A Recurring Dream


Music to Listen to While You Read This Chapter: Taeyeon - I Love You (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG3VJJVplHk

It was a chilling winter evening . Outside snowflakes were falling and the music of christmas joy was everywhere except for a room that belonged to a beautiful yet fragile gir, who often cries in her sleep because of a boy who she fell in love with when they were young.  Next to her, on the night table, hang an hourglass necklace from necklace holder. The sand was falling into the bottom through the narrow opening tude in the middle. With a heavy sigh she reached out her hand slowing and spun the necklace unside down and continued to watch as the sand fall down again. 

"Oppa, Where are you?" she whispered and halted as her eyes became teary.

Then she continued "Have you really forgotten me and what you promised?"

She shook her head and convinced herself "PABO, forget about him cause he's gone, long gone. So you must move on and forget like he did"

She then closed her eyes as the last gathered tears freely roll down her pale cheek and immediately dozed of to dream land. 


"Fany, I love you" a handsome boy confessed.

"Really?" she resposned with glitter in her eye and face flushed with happiness.

The boy nodding as he was toward her a bouquet of flowers, that was full of her favorite flowers, and the sweetest smile.

"My favorite, white roses and pink tulips" She couldn't stop smiling.

She then stood up on her tippy toes and gave the boy a suprise peack on the lips. They both turn flushed red and felt shy about the kiss.

"Umm..." the boy nervously let out as she was busy smelling the bouquet.

"Oppa!" she accidentally cut him off.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I love you too" she suddenly let out.

"What?!" his eye widened up and he just froze by the sudden confession. He wasn't expect her to say it also.

"I lo-ve yo-u" she repeated slowly bitting her low lip.

 A big smile appeared on his face and then grabbed her for a big hug. She smiled and look at him face to face before kissing him deeply.

-The scenery of the dream suddenly change to a different dream-

The boy and Tiffany hung out the whole day and went  to the places they usually go to. HAving fun and being couple like but during the end the boy's mood suddenly changed.

"Fany, baby" the boy walked toward her looking down.

"What wrong oppa?" she asked with the feeling of somthing wrong will happen.

"I have bad news" the boy let out with a heavy sigh while having no courage to look at the girl.

"What is it" she started to become scared.

"I.. I.. have to.... move" the boy stuttered out saddly.

"Move?" she said speechlessly . She left like crying. "Why? You said would always be by myside. Why are you moving and when?"

"I don't know why. My parents won't tell me and...." the boy paused before he continued with a big heavy sigh "I'm leaving in three days"

Tears started to flow down her eyes and the boy couldn't take it. The Boy finally looked up and wiped them away. There hearts were beating so fast but the hurting kind where you feel like someone is punching your chest. But then the punching feeling became real as she started hitting him. She was mad, sad, hurt and betrayed. She wanted the boy to stay and always be by herside. She loved the boy so much that it's okay for her to be selfish about him.

"Fany, listen and look at me" The boy grabbed her hand and stopped it from hitting him. 

"I will be back for you this I promise. Believe me and in our love" the boy stared at her eyes deeply.

"You promise?" she look at him and knew the boy was being sincere.

"Promised" The boy then took out a small box and gave it to her. "Wear it and use it to keep track of time while I'm gone." 

She wiped her tears and opened the box. Inside she saw the most beautiful hourglass necklace.

"I promised that on the millionth time you spinned it back, I will be back here with you." the boy took the necklace and put it on her.

Her eyes became teary again as she said "it's beautiful"

"Yeah like you" he kissed her.

They kissed passionatly and hugged goodbye before bring her home. They promised to spend the next two days together before he leaves.

One year passed and she still hasn't heard or seen the boy. She flip the hourglass necklace so many time that she lost count but still hope the boy will come back on the millionth turn.

Two... Four... Six.... Seven years passed and her friends and people around her would say he forgotten about her and that she should move on but she never listen to them.

"He hasn't forgotten about me" she sighed "he loves me"


Holding her blanket tightly, murmering words, and pouring sweat in her bed she suddenly sprang up panting. She has the same dream again that she's been having recently this pass year. she breathed heavily but them calm down as she look at the clocknext to her and sighed. It was time for school. She got out of bed and did some morning stretches before getting ready for school. 

"Tiffany! BREAKFAST IS READY! COME DOWN" her mom called for her from downstairs.

"Yes mom!" Tiffany shouted back while putting on her school uniform.

She tied her hair into pigtails (Like in the Oh MV Jap Ver), grabbed her school bag and put on her necklace. She spun it upside down and then went downstairs for breakfast, then off to school to meet up with her friends. 

Shivering due to the coldness of the winter wind, she walked her way to school through the snow. There was a smile on her face, a smile that only appear once in a while but when it does it can melt any heart. A smile that she knew he would love to see if he came back. Mintues later the sun was finially shining bright and the cold was decreasing. It was shining small warm ray over her fragile body. She inhaled a deep breath then exhaled warm air to her hands while rubbing ti together to warm them up. She then placed them on her cheek and the warmness travelled through her skin all over her body. 

"So warm" she whispered while picking up her pace.

In her heart, she knew exactly what the definition of warm was, she knew that warmness isn't something you feel physically but something that come from your heart. He taught her this 6 winter ago. 

He said "no matter how cold it is, your heart would always be warmed up by the love of someone you love or respect the most."

Everytime she would remember him saying those words she would feel thsi warm feeling surrounding her, like a shield from the coldness, because he will always be in her heart no matter if she moves on or not. She loved him and that feeling would last forever.

"Tiffany" called a gentle voice.

She lifted her head up and looked behind her; she saw a tall and muscular figure running towards her. Even though she knew who was coming she still she narrowed her eyes to make out who was running to make sure it was him. As soon as she knew, her face lit up like a christmas tree. 

"Oppa!" she ran to his open arms. "I missed you"

Hey guys. Hope you like my first chapter. Please don't for get to comment below and tell me what you think.

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Please update your story Authornim..I love this story...Keep writing!! Fighting!!
Chapter 5: Update soon..
Hello there our Dearest Requester,

rxnkim had finally wrapped up your trailer.
It is now available for pick-up at our page.
Please don't forget to follow the rules about giving credits.
'Til next time.

God bless on your story and good luck.
LHyunJi #5
Chapter 3: What the.... Please update soon! Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: Update soon~
Chapter 3: Noo.. Some one (taecyon, khun) help fany please
Chapter 1: :O that was really cute :D
update soon!!!
Update soon pwease,where have your stories goes all these while?