Chapter One

Pause Time, Rewind

Woohyun leaned back into his leather chair, satisfied. His computer was showing a graph of the stocks of his corporation, and they were all sky high. He was proud to admit that his corporation was the most successful in the world. Well, right beside Lee Corporations, but who was keeping track?

"Mr. Nam Woohyun," Sungyeol said as he burst through the glass double doors, "Have you seen the stocks?"

"Of course," Woohyun said with a smile as he sat up, "They keep going up."

"Soon we will be number one," Sungyeol said as he returned a smile, "Lee Corporations has nothing on us."

"Bring Dongwoo up here," Woohyun said as he leaned back into his seat again, "I want to talk to him."

Sungyeol nodded and walked out of the room. Just minutes later Dongwoo walked in as he straightened his suit.

"Sit down," Woohyun sat as he motioned towards the seats in front of his desk.

Dongwoo sat down, "Yes?"

"Have you seen the stocks?" Woohyun asked as he flashed a smiled towards Dongwoo.

Dongwoo nodded, "Of course. The vice Eunkwang told me. Supposedly soon we won't be tied with Lee Corporations anymore."

"Celebration?" Woohyun asked as he took out a bottle of champagne from the mini fridge under his desk.

"Of course," Dongwoo said as he smiled towards Woohyun.

"I don't have any glasses on me," Woohyun said as he handed the bottle to Dongwoo, "So we can have separate bottles."

"Fine by me," Dongwoo said as he took the bottle from Woohyun, "So what's our next move?"

Woohyun shrugged as he took out another bottle, "New advertisements? That could boost us up."

"Woohyun you have a call on line one," Sungyeol's voice came out of the intercom, "Lee Corperations."

"Wonder what they want," Woohyun muttered.

"To cry about our successes?" Dongwoo asked as he took a drink.

Woohyun smiled as he pressed the glowing number one, "This is Nam Woohyun of Nam Corporations."

"This is Lee Howon of Lee Corporations. But let's cut the crap Woohyun," Hoya said on speaker, "I've seen your stocks."

"Disappointed?" Woohyun asked as he smiled towards Dongwoo.

"I take it you haven't seen our stocks," Hoya said, monotone.

"Why would I waste my time on you, Hoya?" Woohyun asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Tsk, tsk Woohyun. You should always know about your competitors. It's weird how we are tied for number one. As always," Hoya said as he sighed.

"You're stocks are up also?" Woohyun asked.

"Of course Woohyun," Hoya said, "We have exactly the same numbers. I think we should have a meeting."

"A meeting?" Woohyun asked, "What do you mean?"

"We need to discuss each of our businesses and how we can do something different so that one of us will come up on top," Hoya said, "We can't keep on being tied for number one."

"Who do you want to be there?" Woohyun asked.

"Each corporation's CEO, president, and our assistants," Hoya said. "See you at my corporation in an hour."

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Sorry for keeping you lovely people waiting... I'll update after school gets out for the Summer!


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Chapter 3: dont do it gyu,.... its will hurting u
Chapter 3: No no no! They cant use their friendship as a weapon! Woohyun cant be a jerk and hurt Sunggyu and Sunggyu cant hurt Woohyun! NO!
Chapter 3: No no no! They cant use their friendship as a weapon! Woohyun cant be a jerk and hurt Sunggyu and Sunggyu cant hurt Woohyun! NO!
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 3: My first woogyu, it's sooo good!!:D
2pmfan #5
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Chapter 2: Heehehe, I love you!!!! xDD Ooooh, so WooGyu knows eachother! Its gonna ruin the whole thing, lol
woosoogyu #7
Chapter 2: Both corporations are now at war... Hmm... An unique challenging game...
Poor woogyu, barely have time to reunion & they suddenly have to declare enemy.. >__<
shirohizu #8
Chapter 1: can't wait for the meeting between both corps.

but it's just a little confusing...dongwoo is the president and woohyun the ceo but woohyun calls dongwoo to his office? going by rankings dongwoo should be in a higher position than woohyun