The New Boy In Town.


"My song of the week is..." she was about to introduce her song but a sudden loud knock came from the class room door. 

The door open and the boy from earlier came in. Tiffany's eye widen when she show him. She thought she would never see him again.

"Sorry for interupting but is this Mr. Lee's Class? I'm kinda lost" asked the boy. 

"Yes it is but my I ask who are you?" Mr. Lee walked up to the boy.

"My name is Nichkhun Horvejkul and I'm the new transfer student from the states" he introduced himself. 

"Well it's nice to meet you Nichkhun and welcome to Seoul Academy." Mr. Lee welcomed him. 

"You can go sit down at the empty at the back. Ms. Teayeon will tell you which one." Mr. Lee pointed to the empty seat beside Tiffany's desk.

'DAMN! He's even sitting beside me, GREAT!' she thought in her head.

"Okay Ms. Tiffany you may continue" 

"My song of the week is Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis." she introduced again.

Tiffany took a deep breath and soon began to sing. ( She sang the song so emotionally that it touched everyones hearts but as for her friends they knew exactly what the song meant to her. It was about the boy again and how her love for him is too deep that she just let go. 

As for Nichkhun he couldn't stop looking at her. His eyes was so fixed on her that he couldve drilled a whole through her face but for some reason, a reason he doesn't know how to why, his heart was hurting because of how sad she sang the song like it was real. 

When she finished her song everyone applaud her and she sat back down to her seat which is now beside Nichkhun who still has his eyes fixed on her face. 

"Your song was beautiful and so was your voice" he flashed a smile at her. 

"Thanks" she said while ignoring eye contact and his friendliness.

"No problem. Let's be friends" he insisted.

Not wanting to be impolite Tiffany nodded her head in agreement, still not making eye contact with him but istead wtach the next performance.

He laugh under his breath by how cute she was acting trying not to look at him. "Great. So your name is Tiffany right?"

"Yes but Fany will do" she replied.

"Fany how cute" he grinned.

School went on with Tiffany trying her best to keep a distance between herself and Nichkhun, ignoring the fact that he was in most of her class and also the werid feelings she was getting from him. After a long day enjoyable day at school, not counting Nichkhun's presence, the bell finally rang and school was finally over. With a content smile on her face, Tiffany gathered her music book and rushed out the door to go home. She couldn't wait to see Taecyeon Oppa and spent some quality time with him and hear about his time in travelling the world with his dance crew. Taecyeon has always been a special person to Tiffany, besides her loved one, because she can say anything and share all her thoughts that she could never share with anyone else. 

As she left the school grounds, she heard someone call out her name.

"FANY! WAIT UP!" Nichkhun run to her and grabbed her slender arm to turn her around. 

Turned around, the smile faded away from her face. "What is it?"

"Well..." he scratched his head, "I was wondering if I could walk you home."

The sudden question startled her. He just meet her today and he always wants to walk her home? 

'Is he a stalker, a player that lead on girls then breaks there hearts? Is he planning somthing?' these thoughts ran through her head and scared her making her face turn pale.

"I...I..." she stuttered.

"It's okay if you don't want to" he interrupted, "I just didn't want you to walk home alone. You never know whats out  there especially with a pretty girl like yourself." 

Tiffany face suddenly turned red from what he was saying.

"Also there's something about you that makes me want to be with you." he continued.

"HUH?!" her eyes widen from the sudden confession.

"Sorry" he inverted his eyes "just forget about what I said"

He turned around and left after what he said leaving Tiffany standing there unable to move as if her feet had been glued to the ground. She was shocked and speechless.

'So it wasn't only me having these weird unexplainable feelings but he had them too' she thought, 'But we just met. How is this possible?'

Tiffany shook her head from the thought and continued her way out of school grounds "What am I thinking? Just forget about it" 

Even though she was forcing herself to forget about it, she couldn't. There's also something about him that kept her thinking and amde her feel safe. While walking home the wind was getting chiller and the snow was falling harder then it did in the morning. The ground was covered with white, wet snow, making it a little harder to walk home but still managed to. On her way home, Christmas songs were playing everywhere and people started to crowd the street with there all there shopping bag and boxes. There were happy faces everywhere she looked and a feeling of warmth was flowing through the winter air. Unknowingly, she found herself singing her favorite Christmas song "All I want for Christmas is you"

Every time Christmas was around the Tiffany would sing this song hoping santa would grant her, her wish that she's been asking him for. Her wish was that he would come back to her this Christmas. Even though she knew there was a slim to none chance of that ever happening, she always had hope.

Tiffany was almost home all she needed to do is turn the next alley, go down from there and then turn to the next street. Once she turn into the alley, out of nowhere she felt a hand on her month and hand around her waist. She was shocked and began to struggle, trying to get out of the person's grip. She then kick whoever was holding her and tried to scream for help but all that came out was whimpers that no one can hear. She then felt herself being dragged into a dark corner and push against the concrete wall. While being pushed she let out a scream for help.

"HELP!" she called out hoping someone heard her. 

"SHhhh..." he whispered huskily into her ears while his warm breath blowed to her face. "Be good now and nothing bad will happen to you baby."


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Please update your story Authornim..I love this story...Keep writing!! Fighting!!
Chapter 5: Update soon..
Hello there our Dearest Requester,

rxnkim had finally wrapped up your trailer.
It is now available for pick-up at our page.
Please don't forget to follow the rules about giving credits.
'Til next time.

God bless on your story and good luck.
LHyunJi #5
Chapter 3: What the.... Please update soon! Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: Update soon~
Chapter 3: Noo.. Some one (taecyon, khun) help fany please
Chapter 1: :O that was really cute :D
update soon!!!
Update soon pwease,where have your stories goes all these while?