Consigning to Oblivion

Time Reversal

He was silent for a few minutes, his eyes closed, causing fans to worry what had happened for he had also fallen to the floor. Yoochun and Junsu rushed over to him, worried. 

They breathed a sigh of relief upon his awakening.

Suddenly, Jaejoong shot up from the floor and glanced around wildly, wrapping his arms around his torso.

Yoochun and Junsu shared puzzled glances. They decided to approach this situation carefully, wrapping it up and ending the performance. 

"We'll be back soon!" They called, waving and dragging Jaejoong into their changing room, where no one could enter without written permission.

The crowd groaned in disappointment, but each fan had concerned expressions. What happened to Jaejoong? 

"Jaejoong, how many fingers am I holding up?" Junsu asked, pointing two fingers into the air.

"Bluw." He replied, flailing. His expression seemed rather young and immature, his movements stiff and inaccurate.

"Who am I?" Yoochun pestered, bringing his face closer and closer towards Jaejoong's.

He flinched, recoiling back.

His face scrunched up, turning beet red. He opened his mouth.

"WAAAAHHHHHHH!" He thundered, rolling down to a side on the sofa he was placed upon. 

Junsu stumbled back at the sudden outburst, eyes widening to the size of saucers. "Neh, Yoochun, don't you think he..."

"Resembles a baby? I agree." Yoochun finished. He prodded Jaejoong's side, causing him to break out into hysterics once more. 

"What do you think happened? Is it possible to start thinking like an infant, losing all other memories?" 

"I don't know, but one thing's for sure. Unless we can get Jaejoong's memory back, we're pretty much doomed." Yoochun's expression was grim. 

While the two of them were discussing what they should do, Jaejoong's mind was running wildly.

'Do I know them? They're familiar, but a lot of people are familiar to me and I can't exactly trust anyone except for my family. Where am I? How come I'm in these clothes? Aish, it's so tiring to pretend to wail! I think I should stop the act soon, but what will happen then? People tend to be more gentle to those who are still babies, whether it's physically or mentally, so I would probably be safer if I pretend to be a baby. Mom never pities me now because I grew, even if I got hurt. Still, this is getting a bit ridiculous. I don't even know what's going on!' He worried, fearing for his own safety. His voice was getting sore from the screaming, and he was also stricken with fatigue. 

'Aish, why aren't I at home, safe and sound in my bed? And why do I look so old?!' Jaejoong abruptly stopped wailing, staring at his hands and his body. 'Don't tell me...' He stared at Junsu and Yoochun with a horrified expression.

'They must be evil, mastermind scientists that I always see on cartoons! I get it now! They must have entered my spirit into a grown up body before realizing and discovering a fatal flaw in their plans! That's why right now, they're discussing what they should do with me. Man, when Mom finds out, she'll throw a fit.' He snapped, proud of his own theory. 

Yoochun blinked a few times, focusing his attention on Jaejoong before shooting upright, pointing at the mentioned man. 

"You! You! You tricked us!" He spluttered.

An indignant expression flashed through Jaejoong's face. "I did not!" He whined childishly. "Why do you have to blame everything on me? I was only trying to survive from you evil scientists!" 

Junsu laughed a little. "Haha, Jaejoong's just like how he was when we first met him, isn't he, Yoochun? Bratty and imaginative, but he cares for his friends all the same." 

Suddenly, realization dawned upon him. 

"Yoochunnie, I think I figured out what happened!" He jumped up and down excitedly shaking Yoochun's shoulder.

"See, when the clock hit Jaejoong in the head, the blow caused him to - " 

"Lose his memory, or go back in time from where he was still a kid?" Yoochun asked.

"Mhm!" They clapped each other's hands, "So that's it!" 

Jaejoong blinked. "Oi, oi, oi! Who are you? How do you know me, you evil scientist and his evil scientist sidekick?" 

"Who's the evil scientist? Me?" Junsu chirped eagerly.

He shook his head, pointing to Yoochun. "That guy. That... Wide forehead, evil scientist guy."

Yoochun pouted, dropping to the floor in mock horror. "My forehead! My wide, wide forehead! Woe!" Jaejoong laughed a little at his overreaction.

Suddenly, there was a knock on their door. Their current manager, assigned from Hwang Jong Wook who was also the CEO of C-Jes, had been worried about what had happened.

"Yah! Yoochun-sshi, Junsu-sshi, is everything alright? The fans are starting to erupt into a wave of disorder!" He shouted.

Yoochun glanced at Jaejoong and sighed, knocking his knuckles against Jaejoong's forehead. "You, little boy, will be causing us a lot of trouble." He stood up and answered the door, formulating a lie in his head that would seem plausible for the time being.

"Ah, mianhe, Jaejoong's a bit tired and his head hurts because the clock had struck him right in the forehead. We'll be back soon, but in the meantime, can you please try and keep them entertained? Or, at least, explain the situation to them. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience!" Yoochun bowed several times apologetically.

Luckily, their manager was an understanding man, so he just sighed and shook his head. "You guys better be good enough to appear in your next schedules. I'll tell them what has happened, and ask for them to go home. However, this also means we may have to schedule another performance in order to make up for this one."

Junsu popped up, nodding. "Okay! We'll be sure that he's okay by then."  The two of them bowed once more.

"Kamsahmnida!" They chorused, and their manager just waved them away airily, walking away, murmuring some nonsense.

Yoochun looked behind him and was surprised to see Jaejoong's furious face, having his mouth taped. He chuckled, "Nice thinking."

Junsu winked and gave him a thumb's up. "What are these brains I have here for, if not for thinking nicely?"

To lessen the confusion of the situation, Junsu would ask all the memories that Jaejoong remembers while Yoochun would teach him the dances, the lyrics, and what to say in interviews in case he forgot.

They also decided to use a week, at most, taking turns during each day. First, they would have to convince the CEO to allow them to take a week off, using Jaejoong as their overall excuse.

After that, they would immediately get to work on pounding and drilling everything Jaejoong needs to know into his head.

"Is everything set?" Yoochun asked, reviewing the sheet of paper they had used to plan their, well, plan, down.

"Mhm!" Junsu grinned, "we're ready to go."

They cautiously went up the elevator to where the CEO's room was. Yoochun cleared his throat and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He turned the knob, Junsu following him.

Hwang Jong Wook raised his eyebrows, wondering what the group he had taken under his wing wanted to ask of him.

"Er, Hwang Jong Wook-sunbaenim, is it alright if we take a week of from our schedules? I know, it's probably an impossible request, and our schedule is packed since we'll need to fly over to Beijing soon, but is it too much to ask for, at least, 5 days? During our last concert, a clock had struck Jaejoong in the head and we're pretty worried. We don't want to overwork him, or cause him to develop anything serious. Also, he seems to be a bit odd and he's not acting like himself, so if that's okay, can you please let us take at least 5 days off? If it's not too much to ask for, a week?" Yoochun blabbered, clapping his hands together and bowing.

Hwang Jong Wook seemed to be deep in thought, pondering over the costs of what would happen if he let them do so. Many of their schedules would be cancelled, disappointing countless fans, and that wouldn't do his company any good. On the other hand, it's also important to keep JYJ healthy and happy for they would be the ones satisfying the fans.

By this time, Junsu had gotten on his knees, despite his rather huge ego, and started to beg. Jaejoong was precious to them, and so was this title. It wouldn't do to have Jaejoong forget everything they went through, especially with the lawsuit that's still going on. The battle wasn't even over yet.

Yoochun, having noticed Junsu's sudden position, had also dropped to his knees and begged. "Please!"

Hwang Jong Wook sighed. How would he ever reject those hopeful faces? He may be a rather strict person, but he's not one that could crush the hopes of people.

"Fine," he started, "but, don't be too surprised if you guys are exhausted and restless by the time everything has settled down. It's a consenquence you have brought upon yourselves, and if you aren't ready to accept it, then you shouldn't have requested this of me in the first place."

Their expressions brightened. "Thank you! Kahmsamida! Arigatou gozaimasu! Xie xie!" They blabbered in gratitude, using as much languages as they have learned.

He chuckled. "Now go."

They nodded, bowing at more than a 90 degree angle. "Thank you very much, sir!" Junsu saluted and left, as did Yoochun.

Hwang Jong Wook sighed. Those boys he had taken custody of for the time being are impossible to reject sometimes.

Junsu grinned. Out of the two tasks they had decided to each do, he had been given the easier one. While Yoochun was out practicing his vocals, he was busy pestering Jaejoong.

"Jaejoong! Jaejoong! What is the last thing you remember?" He asked, a clipboard in his arm, a pen tucked in his ear, sunglasses upon his face, and a pencil in his hand.

Jaejoong felt like he was actually being interviewed, and basked in the attention Junsu was given him.

"Aha, I remember Mom tucking me into bed with a smack on my forehead. 'Course, it was a playful one. Anyway, I also remember dreaming about my sisters and food, and there was this weird music in the background while everything was going by. I dunno, it went like, 'Empty... empty... and... cold...' and it was just weird." He shrugged.

Junsu gaped and pointed at Jaejoong. "AAAHHH!" He shouted, "SO YOU DO REMEMBER SOME THINGS!"

"Wha-?! What'd I do?!" Jaejoong panicked, looking around.

"See, see, that was from our song, Empty. And by 'our,' i mean JYJ, which is Jaejoong, you, Yoochunnie, wide forehead evil scientist, and me, Junsu!"

"... Uh-huh?"

"And since you dreamt part of the lyrics to the song, and you were able to sing it to the tune, it means you didn't completely forget us! You're still a bit conscious of us somewhere in your puny little brain!"

"Hey! That wasn't nice! My brain is plenty big, thank you very much."

Junsu laughed, "As a kid, no. As my chingu, sure."

"Your friend? Since when did I become your friend? How do I know you, anyway? Rather, how do you know me?"

He chuckled. "Tell me if they look familiar, alright?" He pointed to the poster that was taped onto the wall, showing Yunho and Changmin.

Jaejoong stared at it thoughtfully. "Hmm... The guy at the right seems a bit familiar.... You know?"

"Yes! U-Know!" Junsu cheered.

"What the heck be you talking about? I know? What do I know? I was asking you if you know."

"U-Know! U-Know! U-Know!" Junsu chanted in hopes of having some memories pour back into Jaejoong's mind.

"I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOOOWWW!" He shouted back in response, falling back on the bed he was currently sitting on.

"No! U-Know! Not you know!"

"What's the difference?!"

"U-Know is spelled with a 'U'! You know is spelled with a 'Y'!"

"Don't they mean the same thing?!"

"Nooo! U-Know Yunho! YunJae! JaeHo! JaeMin! MinJae! Do these mean anything to you?!"

"YunJae...?" The name made him think of another name. "Yunho?"

Junsu clapped. "Yay! See, the guy at the right over there is Yunho, and he was the leader of the group we once were part of and performed in. Of course, things got a little complicated, so for the time being, we're split apart. Me and Yoochun will always keep the faith in them, ourselves, and our fans, though, so we're determined to come back together and never separate again."

"... Huh? Brain-fart moment allowed?" 

"Brain-fart? Haha, I haven't used that term in a looong time."

"What?! How could you not?! Do you even know what a brain-fart is, you oldy?!"

"Yah, I'm not old! How old are you?!"


"Whoa. I AM old."

"So ha."

"Haha to you!" Junsu stuck his tongue out.

"Blehhh!" Jaejoong blew him 'The Raspberry.'

"Meeehh!" Junsu mocked him indignantly.

They continued to have this childish argument, bringing out Jaejoong's later personality more and more with each passing minute.

"Just shut up, Junsu! You're such a child!" Jaejoong furrowed his eyebrows and frowned.

"... Eh?"

"What? Oh, so now you're having a brain-fart moment, huh? Ha!"

"What'd you just say?"

"Uh... Oh, so now you're having a brain-fart moment, huh?"

"No, no, before that."


"Before that!"

"You're such a child?"

"No! Before that!" Junsu persisted.

"Shut up, Junsu?"

"Yes! What's my name?"

"... J..." Jaejoong stressed out the sound for quite a long time, bringing Junsu to the edge of his seat. "J..... Brain-fart!"

Junsu fell over in disappointment. "Babo!"

"Hmph! Can we end this day now? Like, 3 hours passed already." Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

"Whoa, really?!" Junsu sat back up, glancing at his watch. "That means we've been arguing for more than two hours. Whoaa. We must've had a lot to talk about."

"Actually, I think it's because we ordered some pizza and lounged around and watched TV within those two hours."

"... Oh. Good point."


"Well, I did my share of work today because I made you remember my name and Yunho! Hey, hey, wanna go play a video game?"

"Um... Sure. But I'll warn you right now, I'm a master at them, no matter the game!" Jaejoong smirked arrogantly.

"Yeah, I'm sure of that." Junsu shot back sarcastically, walking over to set up the equipment. "Do you want to go meet Yunho and the other guy in the poster?"

"Will you even be able to?"

"Well, there is something clearly wrong with you, so even if - oh wait... They're in Korea, and we're all the way here in Japan. Poo."  Junsu pouted.

Jaejoog raised an eyebrow. "Were they important to you... To us...?"

"To me, yes. To us, even more so."

"I see.... And... Do you think I can be the Jaejoong who knows all the stuff and more than you guys know?"

"Yes, definitely. Just don't lose hope! The almight Junsu will be here to support you." He flashed him a cheesy smile.

Jaejoong laughed, "I feel so assured."

"Hey, you should be!"

The next day, it was Yoochun's turn. He had a lot of responsiblity, so he must make sure that Jaejoong understands everything that is being told.

"Okay, we'll start with Ayyy Girl." He the boom box he had brought to the dance studio they would be practicing in.

He handed Jaejoong the lyrics to the song.

"It's to be sung in English, so I'd like you to try it out first. You can skip the beginning, since those aren't our lines, and I don't want to push you too hard, but try and just pronounce these words correctly." Yoochun explained, pointing to the verses that were for them to sing.

"L... Less d-duu eet, f-frashingu rightos?" Jaejoong twisted his mouth around in attempts to speak the English language.

Yoochun laughed. "It'll be hard the first few times. Repeat after me."

Jaejoong nodded uncertainly.



"No no, add a 'teh' sound after 'leh.' After that, you can pronounce the 'ss' part."

"L... Letehs?"

"Close, but not quite. Put more emphasis on the 'LEH' part of the word instead of the 'teh.'"

"LETehs?" Jaejoong shouted out.

"That works!" Yoochun grinned cheerfully. "Next word... Do."

"D-do. "

"Well, that was easy."

"I agree."

"Next! It!"


"That's okay. Next! Ooh, this is a hard one. Flashing!"


"Try not to include the 'oo' part at the end, and try to say 'ull,' but put more emphasis on the 'u' in 'ull.'"


"Now say it quickly!"


"Good!" Yoochun clapped proudly. "Now say that line together."

"L-let's do ett, flashing lights!"

"Nice! Now, let's get the dance down, because the dance is more important. The lyrics, if you really can't say it correctly, you can lipsync it and me and Junsu would probably be able to cover for you. As for the dances, you'll need a lot of help, because that's one of the only things we won't be able to help  you with except to teach you how to dance the choreography."

Jaejoong sighed, "Junsu was more fun."

"I see you've remembered a few things?" Yoochun asked.

He nodded. "Yep. Someone named Yunho and Junsu."

"Ah... Yunho-sshi, our leader... Good times.... But anyway, do this!" Yoochun bent slightly, held a fist half-way up, and made a rolling motion with his other fist. "It's pretty easy."

Jaejoong imitated him as best he could. He kept practicing it, determined to become the Hero Jaejoong he once was.

Yoochun suddenly turned the music on and without warning, Jaejoong's body started to move. His movements were smooth and slick, matching the rhythm of the song completely. His footsteps were light and dainty, fluttering over the dance floor as the song went on.

"Tried to make you my baby... Go crazy...." He murmured, breathing a bit heavily. "Here, I do this..."

'So this is what it means that once you learned something precious to you, you'll never forget it, huh?' Yoochun thought, smiling. 'Well, my job just got a whole lot easier. The rest is just to teach him the lyrics and what to do during interviews...'

As the song trailed to an end, Jaejoong collapsed on the floor, panting. "What... was... that...? Did I... actually dance... That entire song... Without your... help?"

"Yes, yes you did. And this is more proof that you truly belong with us, no matter what age or mental appearance you may take on." Yoochun replied, giving him a big round of applause. "Next is Empty, and then Be My Girl, and then Be The One, and then -!" 

Jaejoong groaned, flopping around on the floor. "I don't wanna!" He complained. "It's too much work!"

"Don't worry, each song will probably take an hour at most. The rest of the days will be to master them, and they'll get a lot easier and relaxing as you get better."

He sighed. "Fine."

In the same fashion as they had done for Ayyy Girl, Yoochun patiently taught Jaejoong the rest of the dances. He planned to, after tomorrow, teach him how to pronounce the words accurately, unlike today's rather pathetic attempts.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as smoothly as was planned. Jaejoong began to forget everything he had learned the day before, resulting in Junsu and Yoochun reteaching him everything. It was beginning to get a bit tiring, and they wanted to get a real break.

What's more, his attitude was getting unbearable. He complained and whined almost every second, and even though it's a normal sight, considering what he thinks his age is, there's a limit to such things.

A few days before the week ended, Junsu snapped. He had enough.

He stormed over to Jaejoong and, despite the latter being his elder, smacked him across the face.

"You! Get serious because this isn't a joke! You have no right to complain, nor do you have a right to whine after me and Chunnie spent our time that we could've used to carry out schedules as planned training you so you will remember everything! This is beneficial for you more than it is for us! If you're tired of everything, then just remember what happened and things will settle down! You don't even know what's going on right now, you don't even understand the conflict and complications of TVXQ's situation, and yet you're acting like such a spoiled brat?! No! I will not allow that, even if you're still, physically, my hyung!" Junsu thundered, his face turning red.

Jaejoong blinked, stunned and in a daze. It was a bit difficult to let everything be absorbed and thought about, for there was a lot to think about right now.

Yoochun peeked from the doorway, hearing the racket Junsu was making. He was surprised to see Junsu lifting Jaejoong up by the color, beet red.

"I see you taught him a lesson? He deserved one." Yoochun furrowed his eyebrows, turning to Jaejoong. "Have you learned your lesson yet?"

Out of nowhere, Jaejoong began blurting out the lyrics to all the songs that were taught to him with an almost fluent English accent. He blabbered all the memories he had obtained from Junsu's persistance, and everything that he was supposed to talk about and answer during interviews.

The other two raised their eyebrows in unison, wondering what caused the sudden change.

Oddly enough, it seemed as if Jaejoong's mind was expanding and he began to splutter the names of all the songs they, along with Yunho and Changmin, had sung together. He recalled all the memorable moments they shared, tears starting to run down his face.

Yoochun and Junsu's expressions were slowly changing into bright ones. Was Jaejoong really gaining his memory back?

When he finished, he was running out of breath. "You two... are crazy... idiots..." He mumbled, falling onto the couch. He started to sleep soundly in front of them.

"He must be tired." Junsu mused.

"Obviously. Everything we went through just hit him in the head."

"Just like..."

"That clock!" They chorused, bursting out into laughter.

"Well, the least we can do right now is allow him to rest. Tuck him in with a blanket, please? Thanks!" Junsu grinned. "I'm going to go tell Hwang Jong Wook-sunbaenim that we're going to be good to go by tomorrow."

Yoochun nodded. "Sure!"

They high-fived each other, glad that their mission was sort of a success.

It was the first concert they had after the incident, and everything was going well.

Their performance was causing fans to scream and squeal, shout and cry in happiness. The excitement in the air caused the room to heat up, resulting in perspiration in almost every person.

They didn't mind, though, for the fact that the three were, once again, performing, meant that Jaejoong was alright and their prayers had been answered.

A few fans who were holding red, glowing sticks accidentally flung them into the air. They gasped in horror, hoping that the sticks wouldn't land on stage.

This time, their prayers were not answered.

A red stick smacked Junsu right in the back of his head. He fell down, shocked from the sudden impact.

Yoochun's eyes widened and he ran over, concerned. He wrapped an arm around Junsu's shoulders, trying to support him.

The other fans waited at the edge of their seats with a bated breath, wondering if what had happened to Jaejoong would happen to Junsu.

"... Who are you?" Junsu asked, a bit shyly.

Yoochun groaned.

Not again.

This was so not happening.

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koreankendi #1
This was so cool!!! :)))<br />
I enjoyed this one a lot! Thanks! :)
nice one shot :D
OH MY GOSH one of my favorites ever :DD That was HILARIOUS! You did a great job [:<br />
As for Yoochun, I feel sorry for him xDD
NappeunYeoja #4
Haha^^ nice oneshot
freespiritxj #5
LMFAOO, JUNSU! :D that freaken epic I love it!
a95959 #6 cute !<br />
nice one shot !<br />
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