Chapter Two

Pause Time, Rewind

"So why are we arriving thirty minutes late?" Eunkwang asked as he followed Sungyeol, Dongwoo, and Woohyun out of the expensive town car.

"Fashionably late," Woohyun said as he straightened out his dress jacket, "We need to be the center of attention."

"Because we are just that awesome," Dongwoo muttered as they walked through the automatic glass doors of Lee Corporations. "We need to make an impression."

"And because we need to make them think we have better things to do than to have a meeting with them," Sungyeol said.

"Nam Woohyun," The receptionist Changsub stood up, "You are here for the meeting with Lee Howon?"

"Why else would I be here?" Woohyun asked as he smirked.

"Of course," Changsub said, "I'm Changsub, Lee Howon's assistant. Well I'll walk with you up to the meeting."

"Let me guess, you're assistant number five thousand," Woohyun said as he studied Changsub.

"Number three," Changsub said, "Is Sungyeol number five thousand? You seem like you'd go through a lot of assistants."

"Number one," Sungyeol said, "I'm just so good I've never been fired. We're all surprised."

"I bet," Changsub muttered as they walked through the grand meeting room.

"Nam Woohyun," Hoya said as he stood up, "Welcome."

"Hoya," Woohyun said, "I brought my assistant Sungyeol, president Dongwoo, and vice president as well as Dongwoo's assistant Eunkwang."

"This is my assistant Changsub, my president Sunggyu is late because he has a big meeting, and his assistant Myungsoo," Hoya said as he sat back down, "Please, take a seat."

Woohyun, Sungyeol, Dongwoo and Eunkwang took seats in front of Hoya, Changsub and Myungsoo.

"Can we start the meeting without Sunggyu?" Woohyun asked, "Because I'm late for a meeting."

"Whatever," Hoya sighed, "Sunggyu will be here any minute."

Just then someone rushed into the room, "Sorry I'm late."

Woohyun rolled his eyes and then looked at the companies president. He looked as if he had been running all over the place, his face was red and he was breathing a little fast. He was holding a stack of papers, probably from the meeting he came from. He had small eyes and everything about him reminded Woohyun of someone else... but that quickly flickered away.

"Sunggyu please sit," Hoya said as Sunggyu sat down in the seat across from Dongwoo. "Now we can start the meeting."

"Why were we called here?" Eunkwang asked, "We are both number one. We are both better than all of the other companies and corporations out there. What's wrong."

"We are both number one," Woohyun said, "That has to change. You know number one belongs to us Hoya."

"Oh really?" Hoya said as he smirked, "We'll see about that. I propose a challenge."

"A challenge?" Dongwoo asked as he raised an eyebrow, "Doesn't that seem a little childish?"

"Hear me out. My team of people: Sunggyu, Changsub, Myungsoo, and I were discussing this until you got here.. well also until Sunggyu had his short meeting," Hoya said, "But we will have a.. game if you want to call it that and whoever gets first place in the stocks wins."

"What kind of game?" Sungyeol and Woohyun both asked at the same time as they gave suspicious looks towards Hoya.

"It's not a childish game as Dongwoo thinks," Sunggyu spoke up, "Each corporation has to delete all of their advertisements and start over fresh and their advertisements have to be completely different from any and all you have now."

"That's it?" Woohyun asked.

"No there is more," Myungsoo said, "You have to advertise new products that are selling the worst."

"Sounds easy," Woohyun said.

"What exactly is this supposed to prove?" Eunkwang asked, "That an advertisement makes people go out and buy our products?"

"Your worst product," Hoya said, "And I want less and less of your best product on the shelf. And each of us has to spend at least five million dollars to invest in a completely new product that is different from the rest."

"Okay," Dongwoo said as he stood up, "I think we've heard enough."

"So will you agree and sign this contract Myungsoo typed up?" Hoya asked as he slide a stack of papers towards Woohyun.

"Whatever," Woohyun said as he took the pen Changsub was handing him and signed it, "We will be number one."

"I'm so rude," Hoya said as Woohyun stood up, "Sunggyu you didn't get to meet our competitors: Seo Eunkwang, Jang Dongwoo, Lee Sungyeol, and the famous Nam Woohyun."

"Nice to meet you," Sunggyu said as he smiled at everybody but stopped when he got to Woohyun, "I know Woohyun."

"Excuse me?" Woohyun asked, "Do I know you?"

"Ouch," Hoya muttered.

"I didn't mean it like that," Woohyun said, "I mean, you seem really familiar."

"I'm Kim Sunggyu your old best friend," Sunggyu said, "You look different."

"Oh my god," Woohyun said, "You look different too. I didn't even recognize you."

"I can't believe we are meeting again after so many years!" Sunggyu exclaimed, "Wow I feel like it's been so long!"

"Sorry to bust your little reunion," Hoya said, "But Woohyun signed the contract. Our corporations are now at war."


Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to update! Updates might be a little slow because school is just so busy and my birthday is a week away but I will update soon! Also please support inspirit-kay! It's so weird how much we are alike so please read her stories! Until next time: Thank you for reading my stories and subscribing and commenting! Love you all! :)

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Sorry for keeping you lovely people waiting... I'll update after school gets out for the Summer!


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Chapter 3: dont do it gyu,.... its will hurting u
Chapter 3: No no no! They cant use their friendship as a weapon! Woohyun cant be a jerk and hurt Sunggyu and Sunggyu cant hurt Woohyun! NO!
Chapter 3: No no no! They cant use their friendship as a weapon! Woohyun cant be a jerk and hurt Sunggyu and Sunggyu cant hurt Woohyun! NO!
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 3: My first woogyu, it's sooo good!!:D
2pmfan #5
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Chapter 2: Heehehe, I love you!!!! xDD Ooooh, so WooGyu knows eachother! Its gonna ruin the whole thing, lol
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 2: Both corporations are now at war... Hmm... An unique challenging game...
Poor woogyu, barely have time to reunion & they suddenly have to declare enemy.. >__<
shirohizu #8
Chapter 1: can't wait for the meeting between both corps.

but it's just a little confusing...dongwoo is the president and woohyun the ceo but woohyun calls dongwoo to his office? going by rankings dongwoo should be in a higher position than woohyun