Plans in Question

Key's HighSchool Story

             I couldn’t be falling for Jonghyun. This just couldn’t be happening to me. I was Kibum the loser. Kibum the nerd. Kibum the person not many people talked to. Jonghyun was the schools kingka. He could have any girl he wanted, so why would he want me, a GUY? He was nice, kind, funny, and extremely beautiful. He was someone everyone liked and everyone wanted to be around. This made him way out of my league. He had girls around him 24/7 and there was most likely something going on between him and Se Kyung.

              What was worse was Jonghyun wasn’t making the situation any better.  He was now sending me good morning text messages and texting me all throughout the school day. Of course I replied to all of them. I was a helpless romantic hoping there was something more than just these nice texts. I was hoping Jonghyun actually liked me.

               I’ve been hit on by guys before but neither of them compared to Jonghyun. One of the guys was Ok Taecyeon.  Taecyeon was a member of the basketball team with a height well over six feet and had extremely large biceps (compared to me). He was known for sleeping around with any girl who wanted a good time and the only girls who wanted a good time with him were the school s. He and I only exchanged a few words with one another since he was two years older than me so we didn’t have much to say.  Last year after school when most people were gone, Taecyeon had approached me as I was walking down the stairs. He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me in close as he said,

“You know, if you and I lived together, I would you every day of the week.”

                I couldn’t even think after hearing those words. Taecyeon saying this baffled me because we hardly ever exchanged words with one another. Did he think I was a girl? Of course not, he had to know I was a guy. I didn’t realize I was being backed up into a wall until I felt something cold touch my spine. Taecyeon was now hovering over me still squeezing tightly on my arm. The only thing I could think of doing to a guy this much larger than me was to raise my knee as hard as I could into his private area.  And that’s exactly what I did. He quickly let go of me and fell to the ground grasping his groin, leaving an opening for me to escape down the stairs. Taecyeon didn’t bother me much after that and since he graduated last year I didn’t have to worry about seeing him ever again.

                The relationship I had with Jonghyun was so confusing. Most of our conversations were through text messages. Since we only had English class together, we hardly seen each other. But the constant texts I received from him made up for that. We texted every day. I questioned this thing we had going on every time he’d send me a nice text. These thoughts were soon followed by the thing he possibly had with Se Kyung or other girls for that matter. I hardly knew much about Jonghyun. We never really talked much about our personal lives. I didn’t feel comfortable telling him about what my life was like at home. But I wanted to know more about him. I mostly wanted to know why he started texting me.


“Hey Key, what’s up?”

“Nothing, just bored right now”

“Same here. Did you hear about the fashion show our school is going to have?”


“I’m thinking about auditioning for it.”

“You have to audition to get into the fashion show?”

“Yeah. It for those who get denied. It’ll be like you aren’t good enough to be in the show. :/”

“Well I think you’ll have no trouble getting in.”

“XD thanks”


Hey can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Why do you talk to me?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, why do you text me so much?”

“Because you’re Diva Key :P”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“I just like texting you I guess. You don’t treat me like everyone else does. I don’t get my way when I’m talking to you like I do with other people. It’s different when talk to you.

Is that a better answer? :P”

Jonghyun really had a way with making me blush into a beat red color. I didn’t know what to say. The mood of the conversation was getting a little awkward now. How was I to reply to that message without making it more awkward?

“Aww, thanks”

“Yeah. That’s why I like talking to you. Why do you ask?”

Crap. I couldn’t just tell him it was because I liked him and was trying to find out if he liked me too. I had to quickly change the subject.

“No reason.  So how was that night with you and Se Kyung?”  Great, just another awkward topic to bring up. Pabo Kibum

“Oh, last week?”

“I guess, I wasn’t really paying too much attention when you were talking to Hyuna and Jieun about it.” I flat out lied.

“She stood me up.”


“Yeah, it made me feel bad.”

“Aww I’m sorry. :(”

“It’s okay, maybe some other time.”

“You still want to date her?”

“Well she told me she had something to do so she wasn’t able to make it.”

“-____-;; that’s not really standing you up if she told you she wasn’t able to make it. PABO”

“It still hurt.”

“W/e you big baby. So are you two like, a thing?”

“No, not really. We talk from time to time and meet up to do "stuff"  ;)”

I know exactly what he meant by this. So it was true. Even if they weren’t dating, there was still something going on between them.


“Yeah, so what are you doing right now?”


“I’m watching this movie, it’s really good.”


“Key, are you okay?”


“So what’s with the one worded texts?”

“Sorry I’m doing something right now. Can I text you some other time?”

“ :[

Yeah sure”

I didn’t feel like talking to Jonghyun anymore. The more we talked, the more I was falling. Falling into something that could only result in me being depressed and disappointed.  Why was I hoping there was something more? Why was Jonghyun so nice to me when we talked? Why did I have to get so frustrated about my feelings when he probably just considered me a friend? I threw my phone on the other side of my bed and walked into the living room to watch a movie. I need to get my mind of all this stuff. I definitely wasn’t going to pick a romance movie to watch, that would just make things worse.


Horror movies were nothing but killing and death. At least, that’s what I thought. This movie unfortunately had a love story in it. Why me? Don’t the directors realize I came to this movie to forget about my romance problems? I then began to think about seeing Jonghyun more in person. If I did this then maybe he’d forget about Se Kyung. But how could I do this? I couldn’t just flat out say, “Jonghyun I want to see you more” without it sounding really forward with an ulterior motive behind it.

Oh yeah, the fashion show!

All I needed to do was try out for the fashion show and then Jonghyun and I could spend more time together outside of just texting.

Plan…….. IN MOTION!!!

Hey everyone, just another chapter. :D I was thinking about changing the name of my story just because I feel like "Key's Hopeless Story" doesn't really describe it that well. The story won't just be focusing on Key and Jonghyun's relationship but other problems as well. You'll find out in the next chapter(which I happened to already start writing ^^) But I was thinking maybe something like "Key's Highschool Story" or something. IDK i'm not good with titles but it would be nice to get a few ideas from you guys. Since I have more time I will be updating a lot more frequently now. Hopefully you guys enjoy my story so far and subscribe for more chapters. I LURV dem comments and subriptions!!!

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SOOOOO sorry for that long hiatus. But I am back and will be updating this story very soon. And I will try to update it weekly. Stay tuned!!!!! XD


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Chapter 6: I will stay tuned! I need to find out how this continues. Hwaiting author-nim! ~<3
Hagumi_Uchiha #2
Chapter 5: Oooh that chapter was soo cute! ^__^ :33 Please write next chapter in the close future! ^^
Chapter 5: ^^ thanks for the update! the date was really sweet ^^
theeKPOPlover #4
Chapter 4: Omg but key is gorgeous do ppl not see that in ur story *Sigh* anyways i loved it hope u can update ^^
Chapter 4: poor key :( i hope someone can help him not feel so insecure
thanks for updating ^^
I just want to thank you all for subscribing and reading my story so far. I hope you will continue to enjoy and I hope to not disappoint in following chapters. (─‿‿─)
LITTLEdebbie #7
Chapter 3: Awww your story is really cute. Hope Key's plan works. Looking forward to the next update ^^
Chapter 3: yay u update!! ^^ i was looking forward to reading your new chapters ;)
kibum hope your plan works!
and about your title im sorry i dont think i can help im bad at titles too >.< i had to ask my friend to come up with a title for my story haha
but key's highschool story is alright :)
theeKPOPlover #9
Chapter 2: OHSOPUAIHEDNIUGFHSUIHJFNYSUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBFSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNGJK I can no longer speak English you have to update I mean like daily your story has become my strange addiction... cant sleep eat or breath *sigh* FML
Chapter 2: thanks for updating!! ^^
i cnt wait for more it soo sweet how jonghyun treats key :)