Disappointment (BoA's story)

Love, the Only Thing I Don't Know About

I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in such a long
I just had writers block but now I’m fine.
BoA was called to her parents office.
“Ah BoA you are finally here.”Her father said
“Yes, appa (father) and Umma (mother) asked for me?”She replied
“Oh yes. Since you are going to graduate soon we are going to put you in charge of the school.” BaA’s mother said
“Huh? Why ca…………………………….. Thank you umma and appa.” BoA bowed then ran out to the room as fast as she could. All of a sudden she bumped into me.
“BOA UNNIE! (Older friend or older sister)I haven’t seen you in forever!” I continued, “So how was your trip to Hawaii? It must have been amazing!” “OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU KATHY AND JAE JOONG ARE GOING OUT ISNT THAT GREAT!?!?!?!?!”
“Yeah………. I had fun in Hawaii.” She smiled but she was obviously sad and confused. She was stuck in her own little world.
“Do you want to talk about something BoA unnie?” You look a little down.”I asked
“Not really I don’t want to burden you. “She replied.
“No it’s fine.”I smiled
“You sure you want me to tell you?” BoA asked
“OF COURSE! So you want to begin at the beginning?”
“Sure it started like this.”
Flashback (BoA’s pov)
I was sitting on the couch watching be and I saw on e of my favorite bands Wonder Girls.
“I saw how they brought so much joy to the crowd and I was amazed.”
“After that I wanted to be famous.”
“OMG! That is amazing!” Ju Eun said
“So when my parents left to America on one of their business trips I took private lessons.
“My teacher looked at me and asked which type of celebrity I wanted to be. I looked confused to her and she asked do you want to become a singer? But I told her I wanted to be an actress.”
“Then I got an acting teacher and he said I was amazing at what I did.””I blushed and he continued to work with me. When I was 13 he put me into an audition. It was the hardest audition to get into. Their theme was Cinderella. I went in front of about 35 girls who wanted to be Cinderella. When I was done the other girls were doing their audition. They posted who got the roles. Prince Charming was my friend Kim Hyun Joong. Then I looked at who was Cinderella. I was so shocked. Also I was disappointed. I didn’t get the part. When I went away someone tapped me on the shoulders. It was one of the judges. He gave me a brochure and I looked at it and he walked away.”
“So what was in the brochure?”Ju Eun asked
“It was a brochure to a school. The school is in Boone, North Carolina Appalachian State University one of the top acting collage in the United States.”I said
“OMG, UNNIE THAT IS AMAZING!” Ju Eun blurted out.
“But my parents expected me to go to Seoul University. So I had to reject to offer to Appalachian State.”
“Oh I’m so sorry unnie.” Ju Eun said
“Its fine but the guy at the school said if I every changed my mind they would be grateful.”
“Unnie can’t you just go to two collages?” Ju Eun said
“WHAT HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?”I said excitedly
“Well that’s what I’m doing. I’m going to finish collage here at Seoul University. Then I’m going to try and get into Harvard which is going to be impossible. I want to become a doctor so that’s what I’m planning to do.” Ju Eun said
“Ohhhh I see that is a wonderful idea!”
“Since you are graduating this year just tell your parents about it they would love it!”
“That’s the problem my parents. They expect me to run the family company. So ASU (Appalachian State University) is out of the picture.”
“But unnie is that what your really want to do in your life. Run the family company only to find that you’re going to regret your choice?”
Wow! This girl should be a shrink. She’s really good at getting into someone’s mind. BoA though
“Unnie! Are you listening?”Ju Eun asked
“Oh yeah sorry about that.” I said
“So what is your choice? Are you going to follow your dream and disappoint your parents or would you rather follow what your parents say and forget your dreams?”
I said
“I don’t know Ju Eun. I really don’t know.” BoA said.
Sorry it’s such a short chapter. I’m also sorry that I haven’t written in forever.
Well hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment so I know what I need to work on.
Just to mention the next chapter is about Kathy and Jae Joong

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@tenshiXhanar- thanks for reading^^ im hoping to make one soon so yep^^ thanks for reading. Hahaha Kim Bum and So Eun are such a "cute" couple haha
tenshiXhanari #2
WOopie! U updated! ^^<br />
Love this chapter!! They make a cute couple c:<br />
Thank u for updating again and hope u will update again soon :D
Thank you everyone for commenting and i hope you like my story<br />
@kittenever -YES YAY FINALLY kyu and ju eun are a couple now yay<br />
@rocket_star- hope you enjoy the story. <br />
@tenshiXhanari- thanks for reading^^ thanks for saying that<br />
if you guys have any suggestions then dont be afraid to comment like if you want a characte to appear i would be happy to mention them in the story!^^ please update!^^
tenshiXhanari #4
Omg this story is so gud and cute!!x3 continue pls
aww!! pls update soon!! I wanna know what is she going to say!!