Chapter 23

The Promise []

"Chun, what would you like to make today? S'mores or Mango Float?" Jae Joong asked as he held a pack of marshmallows on his right hand while his left held a pack of graham biscuits "I think S'mores is easier but Mango Float is tastier. What do you think, Chun?"

The lovely couple was out doing groceries. Buying the needed materials for their cooking. They usually made this a routine of theirs to make or cook food together. Neither of them suggested of doing such a thing, it just happened. And they got accustomed to it. It's really fun and worth it, since in the end they're the ones who will eat what they've made and they got the chance to bond with each other.

"Anything is good to me, Jae. Just choose whatever you like" YooChun replied with his boyish grin

And as always, YooChun's the one who let's Jae Joong choose on whatever food they're going to make. It's not because he's not excited when the fact is, he is. It's just he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking and he always like to try on new things. So, whatever Jae Joong pleases, it goes. And YooChun doesn't regret a thing at all since, for him, Jae Joong always knows how to make the right decisions.

Jae Joong was in doubt for a while as he looked back and forth from his left to his right hand with a pout on his face "Hmmmm.. I'm not sure.."

YooChun managed to snake an arm around Jae Joong's waist and nuzzled closer to the smaller man. "So, we're not cooking anything then?"

"No, it's not that. I just can't decide" Jae Joong shook his head as he still stared at the two items he had in his hands

With a playful grin on his face, YooChun whispered closely to Jae Joong's ear "Can't I just have you?"

That very statement made Jae Joong to become still. Not because he was taken aback but when he heard it, it sent a pang directly to his heart. Reminding, him of someone that he's not supposed to think at a time like this that he's with his boyfriend.

"Ya..aahh" Jae Joong whined softly as he wriggled from YooChun's hold

YooChun's lips traveled down from Jae Joong's ear to his cheek "Can't I?"

The warm breath he felt on his cheeks caused Jae Joong to blush. He tried to remain his cool as he decided to say "Le..Let's m...make S'mores then"

Letting out a defeated groan, YooChun smiled as he pecked Jae Joong's cheek "I understand. Let's make S'mores then"

Sometimes what he pleases doesn't please his lover at all. And YooChun understands that.

Jae Joong tossed the pack of marshmallows and grahams on his cart as he turned to face YooChun with a worried face "I love you so much. And you know that , right?"

"Of, course I do. I love you too" Both of YooChun's arm were now secured on Jae Joong's waist "And it's okay if we take things slow. I'm in no hurry and I was just teasing you, alright?"

Placing a hand on his boyfriend's chest, Jae Joong smiled nuzzling YooChun's nose with his "You're so understanding. I just don't know if what I am without you"

Just then, YooChun's phone rang and they both broke apart immediately. They both noticed that some shoppers passing by were looking at them with a smile, reminding the couple that they were actually in a public place . Jae Joong gestured for YooChun to take his call as he started pushing his cart and was looking for other things to pick, his cheeks were etched with a blush of pink as he saw an old lady in her 40's giving him a thumbs up.

"Hello?" YooChun answered the call as the I.D caller was Junsu.

For the past few days, YooChun had been busy with work, with Jae Joong and of course, texting with Junsu. Changmin would always throw him an annoyed look every time the latter would enter his office and find him giggling staring at his phone. He would have thought that it was odd since he and Junsu wouldn't be acting like this, they're not teenagers anymore. But somehow, he feels really good texting with Junsu. And knowing what his best friend was doing anytime, anywhere puts him at ease. As if, he doesn't need to worry.

And ever since the day Junsu called him back and told him that he misses him too, YooChun felt a sudden unexpected feeling inside him. The way Junsu said it, there was something in the tone of his voice that made his heart pound so fast and gave him some sensational feeling. It was like, YooChun's feelings for Junsu were slowly coming back. A part of him was saying that it wasn't good, he was not suppose to have more-than-a-friend's feeling towards his best friend since he's with someone already. That he's with Jae Joong. But another part of him tells him that it's not a bad thing and that it was normal since he'd been secretly loving Junsu for 10 years. And that he should just let his feelings be.

And somehow, the second part was taking over him. Maybe, just a bit. He still and really loves Jae Joong too.

"Chun, where are you now?" Junsu inquired on the other line

YooChun could hear a song by Rain being played in the background. Maybe, it's With U?

"I'm out buying groceries with Jae. Why?" YooChun looked back and found Jae Joong turning into a corner. Maybe, he was going to pick some more ingredients for the S'mores.

"Oh.." Junsu paused "Hey! Do you have free time, tomorrow? I'm gonna bring you somewhere."

"Yeah, I guess so. Where are you taking me? Is it a date?" YooChun asked teasingly

Thank goodness YooChun wasn't there to see how Junsu was madly blushing "Ha-ha. Yeah, it's a date alright. Just don't tell Jae Joong about it or else we're busted"

YooChun chuckled hearing this but toned down as he saw that shoppers were looking at him. He cleared his throat and Junsu continued. "Hey! I thought that you were with Jae. Where is he? I wanna talk to him..."

"Wait, I'll look for him" YooChun started to walk, his phone still attached to his ear as he looked from left to right looking for Jae. "Oooohhh, I can't find him. Maybe, he's in the-.."

YooChun was cut off as he saw not from a far that Jae Joong was talking to someone merrily. It was not his attitude to suspect or get jealous of Jae when he's talking to someone whom YooChun doesn't know or maybe to a complete stranger. But judging from the stranger's appearance he looks somewhat feminine and that it looks like Jae Joong's conversation with him was just getting heated. And he doesn't want to disturb. And YooChun knows very well that Jae Joong's a very cautious person so maybe he's talking to a friend.

"Ah, Su.." YooChun said again to the receiver "Jae's busy talking to a friend."

Junsu nodded on the other line, as if YooChun could see it "Oh, okay. So tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Tomorrow, sure." YooChun bit his lower lip "Hey, Su! Since Jae's busy and I don't want to interrupt. Can we talk for a while?"

Smiling like a fool, Junsu replied "Sure. Am I going to tell you about my day?"

"Yeah. Go on. I'll listen"

So YooChun turned his back as he went and turned into a corner leaving Jae Joong talking with a friend. As he, was going to talk with his bestfriend.

[a moment later when Jae Joong left YooChun talking to his phone :D]

"Hmmm, I think I'm gonna need some chocolates" Jae Joong mumbled to his self pushing his cart towards the chocolate section

Bending down to take a better look on what kind of chocolate he's going to pick, he found himself debating whether it's going to be Cadbury, Hershey or just Goya?

"You better pick Hershey. It will make your S'mores tastier" A voice said behind him

Jae Joong turned around to know who was talking and he's eyes widened when he knew who it was. The man was giving him that familiar smirk which would irritate him when he's still in high school. And that confidence that he's showing off when he's around the people he knows, it's still there.

"Donghae?!!!" Jae Joong immediately stood up and threw himself on Donghae giving the other man a lung-squeezing hug.

"He..hey!" DongHae laughed returning the hug "Happy to see me?"

Jae Joong pulled away from the hug as he beamed "Yes! How have you been? Oh my, DongHae! Where's EunHyuk, huh? Both of you been doing good? Wait! Did you even got together? Oh what am I saying?!"

DongHae could only chuckle in return. Jae Joong was still the same. Still beautiful, still breath taking, and still good to his old friends. But he could sense that there must just one tiny bit in Jae Joong that changed. Maybe, he's more talkative?

"That was your boyfriend you're with, hmmmm?" DongHae asked "And please don't deny it, I saw how sweet both of you are a moment ago"

Jae Joong could only blush "Why are you asking that then?"

DongHae batted his lashes "I just want confirmation, Jae"

Jae Joong laughed at the gesture covering his mouth. Still the same, he was still the same. DongHae mused in his mind.

"So what's his name?" DongHae inquired

Jae Joong bent down again to grab some bars of Hershey chocolate. And DongHae told him to pick the next one and not the dark chocolate Hershey.

"He's Park YooChun and we've been together for some months" Jae Joong placed the Hershey's bars on his cart "And he's a really sweet guy, Hae. Now, tell me about you and EunHyuk."

DongHae just shrugged "That EunHyuk is still a monkey like always. And we're... not really together, together"

"What?! But, you did tell him about how you feel, right?"

Jae Joong and DongHae we're so close during high school. They would tell each other their secrets. And one secret of DongHae was he's been crushing on his friend, EunHyuk, for quite a while. Jae Joong encouraged him to confess but it seems like he couldn't dare do it, saying that he'll do it once he's ready. At that time, Jae Joong and Yunho were already together and the couple tried helping the two out. And when Jae Joong's relationship with Yunho came to an end, Jae Joong didn't have a clue on what happened next.

DongHae was hesitant but then he said "Yeah, I did. And he said that he likes me too. So, we're taking things slow."

Jae Joong's eyes perked up as he heard this "Oh? So you're dating?"

"Yeah, for 2 years or so" DongHae nodded his head shyly

Jae Joong clapped his hands in delight and hugged DongHae again "I'm really happy for you, Hae!!"

"And I'm happy for you too, Jae"

They then exchanged phone numbers after that before resuming to their conversation.They both continued to talk as they pushed their carts together, walking side by side. DongHae tried catching on what Jae Joong's been doing when he was still in Japan. Jae Joong told him of the places that he visited, the people he met, and all sorts of other things he did back there. And he also told DongHae of his coming back, of meeting HeeChul, about his parents exploring the world and also having his own flower shop.

And then, it was DongHae's turn to talk. So, he told Jae Joong of how he confessed to EunHyuk. They were both hanging out on EunHyuk's place and we're playing some video games when he found himself staring at EunHyuk. The other caught him and said 'Why are you staring at me like that? You like me?' and DongHae replied without even thinking 'Yeah, I like you very much'. EunHyuk smiled before turning his attention back to the game, saying 'I like you too'. And then, they started dating after that.

And what fate has planned, the mention of Yunho's name couldn't be avoided.

"So, what are you buying?" Jae Joong asked when he and DongHae had ran out of topics

He pointed to the things on DongHae's cart which were all ingredients for making pastries and cakes.

DongHae picked a vanilla flavoring from a shelf "Oh, all of these? Well, Yunho asked me to do some groceries since he's.." DongHae trailed off when he realized what he's been talking "Oh, I'm sorry Jae. I mean... I-"

Jae Joong shook his head as he forced out a smile "Oh, it's okay, Hae. The past is past. No need to worry"

"I'm really sorry" DongHae said once again as he picked another flavoring from the shelf and placing it in his cart.

Though DongHae didn't intend to say those words but somehow it still saddens Jae Joong. The mention of Yunho's name would still send chills down his spine. And the awkward encounter they had was still tattooed in his mind. How could he ever forget about that? Yunho was acting weirdly, pretending of not knowing him and being oh so friendly. Jae Joong was really expecting that Yunho would strangle him or thrown him a bunch of questions about this and that. But it didn't happen. Instead, Yunho offered a hand shake, he was smiling and he even escorted him home. Was it all just for show? Was it?

"Uh, Hae? Can I ask you something?"

DongHae was tapping his lips when he was deciding if he was going to buy many flavorings as what Yunho said or not. Sometimes, Yunho tends not to use all of the flavorings and it'll be such a waste.

"Hmmm? What is it, Jae?"

Jae Joong's grip on his cart tightened as he tried to brace his self with the question that he's going to ask "When I... When I broke up with Yunho, was he mad at me?"

DongHae threw Jae Joong a skeptical look. And Jae Joong waited for him to respond. But DongHae was still looking at him as if he'd gone nuts. It wasn't the look that says 'Duh?! Isn't it obvious? Of course, Yunho would be really mad at you for breaking his heart'. Instead, it was a look that says 'Jae?' and period. Just that.

There was an eerie silence that occured after that. They remain still waiting for the other to talk but they couldn't open their mouths. DongHae's finger was still attached on his lips but was slowly running down to his chin as a realization suddenly hit him.

"You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?" Jae Joong asked as his brows furrowed

DongHae palmed his face since he can't believe this "Did you get the chance to talk to Yunho or maybe bumped into him?"

Jae Joong bit his lower lip "Well, I did. He's going out with Junsu, right? Actually, Junsu's best friend is YooChun and I'm with YooChun" Jae Joong lowered his head "I know you know the rest.."

"And he doesn't remember you?"

"How did you-.."

DongHae feigned a smile "I knew it." He walked towards Jae Joong as he placed a hand on the pretty man's shoulder "Jae, Yunho was..."

"Okay, okay! I'll look for Jae Joong. Yah! don't yell at me! I'll tell your boss about what you've been complaining about him. What?! Oh, no. Don't you dare do that, Su. Wait! Wait! Huh?! Aish.. Oh, Su! I found Jae Joong!"

DongHae and Jae Joong's gaze locked on YooChun who was saying Bye to his phone then flipped it closed as he ran towards their direction.

"Hey Jae! Who's your friend?" YooChun went over to Jae Joong's side smiling at the pretty man before smiling at DongHae

Before Jae Joong could open his mouth to introduce his friend, DongHae decided to introduce himself.

"Lee DongHae. Jae Joong's high school friend" He extended his hand. YooChun gladly shook it back "Park YooChun. It's nice to meet you"

"Actually, Jae Joong and I have been talking about you. You two were so sweet a moment ago"

This caused YooChun to scratch his head in embarassment and chuckle in a nervous and shy manner.

"Well, I have to go. These ingredients should be delivered to its owner as soon as possible" While saying this, DongHae eyed Jae Joong carefully who was looking at him with eyes that were asking a bunch of questions. Questions he knows that he should answer.

"I'll just visit you Jae on your shop when I'm free." DongHae turned to Yoochun and bowed a bit "And it was nice meeting you too. YooChun-ah, take very good care of Jae Joong"

And with that said, DongHae waved before turning his back, pushed his cart, and disappeared to a corner.

"He's nice" YooChun complimented as he looked at Jae Joong "Jae?"

"Uh, what? Oh, yes. DongHae is. Ever since high school"

YooChun gestured towards the cart "Do we have everything that's needed?"

Jae Joong nodded his head, eyes still in daze looking on the direction where DongHae had just disappeared.


"They're ready!!!" YooChun shouted as soon as the microwave ding-ed.

He immediately reached for the nearest and thickest cloth. Before opening the microwave and taking the tray out and handing it to Jae Joong who was already arranging the S'mores in a plate.

"Woah! Are we going to eat all of them?" YooChun said as he tried counting the S'mores they'd made.

Jae Joong let out a chuckle "Maybe we could. But if there are leftovers then we'll keep them in the fridge and eat them when we want to"

They both prepared what they need to prepare before going to the living room. When they both settled the plate of S'mores on the coffee table together with a pitcher of Iced Tea, the couple settled theirselves on the couch as YooChun turned the TV on.

They both sat in silence, both of Jae Joong's legs propped on top of YooChun's, the pretty man's head on the crook of his boyfriend's neck, as they watched a show and at the same time munching on the S'mores they've made.

YooChun laughed at what the actor said and Jae Joong could feel the vibration in YooChun's throat. And also the slow beating of YooChun's heart. He closed his eyes as he felt so comfortable with YooChun's warmth. Then, his encounter with DongHae entered his mind.

'You don't know, do you?'

That caused Jae Joong to think if there was something that he needs to know. Of course, there is. DongHae was about to tell him but YooChun appeared that's why he's left there trying to figure that something out.

'Jae, Yunho was...'

What? What happened to him? He wants to know.. But at times like this, he needs to be patient. He shouldn't call DongHae and ask if what it was. But he's itching to know about it. Still, he needs to restrain himself. Stay chill, Jae. Be chill. Maybe, once he finds out if what it was, it will just bring a great big deal of shock to him. Jae Joong needs to prepare himself. He needs to wait for the right time to know about what DongHae was supposed to tell him.

This time, he should enjoy YooChun's company. Just feel the other's warmth and skin, savor his scent, let his laughter linger in his ears and just cherish this moment. Just let himself loose. Just let him...

"Ahh.. Jae" YooChun bit his lip as he dropped his S'mores "Why are you nipping on my neck?"

Jae Joong let out a giggle and purred against YooChun's neck before giving it a . "Can't I?"

"I thought that..." YooChun's voice trailed off as he could feel Jae Joong's lips travel from his neck, towards the side of his face, Jae Joong's lips brushing his cheeks lightly.

"You know what, Chun?" Jae Joong whispered huskily against YooChun's ear "We haven't shared a real kiss ever since"

YooChun shivered in delight as he let Jae Joong breathed and whisper against his ears. YooChun's left hand which was on his lap balled into fist while his right, which was over Jae Joong's shoulder, weakened.

With his right hand, Jae Joong turned YooChun slowly so that he could face him. "You want to give it a try?"

YooChun couldn't help but his lips in excitement. His gaze traveled down from Jae Joong's eyes down to his lovely boyfriend's lips. And before he knew it, he got drawn just by looking at those cherry colored pair. Leaning forward, his left hand was not on his lap anymore but was cupping Jae Joong's right cheek. His right hand gave Jae Joong support as he slowly laid him down on the couch, trying to top on him.

Their lips met. And yes, it was sensational. They could feel the sweetness of each other's lips and the taste of chocolate and marshmallows blending in. Jae Joong's lips was soft, moist, and YooChun just want to bite it off. And Jae Joong loves how YooChun's lips would coaxed his. Unconsciously, Jae Joong's arms traveled from his side and found its way around YooChun's neck. He played with his boyfriend's hair and mewled in between their kiss when YooChun was massaging his side.

Just let yourself loose... Jae Joong chanted in his mind.

As their kiss was getting hotter, Jae Joong couldn't help but on YooChun's lower lip earning a low moan from the other man. Their limbs were entagled and Jae Joong's foot was teasingly rubbing against YooChun's leg.

Just let yourself loose.... try to forget... just try..

He tried letting YooChun gain access and enter his mouth with his tongue. But it seems like, the other couldn't get his message. So he tried entering YooChun's cavern instead.

YooChun was loving every moment of it, he's enjoying every second that his lips were working with Jae Joong's. He could feel that Jae Joong was pleading for entrance but somehow, he doesn't want to. He just feels that there was something that the kiss lacked. He could feel lust in it and desire too. He could also feel longing and expertness. But how come there was no spark? He could feel the love, yes there was love but it was a different type of love. And he couldn't feel that feeling that would really drive him to the point that he will long and want for more. He tried his very best to taste Jae Joong better. Working his lips as playfully and carefully as he could with his boyfriend to find that spark that he's looking for but he couldn't find it.

It was different from Junsu's kiss.

And in some way, Jae Joong feels the same. He knows that he should be blamed for starting this. He expected that this kiss would turn out to be something really special. Much special than 'his'. But he senses that YooChun was hesitant and wouldn't let him invade. So, he just let him be. Jae Joong admits that he's enjoying the kiss since he could feel the love and effort that YooChun was pouring into this. Though he hates to admit it, but on the back of his throat, he knows it wasn't the love he thought it would be. He keeps on working his lips with YooChun's trying to find some magic. But even the slightest flutter of butterflies in his stomach wouldn't occur.

This kiss was different from Yunho's.

This kiss their sharing was meaningless.

They instantly pulled away. The couple stared at each other for a while trying to catch their breaths.

And Jae Joong found himself on the brink of tears. He tried blinking them away but somehow they just flowed down from his eyes.

YooChun wiped those tears with concern taking over his face "Jae? Did I disappoint you?"

Jae Joong shook his head slowly, tears still flowing from his eyes "No. It was sensational, Chun." He cupped both of YooChun's cheeks "I'm just really happy"

He knew that it was half true and half a lie. Since the whole time he's been kissing YooChun, he couldn't help but find himself comparing it to Yunho's (not knowing that YooChun's been comparing his to Junsu's). But he was happy that they've shared a kiss. At least, there was love in it. A different kind of love. (and YooChun feels the same)

YooChun tried kissing Jae Joong's tears away, he could feel his heart crumpling and he doesn't know why. Maybe, because of guilt?

A tear found its way out of YooChun's eye and landed on Jae Joong's cheek. That caused Jae Joong to panic inside. "Chun?"

"Are you planning on leaving me?" YooChun sobbed as if he was a child going to be abandoned (again)

"No!" Jae Joong almost shrieked "No, no, no, no!" He filled YooChun's face with kisses

"I don't want to lose you" Jae Joong confessed as he lastly kissed YooChun's lips "I don't want to"

"Please, stay. Stay here. Stay with me" YooChun hiccuped as he gave Jae Joong's forehead a peck before settling himself on the crook of Jae Joong's neck.

They just can't understand what they're feeling. It was like, they were in a situation where both of them are cheating and they know about it but just wouldn't mind or admit it. It was also the feeling of knowing that someone wasn't meant for you but you would still chase them and would want their company so much. That you would just find yourself longing for them in some unexplainable reasons.

Jae Joong hugged Yoochun's body closer to his, not caring of how heavy YooChun was, he just wants to feel his warmth. He loves his warmth so much. Their limbs were entagled and their breathing, steady.

The television blared and they just left it as that. Jae Joong twirled a strand of YooChun's hair as he talked about DongHae and EunHyuk and the crazy things they would do when they were still in high school. (He skipped on the parts where Yunho was included, of course) And YooChun told him of the same exact thing that he and Junsu would do too.

They kept on talking and talking about things, lots of things, that they didn't noticed how time passed and it was running late. The soul mates left their S'mores and Iced Tea untouched as they both got immersed in talking about many stuff. And there were times in which YooChun would attempt on tickling Jae Joong and the other would do the same.

After their laughter and giggles died down and they weren't talking anymore, the couple fell asleep. Their hearts beated in rhythm with each other. And their hands were interlocked as they drifted into dreamland. Where they could dream of whatever they want. Where they could dream of unending happiness. Where they could be with the people they're meant to be.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Chapter 35: Are you abandoning this story? Please update if you have time, please... <3
Taekaiful111 #3
I love this ❤
waaaaaaaaaaa i love this>.<
finally they know each other feelings *faint
don't break them again pleeeaaaseee~~~
ah you're killing me when will you update this?? *puppy eyes
bmphuong122 #5
Author nim please update! I love your story so much <3
Xiahmicky05 #6
Chapter 35: please update.. cant wait for the next chappie! :))
#7 This is a TVXQ themed Fanfictions award. You are welcome to join :D Suscribe and upvote
Chapter 35: what happen to yunjae if they found out this...
lovely yoosu moment..
update..update and update please..;-)
bubblegirl12 #9

cute i hope you will update soon!! :DD
icecreamchoco #10
when will you update this? T^T