Story Arc 1: ChanRick Final

Through the kisses we have shared


A/N: Supposed to update this yesterday, but fell sick. But here is it! 


Changhyun gasps for air, with knees bend and hands holding hard for support on it. Back crouches, as his chest heaves in and out. He stands at the porch of Jonghyun’s apartment. He seeks answers, from the many questions he have. He hope, this is certainly not a prank from the older guy – If not it would be one that would hurt Changhyun till no end.

“You’d know, I would for once, like to see you somewhere else nicer, rather than my home, Changhyun.” The said boy turns his head, to find the owner of the apartment leaning one side, with arms folded. A grin plasters Jonghyun’s face as he watches with amusement of the stamina-less boy. Changhyun raises the letter in his hand, wanting the other boy to take it. Jonghyun reads through the letter, nodding with agreement. “I see no wrong with this letter. What do you want to know?” Jonghyun asks, still keeping the grin.

“This… What is this? Why am I… your partner?” Changhyun demands. Jonghyun walks forward, and wraps his arms around the shorter boy.

“Didn’t you always want to know who my partner is?” Changhyun nods into the chest of Jonghyun, waiting for the other to continue. “Well, now you know. Don’t you think I need some comments? I’m not used to such a quiet Changhyun you know” Jonghyun chirped. Changhyun mumbles into the clothes of the other.

“I can’t hear you. Talk to me would you?” Jonghyun said, before lowering himself face to face with Changhyun. Changhyun sniffs with tears, snots trailing out from his nose. “You dirty boy, look at you.” Jonghyun laughs, before wiping the other’s face clean. But the tears wouldn’t stop, and the taller boy has no idea why.

“Hey hey hey… Why are you tearing… shhhh don’t cry would you? It won’t make you very cute.” Changhyun puches Jonghyun in the shoulder after hearing that, before turning around, back faces the other.

“I… I thought this is all a prank. You know how jealous I am when I thought I have to share your…”

“Share my what?”

“Your lips… with someone else” Jonghyun blinks a bit, before drops down onto the ground, clutching his tummy and laughing away hard. “This… This is just too much Changhyun…” Jonghyun said, before continues his laughter.

“I-it is not funny! Humph!”

“Okay Okay… I promise to stop laughing!” Jonghyun clamps his mouth with his hand, but his body betrays him as he fidgets with laughter. Changhyun glares at the other boy, flushing red on his cheeks. He pouts, but with no feelings of anger. Jonghyun pats the yonger boy after successfully calming down. “So, are you happy?”

Changhyun nods, before hugging the older boy. Now he has Jonghyun all to himself. The feeling is pretty nice. Call him possessive or obsessive, or a spoilt kid, but all is due to love. But Changhyun doesn’t have to worry, for the love is mutual.

Jonghyun smiles, as he cups he meaty cheeks of his lover, positioning to looking him. He plays the other’s nose with his own, both boys grinning with happiness. Then, the distance closes between them, as their lips connect. Needless to say, the battle of the tongues never fails to happen. But Changhyun didn’t try for dominance; rather he gave in willingly, a sign of giving his own love to the other. Their lips soon apart and both boys rest their foreheads on each other’s.

“Now, shall we rest on my bed instead? I’m kind of tired.” Changhyun couldn’t have agreed more, depleting most of his energy due to worrisome. Now, he can relax in peace.


Next Arc Teaser

"He loved her, not me."

"Sometimes, courage is the way to go."

"Did... did you kiss someone else other than me?"

"W-What? She....She's pregnant?" 

She watches at the train station, as tears falling from both eyes as the train fades out into the distance. She may never see them again. 


A/N: Very short chapter i'm afraid. But the next arc shall start soon. Which couple? Now, that got to wait...

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Chapter 13 is bein rewritten at the moment. More content and less rushy. Though the story remains the same :) chapter 14 will he posted promptly on january 1st.


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Chapter 21: Omg, this was so cute! my chunjoe feels T.T
i love this chunjoe story...
OMG!! can you please make a sequel for it??
Chapter 21: This story is so cute!! <3 All the pairings ^^
Chapter 21: Awww!
Just flipping aw. Flipping aw! lol.

And by the way, chapter 20 made me sad. Such sudden sadness!
But that should be going away now from this chapter xD.

Thank you for writing this. I loved it so much. So unique. I love youuuuu
Chapter 2: I.. This story. This story's plot is already so freaking unique and individual that I can't even.
That kiss was somehow the most innocent kiss in the history of history!
I love this.. I can't believe I only just now began to read it.. *heart is stopping*
Chapter 7: The fan art of changrick is so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Finally, something original!!
weeheealaska2701 #8
Chapter 21: there SHOULD be a sequel to this! i mean like this is such a great story
iehanny #9
Chapter 21: omo~ the song frightened me, i read it at 3 in the morning
Awwieeee i love this story!