We are SHINee!!!

The Making

A/N: Here's the next chapter I hope you all enjoy!

They just sat there for another 10 minutes before-

"WHAT!!!???" They all shouted. But principal Lee was already gone.

"Okay please tell me that he was joking?" asked Chansung, as he looked at anyone else to confirm.

"Sadly he doesn't joke," said Key, sighing angrily. "At least he gave us a heads up." He shook his head, as he looked at Onew. "What now leader?" He had said it to be sarcastic but he had ended up listening to what Onew would say as the other members did as well. But Onew had just sighed.

"Let's just do what he said for now," Onew said, the way he had said 'for now' made the 2pm members what they would be doing later. "We should probably get our stu-" He was cut off by an announcement.

"This is for all SC students that are participating in the challenge, your belongings have already been moved to your temporary dormitory, thank you for your attetion."

"Well karma ain't it?" said Onew, pouting angrily, making Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin laugh, as well as get the 2pm members to smile. They had showed them the way to the M.T.S. dormitories and well it was sort of akward between the groups, so they invited them to their dorm beofre going to bed it was only 6.

"Okay so first we need to make a name for you guys." Said Wooyoung, drinking some juice he got from the fridge.

"A name?" echoed Taemin and Minho. Looking at each other, they looked a bit confuesed.

"Yes a name," said Nichkhun, smiling. "When your in a group like us, you need a group name, cause its too long to say your names individually. So a name that would describe all of you would be perfect."

"How did you guys think of your name?" asked Onew, curiously. he and the other had no idea what their name should be at all. He saw all the 2pm members look at each other and laughed.

"Now that is an interesting story." said Taecyeon, laughing.

"A interesting one alright." said Junsu, rolling his eyes, as he remembered the trouble they went through to find a name.

"I'll tell the story!" said Junho, smiling giddily. "Okay, we actually started out as 11 people actually, we called ourselves One, back then. Because we were all good friends. But the thing is our style of performing were totally different." Jonghyun tilted his head in confusion.

"what do you mean your 'styles' were different?" asked Jonghyun, sitting beside Key and Taemin on the couch with Minho and Onew sitting on the floor.

"Well you know how our performances are beastly type right?" asked Nichkhun, taking over the story telling. They nodded. "Well some of us back then were more of a . . . sweet performace person. We couldn't decide what to do and we argued a lot on what songs to perform and how we should perform them. It was a nightmare!" The 2pm members laughed a little at the memory before continuing.

"Anyway since we were so different we couldn't get anything done," said Wooyoumg, sitting on the oppisite couch of theirs. "So we went to see our dance teacher. And what she said then is still so clear in our heads today. She told us, if we cant perform the same thing or the same songs as the others, why dont we spilt up? We were shocked at first and well we still wanted to be together."

"So we didn't know what do then," said Junho, smiling fondly. "When we went back to our dorm, we sat together and talked. There wasn't much of a choice. but spilt up since our preferences were different. Though we . . ." Junho looked at the rest of the members. "We managed to find a way, we would still be connected to each others group but be separated at the same time."

"We were different as night and day," said Taeyeon. "That gave us an idea. Since we do powerful performances and they did more of a sweet, cute performance, we decided our names."

"Since we represented beast-like idols," said Chansung. "We thought it would fitting for us to be night, and since they were the sweet idols, they fitted as day."

"So." said Junsu. "We picked our names that is still a little the same but also entirely different. We became 2am and 2pm."

"Oh!" said Onew, interested in the story. The others were too. they looked at each other.

"Anyway have to figure out a name today cause then tomorrow we can register you guys and that way there's a bigger chance someone else doesn't have the name." said Taecyeon, drinking water.

"But we don't know what name we should have," said Taemin, looking at his hyungs. They were silent before Onew spoke up.

"Well we can think about it while putting our things in order in our new room," said Onew, reminding them they still had to put everything away. They groaned, knowing the work they will be doing.

 "We can help you guys out if you like?" asked Junho.

"We-" started Onew but was cut off by Jonghyun.

"Yes thank you!" he shouted. Onew looked at him. "What? It's not like you 3 lift any of the heavy stuff! Your the one planning where everything goes, while Key and Taemin carry all the smaller stuff, and who do think gets stuck doing all the heavy lifting? Minho and me, that's who!"

"Okay okay, geez just don't go all Key-diva on me!" said Onew putting his hands to his ear.

"Hey!" shouted Key as they were leaving the room. "I don't go all diva!" Taemin, Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun snorted.

Yeah right," said Jonghyun, smirking. "what about the time you scolded us because our room was a mess?"

"Or that time you ignored Jonghyun and Minho because they used all your favorite shampoo?" said Onew, smiling.

"Or that time you got mad at Onew-hyung and me for coming in and 'ruining' the carpet?" said Minho, laughing.

"Or that time you wouldn't let me go outside because-" started Taemin, smiling and laughing with his hyungs.

"OKAY! I GET IT!" yelled Key, fuming. "See if I make dinner for you guys at all tonight! Hmph!"

"Aww come on Key!" whined Jonghyun. "You know we were joking!" Key just ignored his pleas. Jonghyun turned to Taemin and Minho and gave them a look, it was like a puppy who lost his favourite bone.

"Okay okay just stop looking at us like that!" said Minho, covering his eyes. He took Taemin by the arm as they walked behing Key. He nodded to Taemin, who nodded back, as they hugged Key at the same time.

"Yah!" shouted Key, struggling to escape, because he knew what was to come. The 2pm members- who seemed to have been forgetten at the moment- watched in amazement, as they watched the scene unfold before them. They watched as Minho and taemin made the cutest pout faces in they have ever since in their lives. even cutier than the one Jonghyun had used on them.

"Key-umma." They said unison, using baby-like voices, their eyes were a bit watery, the cuteness level was just too high. Even the almighty Key cannot resist the look on their faces.

"Okay! Okay! Just stop staring at me with those eyes!!" said Key, escaping from the grips of the two cuties. "I can never understand how you two can make such faces! It has to be a crime to be that cute!"

"Well it isnt." said Onew, smiling at his friends antics. He looked beside them, they had stopped in the hallway out their room and 2pm's, who were staring at them like a deer caught in the headlights. "I think you guys overloaded their cuteness tolerance." he waved his hand in front of their faces, but they still did not move. "Yep i think you guys did." He tried to shake Taecyeon, who was beside him, as the others tried to help as well. Jonghyun, was trying to shake Junho awake from his trance, as Key and Taemin were waving their hands in front of Chansung, Wooyoung and Junsu. Minho was gently shaking Nichkhun, who slowly broke out of the trance. He stared at them.

"It has to be a crime to be that cute." he said to Minho, who blushed at the comment.

"I know right!" said Key, as he and Taemin managed to awaken Chansung, Wooyoung, and Junsu. Junho was awake, but still slightly dazed. while Taecyeon seemed to composed enough.

"Is it even human to be that cute?" asked Wooyoung, dazed. "That was cuter than anything I've seen in my life!" They entered the room were Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin will be staying for a while. It was huge, and there were multiple rooms. 3 to be exact. There was a kitchen, a living room, like the one in 2pm's room, and two bathrooms. They stared wide eyed at the room. They had only stayed at the living room at the 2pm's dorm, so they didn't look at it properly, but now they were. In the S.C. dorms they all share a room with a small kitchen and bathroom, and a moderate sized living room.

"Wow!' said Taemin, as he hurried to one of the rooms. He saw two beds on oppisite sides of the room, with a closet, and even a computer! He turned to look at his hyungs. "I wanna stay here forver." His face had the cutest smile they had seen.

"Okay Taeminnie," said Minho, walking to the room. "Wow alright, and stop with the cute smiles, we don't want to overload them with cuteness again."

2pm helped them move their stuff into the right rooms, Onew had asigned to them. Taemin and Minho would be sharing one room and Jonghyun and Key will use the other, and he will have the remaining bedroom to himself. Finally some peace and quiet!

After moving the boxes to the right room, they started to unpack their stuff. They were pictures of their families and friends that were outside of school. But most were the five together. These guys have been together since they were in diapers! They saw one photo of a baby Key playing with his toys with Jonghyun and Onew. They saw another photo of Onew with Minho in fornt of the elementary school with toothy smiles. There were mountians and mountians of photos, toys, and clothes- that they had been told was all bought by Key, who apparently took care of everyone like the mother. As 2pm spent more and more time with them they found these guys did their best in everything they did, and never a half-hearted job at anything. They never seem to do things hlaf-heartedly at all.

"Ah! I'm so tired!" said Jonghyun, laying down on Key's lap, his legs drapped over Minho's lap.

"Yah! Don't go to sleep yet!" said Key, shaking Jonghun, who groaned in frustration. "We still have to think of  a name!"

"But I'm so tired. . ." whined Jonghyun. 2pm smiled at them.

"Well i think i thought of a name." said Nichkhun, smiling. "SHINee."

"shiny?' repeated Taemin, confused.

"SHINee," said Nichkhun. "S H I N ee, instead of a y. Just like your name, you guys shine a different way than most people do."

"You guys might not know but," started Junho, smiling tiredly. "You guys shine so much, and you guys don't even notice it."

"We do?" said Onew, tilting his head slightly. "How?"

"Yeah," said Taecyeon. "You guys seem to shine like stars, always shining brightly very second of the day, no matter the sittuation you guys are in."

"We can't really describe it," said Junsu. "But you guys have that inner shine that is so bright!" The other 2pm members nodded in agreement.

"Like the sun, you guys just can't stop shining!" said Junho, smiling. The five looked thoughtful of the name given to them. "We know many people don't seem to see you inner shine, but let's use this oppurtunity to show them, eh?"

They looked at each other, breaking out into big grins.

"I like it." said Taemin, smiling sweetly.

"Yeah it has a certain uniqueness to it," said Jonghyun. "Just like us! We're so different yet we're still best friend!"

"So you'll be taking the name?" asked Chansung.The five looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"Annyeon-haseyo, we are SHINee!" They ended of with a laugh, making 2pm smile. They knew these five had the talent, but what they needed was the encouragement. With that, they could be well on their way to stardom right then and there. They knew, these guys could make it. . .

Now if they only knew of the plan in store for them in the next few months. . .

A/N: well there it is. The longest chapter i've written here so far. Is it too short still? Comment please!! i need motiviation! otherwise i might just drop it. :'( probably not but i still need a little love people.

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peuleya #1
Chapter 4: continue please 2pm x shinee I LOVE IT update soon!! don't stop <3<3<3<3<3<3 :)
Kpopcrazy92 #2
Chapter 4: Why did you stop?!?!?? Please continue!!! I love it!!! It's cute and adorable!!! I want to see want their troubles and excitements are going be!!