How could I ever leave you alone?

When he is more Pretty than me

Minhyun's P.O.V

I looked around, and I noticed that Ren and ______ haven't came back yet. I tried to not think about it, and just patiently wait, but I guess I can't. Its really hard to be patient especially when the person you love is concerned. I nudged JR who was still completely serious with his food, as is he is having a battle with the plate or something. "Whauwt?" JR asked annoyed and with his mouth still completely full. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"uh. Where's Ren?" I asked, not making it completely obvious that the one I'm actually looking for is ______. JR just continued to munch on his food, and shrugged his shoulders. He's so useless. Argh. I stood up to look for them, but I couldn't really find them. The only place they could be where I haven't looked at yet is in the women's bathroom, but it would be impossible for Ren to enter right... Well he looks like a girl, so I guess that would possible, but it's not like he would go in there right? I tried to double check the place, but there seems to be no sign of them. I went back to our table disappointed.

"Who are you looking for?" Baekho asked.

"Ren and _______."

Aron smirked. "Maybe you're only looking for ______." He sing-songed, and I gave him a soft punch on his arm to shut him up.

"They already went home awhile ago.." Baekho said, and I made him spill out more. "I saw Ren dragging _______ away from some guy." 

The reception has ended, and Aron hyung drove us all home. He is only useful because he has a car and he can drive. He can be totally annoying most of the time. I went upstairs to change my clothes and I sunk on my bed. I checked my phone, but there isn't any text messages from her. I sighed. "She usually text me at this time." I remembered what Baekho said awhile ago. Why is Ren dragging her anyway? Has he always been that harsh to handle girls? Thinking about it, ______ is actually the first girl he handled in exception to Nana. Nana is actually a noona to all of us, and to be honest we were all attracted to her as kids, but Ren's feelings seems more serious. It's sad to think that he just watched her marry another man. Well its not like he could do anything, their is not a joke.

I closed my eyes telling myself to stop bothering. Who knows maybe her phone has drained battery, I must look at the bright side right? I shook off the thoughts regarding her and Ren, and just tried to sleep. It wasn't that easy though, the picture of her holding Ren's hand keep appearing. I'm not dumb, Ren is truly my rival against her, although I still treat him as a good buddy, I can never deny that I'm kind of losing against him. I did almost everything haven't I? I even made myself look gay in front of her just to stop her from liking Ren, but it seems that it doesn't work like that. I saw her looking at Ren differently, and I knew that she likes him, but the affection doesn't seem so strong yet. I still have a chance, but I guess my only key to notice me is to be honest. There is no playing dirty when it comes to love.

I woke up, and checked my phone. There is still no messages/ I'm already getting impatient, so I called her already. The phone rang for about 5 times before she picked it up. "Hello." I said. I heard a man's groaning in the line. I don't know she groans like that. 

"Hello..." In a sleepy and lazy tone, but I knew this isn't her, because it's a man's voice I'm hearing. "W-who is this?" I asked completely curious, why is a man answering her phone. Did it get stolen?

"Ren." He yawned. What the actual... why is her phone with Ren. At this time... Did he and her... sleep together?! I shook my head. I took a deep breath and tried my best to keep calm.

"Why is her phone with you?" I asked trying to make my voice sound as if it didn't matter that much to me, but the little me inside me is already in panic, running crazily around trying to know how the situation became like this. I heard a small chuckle on the other line. "Why do you think so?" He asked sneakily, trying to test my patience. 

I swallowed. "She left it at your place." I calmly said, I was surprised at myself to even have a sane reason on me.

"Eeenk! Wrong~ She slept at my place." He smiled over the phone. My eyes widened, but I knew I shouldn't be fooled by him. Ren is sometimes like this, it's hard to tell when he is joking or not especially when he tells lies so smoothly.  I sighed and rolled my eyes in patience. "Stop trying to fool me." He suddenly laughed out loud, and when he was finally able to control the humor he said "Just joking.. but something did happen between us while she is inside my room." and then he hung up on me.

I suddenly panicked, and leaped up from my bed. I changed from my pajamas into decent clothes to check up on her. I knew where she lives... but please don't call me a stalker. I called a cab, and told the driver the address. When I arrived, I saw her getting the garbage out of the house, in some loose shirt, looking the same way she did, wearing glasses and pigtails. I run up to her, and grabbed her shoulder. She looked shocked, but I didn't mind, and then I noticed it. She has a love mark on her neck. That bastard.

I pulled her in a hug, and she didn't seem to resist, but she is completely confused with the situation now. "Hey what's with you?" She chuckled, giving me a light pat on the shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. She is this vulnerable, that why it's not hard to attack her. "How can I leave you alone, when you're this fragile?" I sighed.


okay sorry guys if you waited too long. 

I know what I want to happen, but don't know how to put into words at first. lmfao

anyways. My interview in my scholarship went sucessful~ Yay me~


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Chapter 43: Fourth round of this fic!voila!never gets old.//wink//
Chapter 43: ..OMG..Ren'm smiling like a dork right now! I read all the fix listening to taeyangs "love you to death" and I have no words. Best experience ever. Best fic ever. Just thank you...thank you.
You made my day. Really best day ever.. !! <3
THIS FIC <3 <3 <3
Thanks so much for posting it!
Chapter 43: That was beautiful just unbelievable beautiful.
chocoteddy #5
Chapter 43: It's cute, left me smiling like an idiot.
chocoteddy #6
Chapter 25: Can I say I hate u right now? I'm become a fan of ur story and I'm starting to like nuest. So yeah, I hate you * rolls on the floor*
KiseuBom #7
Chapter 43: Awww it's so cute<3 Rennie-oppa
Chapter 44: This is the 4th time I read the story. I can't get enough of it! :D
Angelz0715 #10
Chapter 43: Wow awesome story!! I love it ^^