Chapter Three

Pause Time, Rewind


"Eunkwang I need you and Dongwoo to go through our numbers and see which products are selling the worst," Woohyun said as he stormed out of the double doors leading out of Lee Corporations.

"We're on it already," Dongwoo said as he looked furiously through his IPhone.

"A little nervous, are we?" Sungyeol asked as he gave a smug grin towards Woohyun.

"Of course not," Woohyun said as he looked around for the car they arrived in, "Where the hell is our car?"

"You told him to park at the side of the building," Sungyeol said.

"Right," Woohyun said as he headed over to the right side of the building where the parking lot was.

"Why are you so nervous?" Sungyeol asked.

"Maybe it has something to do with Kim Sunggyu," Eunkwang muttered as he was looking though his IPhone.

"Who is Sunggyu?" Dongwoo asked as he looked up from his phone momentarily.

"Were you asleep throughout the whole meeting?" Eunkwang asked.

"Maybe I was thinking about how good Hoya looked in his suit," Dongwoo joked.

"I hope you are joking," Woohyun said as they reached the car.

"Of course," Dongwoo said, "But seriously. Sunggyu is the president. Big whoop. I'm the president.. are they running around because of me?"

"No," Sungyeol said, "Sunggyu and Woohyun went to school together and were best friends."

"Oh," Dongwoo said, "That means you have dirt on him that we could use against him which would hurt their sales."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Woohyun asked as he got in the car. "But he was the top of our class in high school and college and I don't think I have anything bad to say about him..."

"Find something," Sungyeol said, getting into the car after Woohyun.

"I'll take him out to lunch. He used to tell me everything," Woohyun said, "Dongwoo I want you to keep looking for our worst product, Eunkwang I want you to get me Sunggyu's number, and Sungyeol I want you to contact my good friend Sungjong. He is creative and will have ideas for our advertisement."



"Okay, I want everybody to leave except Sunggyu," Hoya said as he threw down the contract Woohyun signed on the table.

"What do you want us to do?" Myungsoo asked.

"Myungsoo I want you to find someone creative who will help us come up with our advertisements. Changsub I want you to watch the front desk like normally. I need to talk to Sunggyu," Hoya said as he sighed.

Everybody left the room except Sunggyu who just stood in front of Hoya, "What do you want?"

"You never told me you knew Nam Woohyun," Hoya said as he studied Sunggyu.

"I never even noticed until now when he was right in front of me. Did you know that we've been in competition with Nam Corporations for years and today was the first time I saw him in person during that time period?" Sunggyu asked.

"Well... we can use this to our advantage," Hoya said, "How long have you known Woohyun?"

"I don't know," Sunggyu said as he shrugged, "We've been friends since early elementary school."

"Any bad things about Woohyun that we could slip out to the press?" Hoya asked as he sat down.

"Uh, no," Sunggyu said uneasily, "I thought you wanted this to be a clean fight?"

"That was before I knew you knew Woohyun. I mean, wouldn't it be fun to get a little dirty?" Hoya asked as he smiled.

"So you are proposing that we bash Woohyun and then consumers will buy from us because we put him out to be a horrible person?" Sunggyu asked.

"It sounds better when you say it," Hoya said as he smiled again, "Come on. It will be fun."

"Doesn't it seem logical that if we bash him, he will bash me?" Sunggyu asked, "He only has dirt on me."

"Come on-" Hoya started to say but was interrupted by knocking on the door, "Come in!"

"Hey," Myungsoo said as he opened the door, "A call for Sunggyu from Woohyun on line three."

"Show time," Hoya said as he smiled towards Sunggyu, "Just be normal. I'll be listening on the other phone."

Sunggyu rolled his eyes as he picked up the phone and pressed the flashing number three, "Hello, this is Kim Sunggyu, president of Lee Corporations how may I help you?"

"Let's not play games," Woohyun said on the other line, "I know you know it's me."

Sunggyu sighed, "What do you want?"

"Now that's no way to talk to your old best friend," Woohyun said. "I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch and catch up."

Sunggyu looked towards Hoya who was nodding his head and mouthing 'say yes'.

"When?" Sunggyu asked.

"Great," Woohyun said, "Meet me at that fancy restaurant on Broadway in an hour and a half."


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Sorry for keeping you lovely people waiting... I'll update after school gets out for the Summer!


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Chapter 3: dont do it gyu,.... its will hurting u
Chapter 3: No no no! They cant use their friendship as a weapon! Woohyun cant be a jerk and hurt Sunggyu and Sunggyu cant hurt Woohyun! NO!
Chapter 3: No no no! They cant use their friendship as a weapon! Woohyun cant be a jerk and hurt Sunggyu and Sunggyu cant hurt Woohyun! NO!
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 3: My first woogyu, it's sooo good!!:D
2pmfan #5
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Love 2pmfan an the Heavenly Graphic & Review Shop Team <3
Chapter 2: Heehehe, I love you!!!! xDD Ooooh, so WooGyu knows eachother! Its gonna ruin the whole thing, lol
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 2: Both corporations are now at war... Hmm... An unique challenging game...
Poor woogyu, barely have time to reunion & they suddenly have to declare enemy.. >__<
shirohizu #8
Chapter 1: can't wait for the meeting between both corps.

but it's just a little confusing...dongwoo is the president and woohyun the ceo but woohyun calls dongwoo to his office? going by rankings dongwoo should be in a higher position than woohyun