Interlude - Story Arc 1.5: ChunJoe

Through the kisses we have shared


A/N: Thank you all for the comforting words! I did got better... though :) I hope you all have a good christmas!


“I’m going to turn down the chance. I think it would be best that this chance be given to someone else.” His teacher frowns at the reply given, but at the same time puzzled. Just yesterday, he was so elated to go for it, but now he look all down and troubled. “Is there something wrong? If you need help, please do tell.” His teacher requested. Chanhee shakes his head, denying it. He did have problems, but it is not something a teacher can help. It is slightly… personal in a sense. “Okay. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you take a week’s time to think over your decision. I really want to you benefit from this. Alright off you go now.”

Chanhee chose to give up his chance of his dream for the relationship with his partner. Leaving now, would prove to strain his relationship with Byunghun. The program requires him to depart on Friday – which also indicates the day Byunghun would confess to the girl. But maybe his teacher is right that he shouldn’t make such a hasty decision in declining it. There could be a way out of this situation. Requiring help, he searches for a height-mismatched couple in the cafeteria.

“Chanhee! Over here!” Changhyun calls out, waving his hand frantically to signify his location. Chanhee greets the couple, before slumping into his seat. Changhyun frowns with worry at the sight of the action. “What’s wrong?” No reply from Chanhee, but Changhyun could see the problem. “Then it must be Byunghun then… So what’s the problem?”

“I was chosen to go to the next country.” Changhyun smiled brightly at the hearing of the reply. “Congratulations! I heard that they have over thousands of nominees, but it looks like you got chosen! Though I’m unsure where the problem here is…” Changhyun says, trailing off to silence. Chanhee sighed, before explaining his predicament.

“I… see. The two events conflict with each other huh. Can’t Byunghun confess another day?” Chanhee shakes his head. Stopping a guy who has mustered enough courage to confess, that’s just pure evil. It isn’t easy to do that, and Chanhee doesn’t want to be the bad guy there. “Maybe you should talk to him, or ask Daniel? I think he gives the best advice out there” Changhyun advised, grinning happily in hopes in putting a smile on Chanhee’s face.

“Or, break the partnership. You are suffering with him Chanhee.” Jonghyun said. Changhyun hits his boyfriend on the shoulder, scolding him for being insensitive. “I mean, it is true right? Chanhee could only watch his own heart ache in pain while Byunghun goes around behind a ball of happy sunshine. Either Byunghun isn’t a very good partner, or our Chanhee here is an extremely good actor.” Jonghyun countered. The older boy did make sense but would Chanhee leave Byunghun?


Saying Byunghun is a bad partner, would be an understatement. He does care for Chanhee, but not in a way people can see it. They are one grade apart, and most of their other time together is at their dorm. In fact, he did sense a problem in Chanhee for quite a while but do not want to bring the topic up, afraid that it may anger the older boy. He arrives home later than usual, and finds that his other tenant is already home. He walks pass the Chanhee’s room and just happen to catch a very interesting conversation.

“I’m turning down the program Dad. I… don’t think I should go…” Program? What program is Chanhee speaking off and why Byunghun himself doesn’t know about it? ‘Aren’t we partners Chanhee?’ Byunghun thought.

“I want to go, this is my dream! But…” Here it comes, the problem that Byunghun have waited. Knowing the source, could allow Byunghun to help Chanhee ease it away. He wants to be helpful to his older partner at times, and this could be his chance in doing so. Seeing a happy Chanhee, makes him… fell happy as well.

But however, Byunghun is so immersed in eavesdropping, that he didn’t realise that he have lean on the slightly opened door a little too much, causing him to swing open the door and tumble forward. The other tenant quickly directs his attention to the intruder, before hastily ending the call. “What are you doing Byunghun?” Chanhee asks, with a tone of dissatisfaction in his voice.

“I was uh… too tired, so uhh… I fell forward on your door.” Chanhee’s face softens, before rushing forward to check the boy’s for any abnormalities. The closeness between them, make Byunghun flush a little but the boy himself didn’t realise it at all. “Are you okay? You seem to be a little red…” Byunghun quickly steps away, realising the reaction his body is giving. “I’ll be fine… Uh… I’ll be heading to my room then” With that, he quickly retreated to his own room.

‘Why am I feeling this way? We’re just partners…’ Byunghun thought. Maybe he could be just getting too tired, and probably a night’s sleep should help him relieve of this feeling. He should just focus on his plan he is going to carry out on Friday.


Chanhee watch as the boy leaves for his own room, before settling down next to his study table. He picks up an application form that he had never wish to touch it in his entire life. Fortunately it is still blank, but I might be… soon. On the paper, it states a few words that anyone in this country would know. One most chose to avoid as much as they could, unless on free will and both party have agreed to do so.

' Application form of Separation '


A/N: -

Disclaimer: I do not own the Gifs nor Pictures.

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Chapter 13 is bein rewritten at the moment. More content and less rushy. Though the story remains the same :) chapter 14 will he posted promptly on january 1st.


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Chapter 21: Omg, this was so cute! my chunjoe feels T.T
i love this chunjoe story...
OMG!! can you please make a sequel for it??
Chapter 21: This story is so cute!! <3 All the pairings ^^
Chapter 21: Awww!
Just flipping aw. Flipping aw! lol.

And by the way, chapter 20 made me sad. Such sudden sadness!
But that should be going away now from this chapter xD.

Thank you for writing this. I loved it so much. So unique. I love youuuuu
Chapter 2: I.. This story. This story's plot is already so freaking unique and individual that I can't even.
That kiss was somehow the most innocent kiss in the history of history!
I love this.. I can't believe I only just now began to read it.. *heart is stopping*
Chapter 7: The fan art of changrick is so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Finally, something original!!
weeheealaska2701 #8
Chapter 21: there SHOULD be a sequel to this! i mean like this is such a great story
iehanny #9
Chapter 21: omo~ the song frightened me, i read it at 3 in the morning
Awwieeee i love this story!