sorry! Here's some presents to cheer you up!"

However, yeap, he saw Daehyun. But he wasn't carrying any presents. He wasn't saying anything. All Youngjae received was a drunk Daehyun. Youngjae was so pissed that flames could be seen deep inside his eyes. Why the is Daehyun drunk? Why the is he having fun at their special day?!

"Hyung got drunk and I have to bring him here since I only know your address, not his. Goodnight hyung!" Jongup passed the dizzy Daehyun to Youngjae and quickly ran off, seeing his cousin's trademark 'I-am-so-gonna-kill-you-with-every-sharp-object-in-the-world' face. Youngjae closed the door gently and pushed Daehyun roughly down onto the floor.

"Jaejae~ why are you pushing me down on the floor? It hurts you know?" Daehyun rubbed his head, spitting out incoherent words. He tried to stand up, only succeeding after a few tries. He felt as if his head was going to explode any time.

"Why the are you drunk?! Do you know what date is it?" Youngjae shouted in front of Daehyun.

"Isn't it Christmas? Merry Christmas darling,"Daehyun said, trying to lunge himself forward to hug Youngjae. Youngjae of course, refused.

"No you idiot! It's our 3rd year anniversary! How can you forget about it? Why didn't you pick up my calls?!" Youngjae interrogated the man.

"I was in a business meeting in a pub and I can't use my phone. And the client kept offering us drinks. The client finally signed the contract and Jonguppie brought me here. And I didn't forget. I just can't really think now," Daehyun murmured truthfully, and somehow it enraged Youngjae even more.

"But you do know that it's OUR special day right? So work is more important than us?!" Youngjae screamed, demanding an answer. Daehyun's sorry face turned to an angry one.

"Please, Yoo Youngjae. I'm not as rich as you. I have to work my off to feed myself okay? I need the job very badly. I'm not like you, the son of a CEO,' Daehyun hissed, pointing at Youngjae with his finger.

"What are you trying to say? That we aren't meant to be together? That I am being unreasonable?" Youngjae exploded, throwing his hands around as Daehyun struck a nerve in him. "You know very well that I don't like to be called rich! I know you're anxious about work, but how about us? You didn't even say that you will be late? Do you know how worried I was?"

"But you should try to be understanding! It's just a 3rd year anniversary! Gosh,"

"So I prepared all these for nothing?!" Youngjae pointed to the food in the kitchen, before stomping in. "That I," Youngjae threw the food into the rubbish bin, "am the worst boyfriend ever?!"

"If you think you are-"

"Jung Daehyun, get out! I don't wanna see you anymore!" Youngjae went out of control and pushed Daehyun to the front door. "Go find a better boyfriend then! You are no way better!"

"At least better than you. I have the worst boyfriend ever. He doesn't even understand me!" Daehyun screamed as he was chased out of the house, the door slammed loudly behind him. "er.. My head still hurts.." Daehyun mumbled as he wobbled unsteadily back home. If his state of mind allowed him to.

Youngjae leaned against the door before sliding down onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. "Is this really over?"

Youngjae saw the decorations on the wall, the Christmas tree, immediately feeling agitated. It was as if those decorations were mocking his failed relationship. Standing up, he immediately tore down the decorations angrily and stomped back into his room. He glanced at the box hidden under his bed and quickly threw it out of the room. They had no use of it anyway.

Youngjae climbed into his bed as he slept alone, on a Christmas eve. Tears flowed down his cheeks to dampen the pillow as he realised that he would be sleeping alone, forever. Daehyun's supposed to spend the night with him, but no, he's goddamned freaking alone. "Why must I be alone again?"

Youngjae didn't realise he was sleeping when he woke up with the sun brightened his room. But not his heart. He instantly missed him. He walked out of his bedroom and saw the mess he created yesterday. Everything was torn. The mistletoes were lying on the floor messily, the tree's stripped off of its decorations. Empty plates, but dirty ones, were on the table.

Tears started to brim again as all the negative feelings overwhelmed him. He's angry at himself for ruining his relationship, he's afraid of being alone again, and he's sad that he just lost his boyfriend.

Youngjae basically spent his Christmas Eve morning and afternoon watching the television, trying his best to forget everything that happened. But it's impossible. Even a comedy would make him crumble into pieces, make him drown in his own tears.

He used to doubt the belief of 'spamming tubs of ice cream will make you feel better', but now, he's curled up on his sofa, a tub of Neapolitan flavoured icecream in his arms, a spoon in his hand. He scooped up frustratedly and stuffed the dessert into his mouth, his sadness drifting away a little bit. But of course, tubs of ice cream will definitely not solve your sadness. And no, he's not going to beg for Daehyun to come back. Since Daehyun might not answer or reply him anyway. The words he said yesterday was still etched in his head.

Youngjae decided to head out and coincidentally, he saw his cousin. His friend came along too, and he thought it would be fine if they could hang out. He wouldn't be alone afterall. However, his 'caring' cousin chased his away and hell, Youngjae's very angry. He stomped his way back to this empty house.

He laid down on his bed, alone as he started to tear up a little bit. "Am I really a bad boyfriend? But he's one too, right?"

He asked himself that but sadly, he didn't receive the answer he wanted. When he was 13, his parents went to the States for business and therefore, he was left alone. His cousins are nice, but they're always too busy, or he's unwanted by them. He didn't have anyone to talk to. Soon, he became very quiet and always sat in one corner of the class.

However, a new boy came into his class. He immediately sat beside him, and his warmth spread to him. Soon, they became very good friends, best friends eventually. Youngjae's enthusiastic nature was brought out along too, allowing him to make more friends with him. No matter what, Daehyun would always be around him. When Daehyun confessed to him, he have been a very good boyfriend. The daily dosages of cute and cheesy messages, the occasional visits and hugs and definitely the addictive kisses. He would always give way for him.

Youngjae however, was the worst boyfriend ever, he thought to himself. He whines a lot, demands a lot, and gets pissed off a lot. But Daehyun still stayed with him, trying his best to cheer his beloved boyfriend up.

"Daehyunnie... Where are you?" He mumbled sourly to himself as it soon turned into wailings. He's never coming back. Hell no.

Desperate, he tried to call Daehyun. But he didn't pick up. Youngjae then decided to type a message instead.

Daehyun.. I'm so sorry that you have to suffer with me for so long. You've been very supportive of me the whole time, and I'm very grateful for that. If you wanna break up with me, I don't mind. Hope you can find a very nice lover unlike me! ^^ Merry Christmas Eve~

He pressed the send button immediately and he realised how much it hurts if they really broke up. What the heck is he going to do?

Exhausted mentally and physically, he drifted off to sleep with regrets. However, he was soon brought awake as he heard a very familiar voice, arms around him.

"Jaejae! I'm such a jerk!" he felt lips brushing against his neck and he immediately turned, to see those eyes that he wanted to see the most.

"Dae?" Youngjae said tiredly.

"I should be ing sorry instead! I'm the worst!"

"You're not! I am!" Youngjae said as he hugged Daehyun back, crying out loud.

"Fine you're the worst! But all I want you to know is that, I will never leave you! Never ever! Even though you're the most selfish person ever, I love you!" Daehyun replied, hugging even tighter. "Somemore, how can I not celebrate our anniversary? I'm such a bastard.."

"I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay Jae," Daehyun said as he backed away to look at Youngjae tenderly. "I should be sorry too. I would rather lose a client than to lose you. All I want for Christmas is you,"

Youngjae cheered up a little bit and their lips were together, until Daehyun said something.

"Oh by the way darling, what's that box? I didn't see it before and it's huge! Is it a present?" Daehyun said excitedly.

"No it's not a present! I-its.. Er.. Nothing! Yeah!" Youngjae stuttered, his cheeks immediately blushing. Daehyun eyed him suspiciously. 'Daehyun can't know!'

"You're weird haha. I shall open it up!" Daehyun exclaimed and jumped off the bed before Youngjae could hold him. Daehyun quickly opened the box, to see clothes and accessories. A red Santa set, and a set of brown furry clothes complete with reindeer hairbands and Santa hat. Youngjae simply sat on his bed in defeat as Daehyun turned back, smirking.

"I guess this isn't just any simple Christmas dress up eh, Jaejae?" Daehyun said as he stood up, picking up the box. "And I guess that, you're my reindeer? Wow I didn't know you have a thing for rolepla-"

"YEAP THIS IS RATED!" Manager Kang quickly flipped the page with a red face. "Okay, it's Jonglo now! Our favourite maknaes!"

-Couldn't really upload the Jonglo one. Don't know why.. Therefore, enjoy these two first! ^^ merry Christmas!
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Chapter 4: lol the stalker maknae couple =]
Chapter 3: awww DaeJae =] sooo cute.. =]
Chapter 2: hahahahh the ending =]
DinoCarrot #4
Chapter 4: Omfg but but Banghim and Daejae omfg cliffhangers ;A; but I love it omggggg
pychify #5
Chapter 3: Srly Manager Kang?! We know daejae is married already so they can do that..

This is perfect! They both admit that they're wrong! Real love <3
pychify #6
Chapter 2: No! Manager Kang I hate you!!! Read the whole freakinf thing!!

Awee banghim
The puddle!! Love that part so much
Chapter 4: awww manager kang you sure don't know us jonglo shipper babys if you think there is no rated fic of them ;) kkkk <3
ahh the jonglo surely cute <3
And merry christmas too!! ^^ <3
gosh /dying again/ OTL
aww jaejae and daehyunnie glad you two make up :')
and thankyou jaejae for meeting yongguk accidently and banghim then can be together~ <3
/dying hardcore banghim shipper/ OTL
lol manager kang so cute hahaha
Chapter 4: awww mai gawd that was cute~~~manager Kang is so random lolll reading fanfics of the boys n wth wae just stops whenever the rated part comes?xDDD
of course i love the Daejae one most *my ship xD*,also cuz theres hardships in their lives n love how they made out n got back tgt :'D it just made them love each other more~
tks for the gift ^_^ fighting!!