Not Going Home

The Last Kiss

Hana looked up at Jiyong's face. "I-I mean...I know you dont know me and all but..I'm a really nice person." He studdered in a rush to make sure his face was completely unnoticable. Hana smiled a little and then frowned again. "Thanks..." Her voice was cracky and she shivered in the night. "But this isn't something you could help me with... Not you..Not anyone.." The smile that was on Jiyong's face faded away. "Well..." He said. "Atleast let me give you my sweater." Hana saw such a sweet smile on his face. It seemed so familiar...yet.. she didnt know where she saw him before. "But you gotta promise that when you see won't say nothing okay?" Hana began to get a little scared. It's night time in the park with a man she doesnt even know. Completely wearing all black hiding his face. "A-Are you...ugly or something?" She asked him. Jiyong chuckled.

"I hope thats not what you think of me." Hana didnt say anything but she still smiled a little bit, then she slightly nodded. Jiyong took a deep breath and slowly started taking off his sweater. He stood up and place the sweater around Hana's shoulders. She didn't look up at first but then, he slowly reached up and took off his glasses. "Now..." He began as Hana started looking up at him. "If you don't know who i am...I'm Kwon Jiyong." Hana's eyes widened and she sat there for a while. "Oh God. Please don't scream." He said as he prepared himself just in case. Hana was still too upset to get excited...even if this was her most favorite singer in the world. 

"I wont tell anyone...I promise." Jiyong smiled. So far, he had been really liking this girl...alot. But why was she so upset? Even if he couldnt find out what was wrong now, he wanted to help. "Well... How about we get you out of this cold?" He said, lightly grabbing and pulling her along with him. "So...Do you live far?" 

"Sort of.. but honestly.. home is the last place i wanna be." Hana looked down at her shoes as Jiyong looked at her. He didnt expect she'd wanna talk about anything so he didnt question her. "Well...maybe you can join me and the guys so we can treat you to dinner." Jiyong said. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck and a small blush rose up to Hana's cheeks. "Sure..." She said with a smile. Jiyong grabbed her hand and began walking toward where the others were at. While they were walking, Jiyong and Hana would find interesting things to talk about. They laughed and joked around with eachother, and each word that came from , Jiyong found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. Too bad she's only a fan. She's just like the others.

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GArmyTR #1
Chapter 3: I really loved ^^ I want to read next episodes please write :) You have new reader in Turkey now :D
NinjaCookie4 #2
Chapter 2: SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!