The bad news

The Last Kiss

"Ppali Hana! It's almost on!" Hana came quickly from the kitchen and plopped down in front of the TV. She dunked her hand in a bowl of popcorn, grabbing a handful and shoving the whole thing in . "Did I miss anything?" She asked as she offered some popcorn to her younger cousing EunHee. EunHee grabbed some from the bowl and also stuffed her cheeks with the delicious buttery fluffy popcorn. "Nah...It just started right now." She said. The TV flashed off the last commercial and sent straight to a kpop show called, "BigBang News Today!" Screaming fans in the audience clapped and cheered as a familiar band entered the stage.

"Hello. We are BigBang!~" They all said as they bowed and then sat in some chairs next to a lady host. "Ne~ BigBang! I was told that you have some news to tell about your next album coming out ne?" She asked. Hana totally focused on GDragon and watched his lips move as he spoke. Occasionally laughing. She was too focused that she paid no attention to what they were saying. Many fans would scream each of their names as they would each say something. "Ahh~ Jiyong Oppa is so cute~" Hana said. "So is Seunghyun Oppa." EunHee nodded and dropped a bit of her popcorn but too busy looking at TOP to care.

When the show ended, Hana grabbed the remote and switched to Pororo.She immediately sat up straight and watched as the characters played hide and seek. "You know..." EunHee began. She slouched and stuffed her cheeks with more popcorn. "You are strangely addicted to that baby show...and ur older than me. You're 19." She chuckled jokingly. "Shut up, EunHee." She said as she playfully shoved her cousin causing her to drop some popcorn. Suddenly the doorbell rang through out the house. "Oh no! The door bell rang. Now you'll miss Pororo!" EunHee sarcastically taunted. Hana stuck out her tongue and got up, running to the door and yanking it open.

"Oh! Sooyeon-ah, HeaJung-ah." She said as her two best friends stood in the doorway. "Did you see it???" HeaJung asked as she walked in not bothering to wait for an invitation to come inside. Sooyeon walked not far behind and hugged Hana before walking in herself. "Ye. What about it?" Hana said shutting the door and sitting on the couch. HeaJung became wide-eyed. "DID YOU GUYS EVEN PAY ATTENTION!?" "What happened? I was too focused on Jiyong Oppa." "And i was too focused on TOP" EunHee interupted. HeaJung sighed and plopped down on the couch next to Hana. "Taeyang Oppa says that they're coming back to Seoul and they're giving out backstage passes." Hana and EunHee looked at eachother than began squealing excitedly. Without a word, Sooyeon dreamily walked to the couch and plopped down next to HeaJung. "What's on your mind, Sooyeon." EunHee asked. HeaJung smirked and went to sit by EunHee. "More like 'who'" she said. She's been talking about Taemin since we began coming. Who knows what she's thinking."

"I think i got a pretty good idea." Hana said as she puckered her lips and made kissing sounds. They all began laughing as Sooyeon playfully hit Hana on her arm. Hana continued to taunt her and began saying, "Mmmm Taemin~ mmm~" Still puckering her lips and kissing the emptyness of air. "Yah~" Sooyeon chuckled and lightly shoved Hana again but Hana fell over on the floor jokingly whining and saying she was hurt. "Yah!" Hana quickly shot up from her place. "Let's look if anyone won the tickets." 


"Okay...Let's see." HeaJung said as she sat in front of the laptop to check if anyone had won the tickets yet. Her eyes widened and she sighed, dropping her head into her hands. Hana stopped pacing back and forth behind the girls and looked towad HeaJung. "It says here that these three girls from Texas already won the tickets..." HeaJung announced. EunHee leaned to the laptop and began to read the report that was put up. 

"On December 1st, 2012, three lucky BigBang fans from Texas won the BigBang's backstage passes to the new upcoming concert on January 17th.'' She read. Hana rolled her eyes and continued to pace around the room. "Wait...there's more." Sooyeon said. "Brooke, Shelby, and Christina are the names of the lucky Texas girls who will be interviewed tomorrow morning." Hana plopped down on her couch and sighed when all of a sudden, the phone rang. She lazily got up to go answer it.


"Hello...Is this Kim Hana?" A voice said at the other end of the phone.

"Neh. May ask who's calling?" Hana asked.

"This is Dr. Choi. I'm calling to imform you that we found something in your blood."

"H-Huh?" Hana's eyes widened and she tightened her grip on the phone.

"Hana sweetie, We think you might be getting cancer..." 


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GArmyTR #1
Chapter 3: I really loved ^^ I want to read next episodes please write :) You have new reader in Turkey now :D
NinjaCookie4 #2
Chapter 2: SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!