
All I Want For Christmas Is You
☆☆☆☆☆Chapter 1: BangHim☆☆☆☆☆

Himchan sat at the corner of his bed, his lower body covered with thick blankets. He placed his laptop onto his laps, fingers moving on the touchpad. A warm cup of hot chocolate in his free hand, he took a sip and let the sweet cocoa and chocolaty taste overwhelm his tastebuds. He placed it back on to the table beside him, incase it spills all over his bed or laptop.

"Damn it. There's really nothing to do on the Internet these days," Himchan mumbled to himself as he scrolled down the page, looking for any exciting movies to watch.

"Eh? Steel Man 3 is out? Oh god I'm so gonna dow-" Himchan was interrupted as he felt something vibrating near him. He looked around him, to see the small green light on his phone blinking. He unlocked his phone and smiled to himself unknowingly.

Channie! My cousins ended up abandoning me for Christmas tsk! Wanna accompany this lonely person for Christmas Eve?

Himchan felt a mixture of happiness and a little bit of sadness. He felt happy since at least he have something to do now, and sad because he felt as if he's being used. Like a second-hand person. Like a reserve. Like a back-up. Like as if he really didn't have a place in his heart. Sure, they are best friends, but how can he break his promise and go to his cousins, now going back to him? Himchan didn't even know why it bothered him so much.

Okay Bang Yongguk. You ing promise-breaker. Just prepare yourself as I prepare a chainsaw just for you :) Let's meet at 6pm shall we?

Himchan decided to download the movie since, well, he could watch it tomorrow anyway. He took another sip of his hot chocolate and soon, he got a reply.

I already said my cousins are s and they will start ing about me or something. I don't want my parents to be scolding me or something. Anyway, if you're gonna kill me, that means you're gonna kill your best friend :( fine, 6pm! See you in the Central Shopping Mall!

Himchan giggled a little, and grabbed a bun that was beside him, munching it. He decided not to reply as the number of free messages he could send was 5. He closed his laptop and took the time to look outside. The ground was covered by a layer of white, and snowflakes were falling gracefully. The sky was of a navy blue, the sun shining dimly amongst the fading white clouds.

"Urgh.. I really hate wearing those thick clothes," he groaned as he stood up from his bed, grabbing a few pieces of windbreakers out. He placed them on his bed, contemplating which one to wear. Suddenly, it struck him. Why did he even care about his dress code? It's just a Christmas Eve gathering with him only and everything would be so goddamn romantic. Choirs singing as they walked along the street, hand in hand and-

"The am I thinking?! We're just best friends," Himchan muttered to himself and decided to just use the black and pink windbreaker that he usually used.

He wore it and after putting his phone and wallet into his pocket, he opened the door and a gush of cold air gushed in, blowing into his face.

"Wow, it's colder than I thought," he mumbled to himself and he decided to take the train to town. During the trip, he pondered over his recent thoughts and feelings. Why did he feel sad when Yongguk abandoned him and went to his cousins? It was as if there's a tinge of loneliness and sure, he could find anyone to accompany him since he have so many friends. But, Yongguk's special.

Himchan's wonderings went deeper into his times with Yongguk. He remembered how he find the latter's low husky voice to be very attractive. He may have heard that voice a billion times, but hell, he wanted to listen more. He's basically addicted. Also, whenever Yongguk's absent from school or something, Himchan would have other friends to accompany him. But not a single one of them could replace how Himchan feels whenever Yongguk's with him. Himchan decided to ask himself this very simple but tricky question.

"Did I fall in love with Gukkie?"

Yeah, they may be best friends and best friends have this sort of 'special feeling' towards each other, but definitely not longing for the other to be with him. Yeah, you may be very wary of the way you wear, but hell no do you think of doing romantic things with your best friend! But how can Himchan... Love him?

To Himchan, Yongguk's basically bad. He's brute, rude, demanding, bossy, violent and terrifying. Like the reincarnation of the devil.

Himchan thought that's kind of mean to think of your 'best friend' that way, so he decided to think of positive attributes the elder had. To his surprise, there's a lot.

Yongguk's actually very caring, and he possesses good leadership skills. He's actually soft in the inside, and true, he may be "brawls over brains", but damn he never lost in a fight. He's also very hardworking and creative. And smart. And charismatic. And compassionate to the needy. And helpful. And respectful to elders. And and and..

"Goddamnit that's enough," Himchan hissed inside and time really did pass with all those deep thinking. He stepped out of the train and walked in the direction of the mall. Anticipation built within him as he thought of what they could do together there. Watch a movie, have dinner, shop for a few clothes even though Yongguk hates it. A little chitchat would suffice to Himchan.

He walked closer to the mall and saw Yongguk. He literally controlled himself from running and pouncing the male. But it didn't need to as due to the thoughts recently, he felt kind of awkward in the presence of Yongguk. He mentally calmed himself, "Meh. It's just Yongguk. My best friend! Can't best friends hang out?!"

He walked closer to Yongguk and suddenly, he saw another person beside him. He looked younger, definitely and pissed. Who the heck is he?!

"Hey er.. Channie! This is Youngjae, my cousin," Yongguk introduced the boy and Himchan wanted to slap the boy so damn hard. He wanted to just, run over him with a trillion hugeass trucks, for ruining his plans.

Himchan doesn't hate strangers usually but today was different. They were supposed to be alone! Right now, Himchan felt extremely frustrated at himself. Why the did he care whether the two of them would be alone? Isn't it supposed to be 'the more the merrier'?

"Hi Youngjae, I'm Himchan," Himchan swallowed his anger in one go and introduced himself with a fake smile. Youngjae was polite though, despite the fact that his face was black. He greeted back Himchan and soon, they walked inside of the mall, with Youngjae behind them automatically.

"I thought you said your cousin abandoned you? Why is he here?" Himchan said softly.

"Abandon? Jongup and I didn't abandon you! We're not even supposed to be hanging out together today! I'm with you now because I saw you and I had no one to be with. Remember? How can you frame us just like that?"

"Goddamnit Youngjae please shut up and leave us alone," Yongguk hissed and Youngjae stared at him fiercely.

"Leave you guys alone when I just had the greatest fight ever and I need someone to accompany with? Fine assguk. You owe me 5 meals," Youngjae snarled and with that, he stomped out of the mall. Himchan wanted to tell the younger that it's okay he could come along, but his feelings were contradicting. He kind of wanted to be alone with Yongguk.

"Leave him alone. He's a drama queen like you," Yongguk said, obviously trying to change a particular topic. This however, caused Himchan to remember.

"Why did you lie to me about hanging out with your cousins?" Himchan looked at Yongguk's eyes intensively.


"Are you trying to avoid me?" Himchan growled, trying to control his volume. It hurt him so bloody much that Yongguk might be avoiding him.

"Y-yes but-"

"Why?! I thought we are friends?! Best friends!" Himchan was out of control as he screamed in the mall, gaining everyone's attention. That "yes" was enough to kill four billion Kim Himchans.

Himchan was surprised when the usually tough and dominative Yongguk kept quiet. Maybe because he's guilty.

"So I'm not really your best friend huh? Then why the did you ask me out if you're trying to avoid me?! You know what? I shouldn't be so mad if you're trying to avoid me because I honestly don't mind," Himchan ranted out furiously, words filled with rage.

"But you know what? I'm feeling mad now because I just realised I have fallen in love with someone who's trying to avoid me!"


"Hell, I'm not only mad, but horribly sad! Why the did I fall in love with you?! How am I supposed to get rid of all those tingling feelings inside of me?!" Himchan burst into tears and without giving Yongguk a chance to speak, he ran away with fury and sadness.

Himchan ran, wiping off his tears frustrated. He could hear Yongguk shouting for him, running to him, but Himchan could not face him anymore. He just blatantly confessed his feelings to him - someone who might not even accept him. Himchan blamed himself for his carelessness. Besides, it's someone who's avoiding him. Maybe Yongguk is avoiding him because he's disgusting - all sorts of negative thoughts surged through his mind. What a great Christmas Eve.

God made a prank at him though as Himchan tripped on a ing tiny puddle and landed onto his bum. It's like God must be thinking "Oh hey it's a person running, let's create a magical small puddle right there and see him do acrobatics." Himchan saw Yongguk running closer to him and he wanted to just, scurry away. However, it was too late as Yongguk pulled him up forcefully.

"Come with me," Yongguk commanded and the both of them took a cab, his grip on Himchan's arm the whole time in case he ran away. For the entire trip, Himchan didn't want to look at him. He's angry at Yongguk being all bossy when he should be the one. So many thoughts were flooding inside his head. Where the heck is Yongguk bringing him? His question was answered when the place was all so familiar. That familiar house and trees, now covered with snow and decorated with Christmas decorations, Christmas lights brightening it up. Yongguk's house.

Yongguk unlocked the door and quickly went in, pulling a reluctant Himchan along. He then quickly locked it, in case stubborn Kim Himchan ran away. Himchan watched as Yongguk removed his grip, walking towards the black sofa in his living room.

The house was warm thanks to the heater and honestly, Himchan like the smell and 'feel' of this place since he came here a lot and there's Yongguk's scent, which he secretly liked. Himchan's mind was now filled with so many questions. Why is he at Yongguk's house now? What's his purpose?

"Channie, sit beside me," Yongguk half commanded, patting the space beside him. Himchan's train of thoughts immediately derailed at Yongguk's commanding voice.

"Why the am I in your house?!" Was the only sentence that came out from Himchan. Well, at least one of his question might be answered.

"Because I don't want you to be shouting at me in goddamn public. Now, just sit beside me!" Yongguk shouted back, obviously a little bit annoyed since Himchan's stubborn as a mule.

Himchan however, continued to stand there, fire in his eyes. "Fine, whatever, just stand there. Can you let me explain?"

"There's nothing to explain at all. You find me disgusting," Himchan was filled with negativity.

"No I don't! Just shut the up and listen to me!" Yongguk said, his voice raising dangerously. Himchan just stood there quietly, pouting his lips obviously afraid of the elder.

Seeing that as a signal to talk, Yongguk started. "Yes I'm avoiding you. Not because you are disgusting or I'm bored with you, but because.... my feelings for you grew.."

"What?" Himchan brightened up a little bit, his angry face turning into a shocked one. Did Yongguk just..

"I don't wanna fall deeper in love with you that's why I tried to avoid you. But I realised that I felt so empty without you! What's Christmas without you? No, what's life without you? It would be goddamn boring. That's why I smsed you just now, to hang out,"

"Gukkie.." Himchan muttered, his heart melted into a bloody goo by Yongguk's words. He swore that's the first time someone said those words to him. Fine, he may be an ulzzang and constantly being treated as god in high school, but he loves Yongguk, and therefore it contains a deeper meaning.

"When I saw you again just now, the void in my heart was instantly filled. But I told myself to keep the distance since I don't want to lose control and confess to you. I'm afraid you will avoid me instead,"

"Goddamnit Gukkie.." Himchan smiled a little, his eye b with tears. He felt as if he's the world's biggest idiot. The greatest of all times. He shuddered at the thought that what if he didn't trip and fall? He would be at home now, ignoring all of Yongguk's pleas and calls. Maybe God was playing a prank on him. God's helping him. It was a blessing in disguise.

Himchan walked towards Yongguk and he saw the same expression on him. His face was red, maybe from the confession. But he's happy. The both of them happy. Since they confessed to each other. His heart ached more when he saw the genuine tears in Yongguk's eyes. Yongguk really loved him. "Oh god I'm the greatest of all time,"

"Yes you are," Yongguk teased.

"Shut up, don't ruin the moment," the both of them laughed and now, Himchan stood in front of Yongguk and pulled him into a kiss. Their first kiss to each other. Himchan instantly melted at the touch of Yongguk's lips and slowly, Himchan was sitting on his lap, arms around his neck. His legs encircled Yongguk's waist and he pulled closer to deepen the v.

"You know, all I want for Christmas is you," Yongguk broke away a little bit, looking at Himchan intensively, causing blood to rush downwards.

"Cheesy bastard," Himchan whispered softly, his lips brushing against Yongguk's as it parted.

The both of them continued their makeout session as their lips were attached back hungrily. Their kiss soon became heated as tongues started to get involved. Yongguk Himchan's bottom lip, wishing for entrance, which the latter granted. Their wet muscles wrestled with each other, tasting each other's flavours. Their teeth clashed and their lips were swollen. Their need for oxygen was too much. But they needed more.

Yongguk started to pull away first, only to Himchan's jawline, lowering to this sensitive spot below his ear. He bit the spot, causing Himchan to moan. Yongguk on that spot, it a few times before pulling away to admire his masterpiece.

"Yonggukkie, I want you to and something else," Himchan smirked a little and stared into Yongguk's eyes that were filled with passion and lust. Yongguk's lips curled a little in understanding and he laid Himchan down on the sofa carefully. He ped Himchan's zippers and gave Himchan's clothed mem-

"OH GOD THIS IS SO WRONG!" You watched as Manager Kang quickly closed the book. "I'm gonna skip the rated part and go to the next story. Ah, Daejae!"
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Chapter 4: lol the stalker maknae couple =]
Chapter 3: awww DaeJae =] sooo cute.. =]
Chapter 2: hahahahh the ending =]
DinoCarrot #4
Chapter 4: Omfg but but Banghim and Daejae omfg cliffhangers ;A; but I love it omggggg
pychify #5
Chapter 3: Srly Manager Kang?! We know daejae is married already so they can do that..

This is perfect! They both admit that they're wrong! Real love <3
pychify #6
Chapter 2: No! Manager Kang I hate you!!! Read the whole freakinf thing!!

Awee banghim
The puddle!! Love that part so much
Chapter 4: awww manager kang you sure don't know us jonglo shipper babys if you think there is no rated fic of them ;) kkkk <3
ahh the jonglo surely cute <3
And merry christmas too!! ^^ <3
gosh /dying again/ OTL
aww jaejae and daehyunnie glad you two make up :')
and thankyou jaejae for meeting yongguk accidently and banghim then can be together~ <3
/dying hardcore banghim shipper/ OTL
lol manager kang so cute hahaha
Chapter 4: awww mai gawd that was cute~~~manager Kang is so random lolll reading fanfics of the boys n wth wae just stops whenever the rated part comes?xDDD
of course i love the Daejae one most *my ship xD*,also cuz theres hardships in their lives n love how they made out n got back tgt :'D it just made them love each other more~
tks for the gift ^_^ fighting!!