Teaser 2

Because Time is Running Out [APPLICATIONS OPEN!]


“What is this?”

A boy stood with an old scroll in his hands, while his other friends scrambled over to him.
“Put that back, Woohyun! You don’t know who it belongs to!” A boy hissed, attempting to snatch the scroll away. However, he missed, and Woohyun stuck a tongue out at him before unraveling the scroll. “It’s not like it’s dangerous, Sunggyu hyung,” a tall, lanky boy snickered.

“Still! It’s not ours to look at!” Sunggyu replied, frowning.

“Hyuuuung~” a short boy whined, smiling. “Calm down!”

Sunggyu did so, grumbling about how the boys never listened to him even though he was the oldest.

“I don’t understand.” Woohyun squinted at the dusty scroll.

A feminine boy rolled his eyes and took the scroll from him. “I swear hyung, you must be really dense.” He cleared his voice, and started to read.

Seven shall merge with seven unknown
To face the man whose power’s unshown
The shade of green will show the trail
Through calamity and horror they must prevail
The fire and ice must then debate
Whether to meld or clash before its too late
The man shall perish at a great cost
along with a secret that has been lost
Fourteen shall find what they seek before dawn
But one shall fail to continue on.

An eerie silence followed, as they tried to process what had been spoken.

“I still don’t understand this nonsense. Some silly old fart probably wrote this as his idea of fun,” Woohyun scoffed.

The short boy scratched his head, confused. “Yeah, I don’t get it either. It’s written in riddles. What’s with the numbers? Of course seven plus seven is fourteen!”

A bell rang in the distance, signaling it was time to go to the messing hall for dinner. The boys continued to stand there, still enthralled by the words upon the scroll.

Sunggyu was the first to move. “C’mon guys, its time to eat. Sungjongie, just put it back where we found it.” He turned to go, slinging an arm around Woohyun. “Let’s go.”

One by one the boys followed Sunggyu and Woohyun out of the dusty room.

All except for the silent one.

He stood there, looking down at the scroll. There was something about it... that he felt made it special. Something like it could be useful in the future.

In one swift motion, he took the scroll and shoved it into his robes before striding out of the room to follow the others.

Little did he know, that the scroll he carried would predict the future.

how did you guys like teaser 2? it took awhile to write the prophecy, and tbh, i’m quite proud of it :) anyone catch “before (the) dawn”? hahahahaha... ok don't laugh be that way .__.
please subscribe and apply! teaser 3 will be up soon~

written by: sunggyu_luv
edited by: KatingaTrouble

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Chapter 4: oooh I haven't been on for like two says and when I came on I have a bunch off updated stories. This was the first one I clicked XP I was tweaking when I,saw this updated. hehehe I like this teaser short, sweet, and to the point... I feel like IM watching a movie with these teasers lol. waiting for the world premier ! The prophecy was very nicely written. I have a feeling someone will die. because 14 shall find what they seek before the dawn but one shall fail to continue on. IM predicting one of them die while defeating the powerful man. since he dies at a great cost and all. IM really looking forward to this :) oooooh btw sunggyu was soo fierce lol you avoid them gyu! and Mungysoo!! you y beast you. I love man who's sneaky like that. lol if were paired together IM gonna have so much fun with you lmfao
JJforever96 #2
Chapter 4: Yay for Teaser 2! The boys were introduced here, yaaay. And the riddle is really creative! Foreshadows a lot about what is to come. ;) And is the silent one Myungsoo asdfghjkl; I am so excited for this fic, gaaah. Fighting with this fic! ^^
Chapter 4: Yay, another teaser >u< And this time, you introduced the guys!! I especially liked Woohyun here, so sarcastic LOL. Major props for the prophecy too, of course - I don't think I'd ever be able to come up with something as eloquent as that! Did not catch before (the) dawn until you pointed it out, but the bit predicting someone'll die? What're author-nims planning, OMG QuQ Ah, so curious - what were Infinite doing in that room (library?) and what to make of that prophecy in general? Calamity? Horror? Secret? Oh my OuO;; Anticipating your next update author-nims, clearly there's much to look forward to!!
Hey ^^ I've just completed my application
I'm applying as Oh Jangmi
lol I hope I filled out everything properly~
Thank you :))
Chapter 3: Woah, a lot of action already. :o From the start, it's already exciting! And I like how the tension is built up and how the story explains itself as it goes along. I enjoyed reading. ^^
Fighting, author-nims! ^^
Chapter 3: Hello, I am applying as Ryu Jooyeon. ^^
Thank you! ^^
Chapter 3: Yay teaser! Although, not so yay, the poor village QnQ OMG, action-packed from the get go, definitely anticipating future teasers and updates!

I really liked the suspenseful buildup in the beginning, and then the slasher movie-ish vibe with the ax-man and the blood splattering on Yoojin's face. And, of course, the parts with the girls - the panic, the waiting, the restraint. It's emotional, but at the same time it's so INTENSE, and then the confirmation of what she'd been fearing...

LOL, rambling rambling~ Just know I'm totally excited to read more - what'll happen to the girls now? Poor things QnQ
Chapter 3: wow...that was amazing..love the teaser and can't wait for what happen next...they had a bad memories for a child..
Chapter 3: ooooooooohhhh damn shizz went down!!! for done reason I picture the man to have a silver tooth lol XD