First Day on the Job

F.T.Island's Personal Assistant

" You guys ready yet ? Hurry up , we need to get there ASAP . " The weirdest thing happened today , a girl waiting for the guy to get ready . Jea Jin got out first , followed by Jong Hun and Min Hwan . seung Hyun got out , nagging about Hong Ki , " We could've gone earlier , but the eldest decided to take an extra 15 minutes snooze . right , hyung ? " " Yeah , yeah , blame it on me , I'm guilty ." Hong Ki said with a slight expression of annoyance . 

 " Hello boys , please go to changing room, and , who do we got here ? " the magazine editor looked at Andi from head to toe . Jong Hun spoke up , " She's Andi , our personal assistant ." She widdened her eyes in shocked , "Omo , jinja ?! I thought Andi was a guy . Manager Soon Ho told me you guys are getting a PA ,  and her name was Andi , I was wondering how he got a guy to be a personal assistant . But, as usual , my assumptions were always incorrect. And now , you've guys got a really beautiful girl to help your poor manager ." 

  The photographer , noticed Andi's radiance , made up his mind and jotted down a few things in his notebook :


Next album teasers , 

PA girl = model

call MSH tomorrow .


" I think you guys had enough today , next month you'll see you guys on the cover of Trend Taker . Bye boys ." After a tiring , stressing but had a fun time of photographing , the five boys went back to their dorm . 


Three weeks later ,


 "Hello Andi , I kinda have a favor to ask you , that is , if you want to do it .." "What is it manager ? " Soon Ho gulped , and said ," Well , you know the boys are gonna unleash a new album , right ? Well , the director , me and everyone agreed , that you should be one of t the actress ..." Andi was shocked , " Why can't Miss Hyeajong be the actress ? And besides , won't the fans know I'm not a singer , model or actress ?" Soon Ho smiled , "Well , because you're much more prettier than any other singer , actress or model . And , I think the fans would pay more attention to the song than the actress , don't you think so ? " Andi sighed , " Well , you have your point , I guess I should give it a go.." the  manager was happpy enough to hear the girl gave him the answer he wanted . " Perfect , I'll tell the director you're up for it , oh , and please don't tell the boys okay ? I wanna keep it a surprise." Andi giggled , " You sure have a knack on giving somebody a suprise ."

 The next day ,

 F.T.Island arrived at the set , this time , the story was a bit different from their other MV'S , a girl and her boyfriend was playing cupid with their friends . They set up a lot of dates and scenes for their friends , but unfortunately all of them failed . Their friends confronted the couple one day , both of them confessed that they didn't want to see the lonely faces of their friends . Their friends felt sorry and tried dating each other . It turns out the date was a success . Then , the other four couples , told their relationship to the couple , both of them jokingly say " And they live happily ever after ~~"

    To Andi's luck , she was paired with Jong Hun as the third couple . The acting was rather akward , since both of them were supposed to act all innocent and clueless at the begining and lovey dovey at the end of the video . The clueless part was easy , the lovey dovey part was a hard one .

 Andi had to be carried bridal style by Jong Hun and then they'll look smitten and had to kiss . The carrying thing was bad enough , kissing the leader ?! She felt sooo embarassed , yet there was this inner thought saying , " You know , I've always wondered what the y leader's lips taste like ? Must be sweet ~~~~  "​  She cursed that part of her mind . She really hoped they just have to bluff the kiss . But both of them had to kiss lovingly to each other . Everytime they kissed , she felt her heart stopped and then beating fastly.


Jong Hun  ?


Half him felt what Andi felt , the other half felt so happy and joyful . As long as Andi had been their personal assistant , he had a crush on her . He had fallen for her . " I love her "  ***poof*** he said it in his mind .

 After shooting , both Andi and Jong Hun fell silent . The others didn't noticed much , thank goodness....



Yay !!!!!!!!!!! completed this chapter .... And chapters I need to finish ..... GAWD SOO MANY CHAPTERS !!!!!!!! I'll try to upload ! chapter a day . ByeBye~~

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sounds interesting~