running for time




She has long, straight, brown-black hair framing her small face. She has high cheekbones and expressive eyes; one can tell her emotions from the way her sharp features quirk. She looks innocent, which contradicts the number of people she has fooled with that premise.  




contact information

username: SoSeolSoul


who are you?

name: Ryu Jooyeon 

personality: Jooyeon  looks innocent - she is an optimistic girl who likes smiling more than not. She's not exactly Ms. Sunshine, but she's the one in charge of moving the group forward. She plays a sisterly figure in the group as she tends to take care of the other girls in little ways (things like offering food or being a listening ear). She's always on friendly terms with the boys, joking around whenever appropriate. However, don't dismiss the fire in her eyes; when it's time to fight, she will not hold back. It takes her some time to trust people (it took days before she agreed to join the group and to trust the boys), so any suspicious move on her or the others, and she's out to get you. It doesn't take much to transform her from an angel to your angel of death - just push her over the edge.


Jooyeon's past consists of her surviving the world alone, what with her parents dead from the plague and her older brother killed. Nobody cared enough to take her in - she had to charm the villagers with quick wit and innocent pleas. She gained favors from other people for her food, shelter, and clothing and learned to fight and defend herself against muggers, rapists, and murderers. This is the reason for her lack of trust in strangers. However, being on her own for so long, she just felt so lonely. 

likes: [3]
1. Woolly blankets
2. Hugging her friends
3. Fooling the enemy into her ploy

dislikes: [3]
1. Traitors
2. Plant thorns
3. Pitch-black darkness

habits: [1]
1. Whenever Jooyeon feels that there is something wrong, she stands straighter, glares, and puts a smirk or a frown on her face. Her strong front is her way of saying back off. 

hobby: [1]
1. Jooyeon likes to carve words with her dagger on the tree stumps they pass by; some of the words are warnings to anyone who dares.

preferred weapon: Two-sided cobra dagger - She thinks the weapon is suited for her; it can be easily grasped by her long fingers, and it is light enough to be used effectively by her small frame when in battle. She also likes the name and how well it applies to her, too; two-sided, as she can be both sweet and deadly, and cobra, as she can strike at her prey fast. 

who you would like to be with: Kim Myungsoo a.k.a. L


Password: I would like to be chosen because I think the concept of this fanfic is an exciting one, and the fact that I could have the chance to take part in it makes it all the more thrilling. The concept is unique, and I have always wanted to try playing the role of a tough girl. Adventure fics always pack a load of surprises. Also, Infinite is a bias group of mine, hehe;; ^^


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hey! thanks ffor applying ^_^