Room 1322

Secret Twin


Back at Big Bang's dorm~

Chaerin walked into the boys dorm and looked at each member. None of them seemed to be shocked that Jiyong was gone. This made her raise both brows and walk in front of the tv they were all watching. Each member grumbled from the blocked view and she crossed her arms over her chest.

''How can you guys be so calm when Jiyong sneaked out!''

They all let out sighs when they found out she knew. Daesung just shrugged and paused the movie they were watching.

''He left us a note. He just told us he is in America taking a break.''

He held out the note to show her and Chaerin quickly snatched the note and read it over. He was right, it said exactly that. He didn't even leave the name of the hotel he was staying at or what state he was in. This just made her sigh in worry and stomp her foot.

''Yah! He didn't even say where he was! Aren't you guys worried?!''

This time Seungri sighed and spoke ''Chaerin, just relax. We all know he will be okay and when he is ready to tell us, then he will call or text us. Just leave him alone so he can get a break. He's the leader and we're sure he's really stressed out right now.''

She just let out another huff and left the room. She was going to find out where he was and she was going to demand him telling her what was going on.....


The next morning, Jiyong spent the whole day pacing around the whole room. Now the room did seem small and he wished he had a bigger one. He was thinking way too much about this and he didn't know what he was going to be getting himself into. His phone had went off many times and he didn't even bother to answer it. He wasn't able to think straight and the buzzing was starting to drive him crazy. He threw the phone on the bed and just stared out the window.

A knock on his door later on had him jumping and staring at it. Slowly he approached it and opened it to see a note on the floor. He looked up and down the hallways but saw nothing. He picked it up and opened it and read the message.

'Don't be late.'

He quickly moved back into the room and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already 8pm and he had only an hour left. He had no idea what he was going to wear or even say. He started to move around the room and grab different outfits and he laughed to himself when he realized what he was doing. He was acting as if he was going to meet someone special! He just shook his head and grabbed a decent outfit and headed to the bathroom.

After he finished everything, he grabbed his room key and left. He repeated the room number he was to go to and pressed the elevator. The doors opened with a ding and he stepped inside. He didn't know what floor the room would be on; but he knew it was above him. The hotel only had 12 floors so he pushed the 12th button. He was starting to shake now from nervousness and he watched needle slowly pass each number above him. It reached the 12th floor in a matter of seconds and the doors opened. He slowly stepped out and looked up and down the empty hall. It looked just like the other floors of the hotel.

He walked carefully down the hall and looked at each room number. He was getting closer and closer to the room and when he realized it was the room on the end, his eyes widened. It was the pent house. He stopped in front of the oak double doors and reached his hand up and and was about to knock until the doors swung open. He took a step back and gasped. Keizo stood there and smirked slightly and stepped aside. Jiyong gulped and slowly walked inside and flinched when the door was shut behind him. Now he regretted coming here, there was no way out.

He was brought down another hall and stopped at a black door. Keizo knocked and someone from the other side instructed for them to come in. He opened the door and motioned for Ji to enter. Ji just looked at him and Keizo nudged him inside. The door was then shut and Jiyong realized he was alone. The room was dark and only a few small lights were hanging above a small desk giving the area a dim glow. Someone was sitting in a chair with their back turned and Ji squinted his eyes in confusion.

''Take a seat.''

Ji glanced at the black leather couch behind and and slowly sat down. He was about to speak until he was cut off by the other man talking again.

''I'm glad you came Kwon Jiyong, I've waited a long time to meet you.''

''Who are you?''

Jiyong shot back and the other just laughed softly.

''Take it easy Jiyong. Why don't you just relax.''

Those words were not helping Ji relax at all and he stiffened. He was not going to give up so easily.

''I said, who are you and how do you know about me? Why do you keep bothering me and wanting me to come here so bad?!''

The questions were just flowing out of his mouth and when he finally finished with all the questions that were on his mind, he went silent. The room was eerily quiet now and Ji began to bite on his bottom lip out of nervous habit. The other didn't seem too pleased with Jiyong disobeying what he said.

''Fine, you want to be that way.''

The chair swung around fast and the dull light only was able to light up half of the others face. But the features were so familiar, Jiyong had ot double take. His eyes widened and he slowly stood from his seat and walked closer to the desk. The other just smirked and when Ji got close enough, he was staring face to face with himself. He stumbled back quickly and gripped onto the couch for support.


He was at loss for words and the other just laughed and stood from his seat. He walked over to Ji and stood in front of him. He was slightly taller than him and the only way to tell the difference between the two was Jiyong's full head of hair and the others buzz cut.

''Hello Jiyong, my name is Jisung and I am your twin. I was born two hours before you and that makes me the older twin, you will listen to me.''

He pushed Ji down onto the couch and he gasped from shock. Jisung moved closer to him so they were face to face.

''Kwon Jiyong, the leader of the Korean boy band Big Bang. How's the spotlight little brother? Do you enjoy it?''

He gripped onto Jiyong shirt and narrowed his eyes from his rising anger.

''You've always got everything little brother, even mother. She liked you better so she kept you. I was shipped off to an orphanage and have lived from home to home until I was old enough to live on my own. But you never knew about me, did you? I was a burden and so, I was kept a secret and forgotten about from the part of the family that knew.''

He pushed Jiyong away and he just stood there shocked and out of breath. He watched his brother move back over to his desk and sit down while holding his rising anger. A smile formed on his lips and he spoke again.

''You trust people so easily Jiyong, it's a shame. I would have liked to have a little competition. But you know what, it's so easy. I will be the new Kwon Jiyong and I will have the spotlight I deserve. I'll have help too.''

He motioned for someone to come out from the shadows and Jiyong watched the shadow of someone cross the room. They stood next to Jisung and placed their hand on his shoulder. When they leaned forward into the light, he saw that it was Dara.

''Hello Jiyong.'' She smirked.

To be continued.....


A/N: Well, that was the double update! Hope this answered some of your questions! But there will be a lot more along the way~ What do you think about Dara being on Jisung's side? Were you shocked? ^^ 

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Chapter 5: up date juseyoooo jebal its daebak
Black_jack_ #2
Chapter 5: Please continue I start reading and it's awesome
cipluk #3
Chapter 5: skydragon please
Chapter 5: Yes. Please continue :3
Chapter 4: What!!!!! Dara?!
Chapter 4: I'm loving this story. I knew it was Dara lol. Now Chae just needs to come and save JiYong.
Hamtone #7
Chapter 4: Uhm i wonder if ji twin in love with same girl LOL #justthinkso
Hamtone #8
Chapter 4: Wow i've read all 4 chaps i'm excited now!!!!! XD ..... Chae will go to there and save JiYong right?Who's the person put letter in JiYong pocket????? Update soon ^^
Chapter 4: wait, what??? Hah! Told ya! it was Dara! *lol, I was like guessing everyone so of course one of it must be IT* ;p now now now... I wonder where will this lead to, plus you tagged 'angst' aaaaahhhkkk... that scares meeee... and Chae! Chae come here and save the real Ji! I wonder if the members will notice that GD is different when he comes back later because he isn't really him *what* and if Chae will also notice >__________< I want more of this.. aaaahhkkk...

I seriously feel like draggin people here to leave a comment, gahhh
Chapter 2: okay.. so there is a chaerin for me although she didnt really do much... i still have no idea aboit who the mysterious man is... could it be chaerin? or dara? (well she hadnt made her appearance yet but i guess she will since she is in the character list anyway lol) and i still cant figure out the motive.... gah~! im so clueless here... as clueless as ji ... maybe even more so... ;A; ane the ways that stalker stalking is just pure creeeeeepy... i mean how can you intrude a cd play? and when did he/she even put the ticket in ji's pocket????