"My wife has been kidnapped and is being ransomed. What shall we do?"

Chasing wild geese


The grass was slick with the night's mist lying low to the ground. It was perfect cover for the black clad figures. They moved stealthily through the Palace, taking advantage of the silent cypress trees and weeping willows. The men melted into the dark shadows as they neared their target. They were invisible and noiseless to the sleeping world; they were like ghosts. Except for one.

A muffled noise of surprise was heard from one of the men. He had slipped across a particularly wet patch and fell heavily to the ground. The entire party froze and listened out for any indications that they had been discovered. Their leader then turned to the offending person and silently reprimanded him for the fall. They were ninjas! They were better than that!

The party of five flew across the courtyard and slowly made their way up to a large building. The gardens were well kept and the sweet breeze moved the wind chimes to make sweet music. One ninja paused beneath a closed window. He carefully opened the shutters and peered through. Satisfied that there was nothing unexpected, he jumped through the window and landed softly into the bedroom.

The ninja crept up to the sleeping Empress. He covered with his own gloved hand, startling her awake and stifling her screams. The ninja put his finger to his lips and with his earnest eyes, urged her to remain quiet. She nodded and made no sound when he removed his hand. Behind his mask, he smiled and gave her a robe to wear.

Minutes later, the ninjas were retracing their steps with the Empress carried over one of their shoulders. They were now racing the setting moon and rising sun. It was almost time for the games to begin.


Minho let loose a slow, even breath. He lined his sight and released the arrow. It arced in the air and solidly pierced the target. Bull’s eye. Appreciative cheers and applause filled the pavilion. Guests in fine silk and elaborately styled hair were watching the impressive display of the Emperor’s bodyguards. It was a reminder to their neighbouring enemies of who they had to face if they wanted to invade.

Minho’s smug satisfaction showed in his grin as he bowed low to his Emperor, who was watching from above, and moved aside for his opponent. Saori stepped forward towards the platform. She took in a deep breath and lifted her bow and arrow; relaxed her shoulders and lined her sight. The arrow flew gracefully in the air and landed on target. Bull’s eye.

The crowd again filled the pavilion with applause. They were watching the famed pair of bodyguards and were thoroughly enjoying it. Neither Minho or Saori had made any mistakes, they were on equal scores.

Whereas the crowd was enthralled, Key and Kazi were bored. They had seen those two compete each other in physical skill since they had met last year. And so Key and Kazi had eagerly accepted the protective duty for the competition. Behind Emperor Onew’s chair, Key stared at the length of his fingers as Minho added another perfect score. Next to him, Kazi was lazily spinning a pair of glass balls in her hand. Electric sparks danced within the balls, rapidly changing colour because she could and there was nothing else for her to do.

Emperor Onew leant forward in his seat and heartily cheered for Minho. In the morning he had flipped a coin to decide who he would root for. Sometimes he wished he could host these games every weekend. They were great entertainment compared to the official decisions and commands he was forced to deliberate on during the week. Onew was tired of the monotony involved in running his Kingdom. He sat back into his seat and watched Saori repeat the same feat as Minho, and politely tapped his hands together twice as applause. He glanced at the empty seat next to him and wondered where his wife had gone. She had not emerged from her pavilion, and so his day was just less than perfect.

“Key,” Onew addressed the bodyguard behind him. Key shifted into his line of sight and bowed low. “When should we call a stop to this tournament? It feels like it has gone for hours.”

“It has been two hours since the archery competition was started,” Key answered his Emperor. “It may be wise if it was stopped before the Kingdom ran out of arrows to defend itself?” he dryly added. Onew laughed and waved his hand towards the game maker. He indicated that the competition should stop, and that Minho and Saori be both declared the winners. Loud applause congratulated the competing two as they bowed low towards the Emperor and made their way up for a private audience.

From his seat, Onew watched Minho and Saori approach and bow again. They stood stiffly next to each other, covertly throwing glares of anger that the other did not lose. Yet again they were sharing the grand prize.

“You look quite beautiful today, Saori. You performed very well.” Onew complimented his female bodyguard. She was in a short-sleeved silk kimono. Sakura blossoms decorated the sleeves and dress. Her brown hair was held together in a soft bun. She bowed again, thanking Onew for his praise. Minho bristled at being left out in the compliments but remained silent.

Onew laughed to see his favourite unit act like children and was about to praise Minho too when a knock on the door indicated the servant’s presence. Onew beckoned for the servant to come forward and was given a sealed scroll. Curious, he cracked open the seal and unfurled the rolled sheet. He read the contents a few times before it registered in his mind.

“Oh,” said Onew. “My wife has been kidnapped and is being ransomed. What shall we do?” He asked the last to his shocked bodyguards. Onew smiled his gratitude when they volunteered to bring her back. “Ah, thank you,” he said and dismissed them to save the Empress. 

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Haha, I love this so much!

Probably one of my favorite lighthearted fics ever c:

I'm seriously checking out all of your stories now because I really loved how you wrote this out, and I only read the first chapter ^^

I'm really happy that I came across this fic! Keep it up!
NeriaSurana #2
Chapter 3: Aww cute~ Kyaa Onew is the best <3
NeriaSurana #3
Chapter 2: Nawww..that's cute. Can't wait for next update^^
NeriaSurana #4
Chapter 1: Haha. Cute^^ Nice story