The Promise []

At exactly 7 o'clock in the morning, Jae Joong's alarm clock rang and screamed. With his right hand, he hit it off, making it shut itself out. He stretched in his bed and yawned. Today, he's going to work his off until he will feel so dead tired, that's what he had in his mind. Groggily rising up from his bed, he paused for a while, he feels like skipping his breakfast. Maybe, he'll just eat a lot at lunch today. So, instead of making a hot cup of coffee for himself, he decided to fall back to his bed.

He rolled to his side and grabbed for his phone at the nearby table. There was just something inside him that wanted to know if.... He immediately flipped his phone close as soon as he saw that there was not a message or a call from YooChun that appeared on the wide screen. Jae Joong frowned at his phone and he just tossed it to God knows where. Though, it had only been 2 days since he last saw YooChun but he already misses him.... and he's just worried. What if YooChun had to stay long with Junsu? What if YooChun will focus more on taking care of Junsu and he'll forget about me? What if YooChun.... Things were going crazy in Jae Joong's head that the left side of his brain was having a war with his right.

Oh, just cut it off Kim Jae Joong! Why didn't you call YooChun yourself? Huh?

Well, I don't want to disturb him if ever he's having his best friend moment with Junsu and....

Oh blah blah, come on! It's been 2 days! Call him already! Don't look like some hard to get teenager.... He'll understand once you call him and simply say that you miss him. Duh, simple as that!

But.... I don't know if...

Psht, my my my, Kim Jae Joong. This is not like you. When you we're with Yunho you would.....

Oh, just cut it out! You don't have to remind me of that!

And with that, the battle of the left side of Jae Joong's brain with his right, ended. He heaved out a sigh as he hauled his self out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

When I'll arrive at the shop, I'll call YooChun, he decided as he started stripping his clothes off and turned the shower on.

"Su! Are you sure that you'll be fine?" YooChun called out from the kitchen.

Both were now at Junsu's apartment. Junsu was at the living room watching TV while YooChun was at the kitchen making something for both of them to eat.

Junsu sighed. It was like YooChun's 5th same question ever since they arrived at his place. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry, I can handle myself"

"Sure?" YooChun popped out from the kitchen and entered the living room with a tray which has 2 bowls on it.

Junsu made space for YooChun to sit and he smiled as his best friend sat beside him "Yep! I'll be oh okay"

YooChun handed him a bowl, Junsu accepted it and then frowned. Well, he was aware that YooChun doesn't know how to cook but...

"Yah! Why is it that yours' filled with milk and mine's....."

"Oh, come on! Eat more! I don't want you to just sip some liquid. Eat more of the solid stuff, Su. It's healthy" YooChun winked and stuffed his self with a spoon full of cereal (or more likely with more milk and less cereal)

But cereals tasty with lots of milk, Junsu pouted but just decided to say sarcastically "Yeah, right. Thanks for taking very good care of me"

And he started eating his cereals... with no milk.

What Junsu wanted now was for YooChun to leave. Well, it was not like he doesn't want YooChun being at his apartment and keeping him company. It's just; he needs to plan things out carefully if he wants to see Mr. Park again without YooChun suspecting a thing. He could ask Yunho for help about going back to the hospital but he wasn't yet sure of that. Maybe, Yunho's having a tight schedule since many customers keeps on ordering from his bakery. Well, Yunho's bakery is well known for its tasty pastries and cakes. And, of course, he noticed that his best friend needs to visit his beloved boyfriend, Jae Joong.

He took a quick glance at his friend who was focused on eating his cereal while watching TV at the same time. Somehow, he remembered the kiss and his heart pumped in a very eerie way..

Junsu's lips twitched into a smile. Having breakfast and watching TV with YooChun wouldn't hurt.

Maybe, just for a little while, Junsu said in his mind.

"Wait! How am I supposed to do this?" Changmin asked in a panicky voice as he looked around the room.

He was dressed in an expensive suit, it looked similar to Armani. His face was touched up already with light make up which doesn't make him look gayish but a bit mature and manly in some way.

Some of the crew just stared at the Changmin who's standing at the platform. The only thing they need to do was to smack their palms onto their foreheads.

KiBum who was comfortably seated in front of the computer, where Changmin's photos were supposed to appear, just shook his head from side to side.

"Are you sure about this one, KiBum-shii?" one of the crew whispered to him

KiBum eyed Changmin as he nodded his head "Of course. And Noona, herself, agreed on this. She didn't have any second thoughts when she saw Changmin's picture. She even admitted that he was good looking and he suited the role."

"Maybe, Noona wasn't paying much attention. Maybe, she was...." The crew stops midway his sentence

"Are you questioning Noona.." KiBum gave the crew a glare "and MY abilities? Hmmm?"

"No.. it's just..." KiBum didn't wait for the crew to finish his sentence. He instantly stood up and went over to the confused Changmin.

The poor guy looked so helpless. Though he was clad and wrapped in an expensive suit and his face was painted with the latest make up but the expression on his face was so priceless, he looked like a lost kid, that KiBum had to stifle a laugh. Kibum tried to clear his throat as he approached the 'model'.

"Changmin, you're aware that we're doing a photo shoot for a new label, right?" KiBum calmly asked

The other nodded his head "Yes, and what should I do?"

"Well.. do you know what to do once you're in front of the camera?"

Changmin hesitated but then answered with doubt "I have to pose?"

KiBum his beard, as if he has one, well let's just say that it's invisible, and smiled "That's right..."

He watched as to how Changmin moves and fidgets in his place. He noticed the sweat that was slowly forming on the other man's forehead. And the way Changmin looked around the room; his eyes were showing off something that KiBum hasn't seen in him. Not until now....

KiBum coughed and adjusted his eye glasses "Tell me, are you nervous?"

Just by the way he asked the question somewhat made Changmin jump in his place "Well... I'm not the camwhore type of a person so... I don't know if I'll look good and..."

"What do you exactly feel right now that you're wearing an expensive and new suit? And that you're the first ever person to wear it and you're advertising it to other people?"

Changmin bit his lower lip as he tried to look for the right answer. He could feel his jaw tensing up. It was the first time after so many years that he feels conscious and unsure of himself.

"I feel pressured..."

KiBum was about to frown but he shrug it off "Think of something positive to say Changmin. Something good about this photo shoot"

The way KiBum said it, made all the muscles in his entire body relax and feel relieve. Changmin doesn't know why but the way KiBum's voice sounded as he said those words were so soothing that he wanted the other man to talk in that tone of voice for as long as he wants.

It was his first time to be in a photo shoot so it's natural if he'd feel nervous and wouldn't know of what he should really do. He was worrying of what would KiBum and the others think of him. In some weird reason, he doesn't want to disappoint anyone especially not KiBum. And, though he hates to admit this, but Changmin wants the rack of designer's clothes so badly.

Think of something positive. "Well, I'm happy and flattered to be in this photo shoot"


Think more of something positive "And it's great to be here. Everyone's very nice and friendly.."

"What else?.." Say something about what you feel for yourself, KiBum mused.

Changmin let out an uneasy smile. He placed both of his hands behind his back as he swayed from left to right like a little innocent kid who denied of getting a cookie when he actually did.

"Well, the truth is.... I feel..." Changmin trailed off and huffed

"You feel?..." KiBum repeated

Think of something really positive "I feel handsome"

And that was the answer KiBum was waiting for.

He smiled as he went to Changmin and patting the others' shoulder, he said "So, since you feel handsome, you need to act like one. And I assure you, you'll look good in the pictures"

Changmin somehow blushed as he heard this and he mentally slapped his self for feeling mushy.

Remember Changmin! You're STRAIGHT! And KiBum's STRAIGHT! And both of you are FRIENDS! STOP getting those weird feelings when he touches or talks or looks at you!

Changmin managed to grin back and thank KiBum.

KiBum resumed to where he was before and everything was ready to start the photo shoot all over again.

And within the span of 3 hours, Changmin took more than hundreds of pictures. And he did look good in all of them. Or more to say, he looked really hot. Good enough to make every women (or maybe men?) drool. And as what he wanted so badly, Changmin brought home a rack of new designer's clothes.

"Hey DongHae! EunHyuk! How did we do today?" YunHo questioned as he stepped out from the kitchen of his bakery, cleaning his hands with a towel.

DongHae and Eunhyuk had been Yunho's friends ever since they were in high school. They would play games and hang out with each other back then. Up until now, their friendship goes stronger. They're even working in the same place.

DongHae who was at the cash register smiled widely "Same as always Hyung! We had lots of customers today. Almost all of our pastries and cakes got sold out. But there are still some left"

It was already normal for Yunho's bakery to run out of pastries and other treats so quickly since they're undeniably delicious and scrumptious. Not to mention that the staff and the baker himself were utterly good looking. Many girls, young ladies and ahjummas would come running to Yunho's bakery once it opens. They would just love to have a glimpse of the handsome staff and the hot baker. That's why Yunho's pastries and treats gets sold out so quickly. And that's also one of the reasons on why they could go home earlier than expected.

"But we could have them, right Hyung?" EunHyuk piped in as he finished cleaning the last unclean table in the area

"Yeah, sure, sure. Anyways, is there any cake left?"

DongHae bent down from the cash register to check the remaining cake on display and returned with a grin "Yeah, we have one left"

Before Yunho could open his mouth to ask if what kind of a cake it is, EunHyuk who was already standing beside Donghae, with the cash register in between them, urged "And it's a strawberry cake"

Yunho's face fell "Oh, no chocolate cake left?"

Donghae and Eunhyuk turned around to check once again and said in unison "Nope"

"We only have strawberry cake left" DongHae said again

"Yep! Only strawberry cake" EunHyuk agreed

Yunho shook his head and pouted a bit "Hmmm... That's not good. Junsu doesn't like Strawberry Cake. He only likes Chocolate"

DongHae and EunHyuk looked at each other and smiled uncertainly.

Then out of the blue, EunHyuk whispered to DongHae with his brows wiggling. "Well, Jae Joong likes Strawberry Cake"

DongHae squinted his eyes and smacked EunHyuk's head "Ssshhhh.. Don't say that! You monkey!... Yunho will never re-.."

And it was also a common knowledge for both of Yunho's friends to know about his past relationships or more to say relationship. Since it was only Kim Jae Joong he's ever been with. Not that Yunho remembers it though...

"Yah! DongHae why did you do that to EunHyuk?" Yunho asked as he came closer to his friends

"Oh nothing!" DongHae glared at EunHyuk as if saying 'Don't you dare do it again! Or I'll kill you' and then turned to Yunho with a big smile

"Yeah, it was nothing Hyung" EunHyuk said as he rub the back of his head on where DongHae just smacked him. He gave DongHae one of his I'm-sorry-my-tongue-just-slipped-and-I-won't-mention-about-the-past-ever-again look

Yunho just stared at his two friends as if both of their noses grew 3 inches long "Okkaaayyy.. Since there's no more Chocolate Cake, I'll just give Junsu cookies then"

DongHae immediately jumped in his place and ran over to the remaining pile of cookies. He snatches one bag and handed it to Yunho. "Here Hyung"

"So, does that mean that we will have the Strawberry Cake?" EunHyuk inquired as he looked at Yunho with hopeful eyes

Yunho pursed his lips and thought for a moment "Hmmm.. Just wrap it up. I'll bring it home. I'll eat it myself"

Both DongHae and EunHyuk's faces fell. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"That's okay. You guys could have the cupcakes" Yunho said as he patted EunHyuk then DongHae's shoulder, assuring both of them.

In an instant, DongHae was already handing Yunho the Strawberry Cake which was already inside a box. "Okay, Hyung! Thanks!"

EunHyuk pushed him towards the door of the bakery "You have to go now Hyung, Junsu's waiting. Thanks a lot!"

When Yunho was already out of the bakery, both EunHyuk and Donghae were standing in front of him, waving their hands frantically.

"Byeeee Hyung! Take Care!" EunHyuk said as he continuously wave

"Say Hi to Junsu for both of us" DongHae chirped

Before Yunho could say his Goodbye, the door to the bakery was shut and the sign CLOSE was on display.

Yunho just shook his head and chuckled "Aish... These two.. It's my bakery but they're acting like it's theirs"

He walked over to his car and slipped to the driver's seat. Yunho placed the Strawberry cake on the passenger's seat and stared at it for a while.

Maybe, he'll let Junsu taste this one. Just for a change.

It was 3:30 in the afternoon and YooChun was no where in sight. Jae Joong had called him, once. And when he didn't pick up, Jae Joong assumed that he was still busy taking care of Junsu. So Jae Joong decided not to disturb him any longer. He was hoping that YooChun would call him back. And after waiting for 4 long hours, YooChun didn't even send him a message. So in order to take his mind off his boyfriend and instead of going emo over YooChun since he didn't bother to check or say hi to Jae Joong, the pretty man decided to just drown his self with work. And he succeeded in doing this.

He had already arranged every flower that he needs to arrange in his shop. And everything was already in order. But he needs to work more, he wants to work more.

Then instantly, Jae Joong heard the ting of the bell. His head immediately jerked right up hoping that it was really YooChun. But he heard no footsteps coming his way or walking around the shop.

"Hello?" Jae Joong called out but no one answered.

Then without warning, a red balloon came flying his way and it softly hit his forehead. He let out a tiny yelp and stared at the balloon that was floating in front of him. Right at the end of the string, there was a little piece of wood. And something was carved on it. Jae Joong looked at it carefully and it read:

"Do you need help?"

He shot the piece of wood a confused look and he looked around to search for the one who's responsible of doing this.

He heard someone cough and he looked from left to right to know where the voice was coming from. Then a goofy smile appeared on his face as he found YooChun standing a good few inches away from him.

Jae Joong wanted to run to YooChun and hugged him tightly. He wanted to scream at YooChun's face and tell him of how much he longed to see him, of how much he misses him so much. He wanted to tell YooChun that he wants both of them to spend as much time together. He has lots of things to say to his boy friend. But Jae Joong stopped himself from doing so. Something just prevented him from running into YooChun's arms. Because there was something inside him telling him 'Just wait.. YooChun has a surprise for you'

He stood there with the red balloon on his right hand and he stared at YooChun. YooChun gave out a boyish grin and Jae Joong just smiled in return.

"Good Afternoon" YooChun started and bowed

Jae Joong's face was really confused and he doesn't know what YooChun was up to. Could it really be a surprise?

"Hi! My name is YooChun. And I'm a flower shop explorer"

YooChun placed his left hand, which was balled into fist, on the left side of his hip. His right hand was darted right up in the air that he looked like Superman on his position. Jae Joong giggled seeing this.

"Jae Joong's Flower Shop must be explored! Kraaa Kraaaa... RAWR!!!"

Jae Joong bit his lower lip. Trying his best not to burst out laughing. What's with YooChun? Did he hit his head on the wall or something?

"RAWWWWWWWWWWRRRR!! Rawr! RAWWWWWWWWWWRR!" YooChun growled as if he was a lion

"Okaaaayyy... What's with the act?" Jae Joong smiled sheepishly

YooChun went up to him and grinned in an even boyish-er way "Do you know what RAWR means in Dinosaur Language?"

Well, Jae Joong didn't even know that Dinosaurs have their own language. So, he doesn't have a clue what RAWR means.

Jae Joong just shook his head implying that he doesn’t know the answer.

"Hmmm.. Okay" YooChun said nodding "Actually when a Dinosaur RAWR's it means that he's trying to tell the Dinosuar he likes 'I Love You'"

Jae Joong blinked at YooChun and giggled "I'm not a Dinosaur"

YooChun's boyish grin got even wider "But I Love You"

Jae Joong could feel that his on the brink of crying. But he tried to stop himself. He doesn't want to cry in front of his boy friend now. Not that it was the first time he'd seen him after 2 days of separation.

So, instead of shedding tears, Jae Joong wrapped YooChun in a tight hug and whispered softly on the other's ear "I'd missed you. So much"

YooChun returned the hug and breathed on Jae Joong's strawberry scented hair. "I'd missed you too"

When they pulled apart, the balloon softly hit YooChun's cheek; Jae Joong immediately squeaked an apology. And YooChun said that it was fine.

"Hey, where did you get that Kraaa Kraaa and Rawr act of yours?" Jae Joong asked

"Well, I saw a great movie with Junsu today. The title was UP. You know, we should watch it together. And you know what? The lil boy named Russel was so cuuutteeee..."

Jae Joong listened to YooChun as his boy friend continued to blab and blab. Unknown to YooChun, Jae Joong loosened his grip of the balloon and watched it fly to the other side of the shop from the corner of his eye. Then, he held YooChun's hand as they headed to the table near the counter for a good cup of tea.

The red balloon brought back memories... Memories with Yunho


"Hey Jae! Look, a little girl gave me this red balloon. You want it?" Yunho smiled brightly as he handed Jae Joong the balloon.

Jae Joong accepted the balloon and eyed it carefully. His lips cracked into a smile and he said "You know, when I was a kid my mother would always give me a balloon whenever I cried"

Yunho watched Jae Joong and waited for him to continue. Jae Joong stared at Yunho for a few good seconds and urged...

"And she would tell me to play with it. And so, I would. But then, every time I tried to play with the balloon it would always pop. And poof! It's gone. Then, I'd cry again"

"So you never wanted a balloon ever since then?" Yunho assumed. But Jae Joong shook his head.

"Ever since then, I'd always thought that balloons hated me. So every time I'll have one, I would always set it free. And watch it fly wherever the wind is taking it. And I'd imagine that some kid would find it and have it. I always thought that every balloon I'd have deserves to be with someone else"

Yunho gave out an amused smile as he continued to stare at Jae Joong "So.. What will you do with that balloon now?"

Jae Joong turned to Yunho and smiled at him. He then, stared at the balloon "Of course, like I would always do. I'll set it free"

"Because someone deserves it better than you?"

Jae Joong nodded his head as he set the balloon free. Yunho and Jae Joong watched the balloon as the wind carefully drag it to whatever place it's destined to go.

Chuckling, Jae Joong turned to Yunho and smiled. A sweet smile that Yunho would always look forward in seeing eveyrday.

"And you know what Yunho? I think I don't deserve balloons at all. I think, I deserve you more. Yes, I deserve you much more"

Yunho smiled when he heard what Jae Joong said. And with no seconds to spare Yunho kissed Jae Joong's soft lips tenderly and fully.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Chapter 35: Are you abandoning this story? Please update if you have time, please... <3
Taekaiful111 #3
I love this ❤
waaaaaaaaaaa i love this>.<
finally they know each other feelings *faint
don't break them again pleeeaaaseee~~~
ah you're killing me when will you update this?? *puppy eyes
bmphuong122 #5
Author nim please update! I love your story so much <3
Xiahmicky05 #6
Chapter 35: please update.. cant wait for the next chappie! :))
#7 This is a TVXQ themed Fanfictions award. You are welcome to join :D Suscribe and upvote
Chapter 35: what happen to yunjae if they found out this...
lovely yoosu moment..
update..update and update please..;-)
bubblegirl12 #9

cute i hope you will update soon!! :DD
icecreamchoco #10
when will you update this? T^T