


Tiffany Hwang; A beauty beyond almost any compare, heir to a multi-million dollar company, an eligible bachelorette.


Jessica Jung; An average girl, a bakery employee, just another face in the crowd.


Their meeting was by chance.


Or by destiny depending on how you had seen it.


They could have never met at all even; it could have been another employee that had spoken to Tiffany.


But it wasn’t, it was Jessica.


And so began their story.



Hello! :3

So if you're reading this; You've managed to stumble across my fanfic. This is my first fanfic so I hope any readers like it ^.^

- sooyoungspastic  c: 


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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 2: Pls comeback soon
Okay, sounds kinda strange to be asked about oneself from a stranger just like that... BUT IT'S JeTi so EVERYTHING'S JUST FINE!!! XD
waiting fer more <3
Chapter 2: Like the story already!! Yeheey x)
Update while you have the time, Author :D
Subscribed! XB
Chapter 2: i like the story! update soon
KalakiMae #5
Chapter 2: thanks for the update please update again soon.
Chapter 2: update soon~
calmad #7
Chapter 1: this story from wat i've read is simple,i like it like that,thx for the update.
Chapter 1: another JeTi story, ay? aish... my browser is full of JeTi/YulTi fics so.... I'm good....

update soon....
Chapter 1: i think this story gonna be jjang!!
please update soon please~
sound intersting hope you update soon
my JeTi heart <3