The Two Moons

The Two Moons


At The Office 

“Kai! Finally you come, dude!” Sehun immediately stand up from the sofa and then smashing my shoulder.

                “Yeah, I must fix some stuff in my house,” I replied while smiling brightly to Sehun, “I haven’t done some preparation to welcoming you guys this night so maybe my house’s still bit a mess.”

                “It’s alright of course,” Suho replied from his desk while concentrating on his desktop, “I think yours’ better than mine. My little twins throw everything everyday,”

                “Hahah, you’ve got a jackpot dude!” Chanyeol speak now, still playing his smartphone, “Having two boy means you have two destroyers, eh?”

                “Yeah, how poor I am. I never asked my wife to give birth two boys!”

                I chuckled hearing Suho’s word. He always complains about his marriage life every time. 

                “So, this is the design that you’ve ordered by email,” Luhan approaching me with bunch of paper in his hand.

                “Yeah, I think we must fix some details in this view and…” I flip the paper to check the other design, “The coloring here is not match so you should change the yellow…,” I point at the door on the design,”With some brown-wood color.”

                “Ne, wait a minute Mr. Team-Leader!” Luhan take the design back from my hand to his desk

                “Do you think Boss will accept it this time? He’s thought is totally unpredictable!” Baekhyun asked me while drinking his coffee.

                “Our chance to win the design is 85% I think,” I answered while staring at him, “The SJ Team hasn’t finally done all the design and coloring. I learnt from Kyuhyun Hyung that Leeteuk Hyung wasn’t happy with his team performance.”

                “You right, although  Leeteuk Hyung is the most senior designer in our corp but he’s too bit old-fashioned and over-obey the rules of design,” Sehun replied this time, “I met with him this morning and his face really look like a zombie. He told me that he wasn’t sleep for two days.”

                “The old boss always praise him by the way,” Suho added while sitting with us in the sofa, “Leeteuk hyung is a detail-master and the boss really like his style but unfortunately, the new boss has a-bit-unique style. So he’s decieved, right?”

                “Yeah I agree with you. Only Kai whose understand his unique-style, eh?” Chanyeol nodded while smiling at me.                          

                “Haha. Fortunately, I have the same-unique-preferences so I think we both have same idea,”

                “This is it!” Luhan bring the whole-fixed design to my hand, “Good luck, Mr. Team-Leader! We count on you this time!”


My phone ringing three times, means there’s a phone call. When I look at the screen to see who’s on phone, I smiled while answering it, “Yoboseyo, Choi baksa-nim?”

                “Ne, Where are you now, Taemin-ah? Do you feel better this time?”

                “I’m at my home now. Yeah, I feel better with your medicine yesterday. Big thanks,”

                “Thank God you’ve felt better. Umm.. do you live alone in your house?”

                “Nope. I lived with my dongsaeng. Why’re you asking such of matter? Are you already miss me?” I chuckled when say that.

                “Yah! I only want to know that you’re not in trouble doing all the house stuff. With the help of your dongsaeng, I think you’ll recover faster!”

                “I hope so. Thanks for your attention, by the way!”

                “Hmph.. you’re my special patient, Taemin-ah. If there’s a problem call me immediately, Alright?” I laughed when she said that.

                “Ne, of course I’ll call my best-friend-forever-baksa-nim if there’s something wrong with the medicine. I’m alright. You’ve not to be worried!”

                “Aish. Ne, I’ll follow your rule then. But I won’t forgive you If you come again to my hospital with same problem,” she threatened me this time.

                “Hah-hah! Yeah, I promise to you, Hyejin-ah!”

                “Okay, I think I must go now. The director has been waiting for me to finish the meeting. Annyeong!”

                “No problem. See you soon!”

                I hung up the phone and smiled to it. Choi Hyejin. She’s the only woman that never looking down on me, a 30-years-old-unemployed-man, who has physic dissability. Yeah, now I don’t have my leg. I lost my right leg when a big fire burned our apartment into pieces.

Even though that fire has been happened more than twenty years ago, I still remember the terrible atmosphere when my Mom screamed out her pain while my Dad died in silence. They let the dragon prey them, just to assure their lovely sons still alive.

                Then, I look at a picture on the wall. That picture shows a handsome-glassed-man carrying a little boy and a beautiful-red-haired woman smiling into the camera, her right arm crossed at the shoulder of the other boy. I smiled to that picture because when I look at it, I feel very grateful that we still alive now. I never forget my promise to Dad that I will take care of my brother. No matter what, I’ll always protect him and make sure he’s happy.

For me, Jongin is everything. 

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