
The Making

A/N: By the way just imagine Shinee like how they look in Dazzling Girl MV.

2pm POV~

They had arrived last, others were looking at them when they came in running. They had made it in time, but they had been caught.

"Since your group is so eager to start," said principal Lee, with his eyebrows raised with an amused twinkle in his eyes. "Why dont you and the rest of your group meet your partners." They laughed nervously, as they followed their principal to the other room with S.C. students were. They looked around the room, seeing all different shapes and sizes of people, all with different faces. Not like any other section they've seen. In all the other sections everyone looked the same, they were all into the same things and often had to follow the trends in their section. But this section was different, they were all following what they believed what was cool to them but not others. . . it was different. . . but. . . a good different.

They followed the prinicpal to another room, as they did they others whisper.

"Why are they getting 2pm?"

"It's so unfair."

"Those guys will need all the luck they need."

"Why do those trash get the most popular group?"

They raised their brows at each other. What were the other students talking about? Their partners couldn't be so bad. Guess some things in school just never change after all. . .

They arrived at the door, when principal Lee turned to them.

"This group you will be getting is a bit of on the troublemaking side so don't be afraid to tell me when you need help." They nodded, unsure of what could say. If their principal was warning them, what kind of group will they be getting?

They watched as principal Lee opened the door and let them enter, it was a room like the other one, but more spacious considering the lack of people in the room.

"Watch out!" someone shouted. Nichkhun had bearly dodged a flying soccer ball, that could've hit his face. but as he dodged it, Junho did not, and was on the floor dazed.

"Now look what you did!" said one voice.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" argued a second voice.

"Whatever let's see if he's okay." There were a bnch of footseps running to their direction. The other members of 2pm had been busy with helping Junho up. Who was still dazed but standing.

"I'm so sorry," said a voice, they looked towrads it and gaped. There were five in total. There were five strangers. Five absolutely, amazingly beautiful strangers. There in front of them were five boys, with all concerned faces. "I didn't know you were here, and accidently kicked it your way. I'm so Sorry!" The tallest out of them bowed, and looked at Junho with concern along with others behind. Junho blinked, and blinked.

"I think I'm hallucinating," said Junho looking at the five. "Cuase i think I'm seeing angels." Junho shook his head, as the people in front of them blushed a bit. Nichkhun slapped his face.

"Wae!" shouted Junho, holding cheek. Nichkhun smiled mischieviously.

"You said you were hallucinating i helped you get over it," said Nichkhun, smiling. Juhno still rubbing his cheek.

"BUt i still see them." said Junho, when Wooyoung smacked him upside the head. "What is it and people hitting me today?"

"The reason your still seeing them is because their real." said Taecyeon, as Chansung laughed at his hyungs. Juhno had look of realization, before turning red from what he said earlier.

"Please ignore their oblivousness," said Junsu, looking at the five in front of them. "I'm Kim Junsu." He elbowed Wooyoung. "Are you guys going to remain nameless or are you going to give them your names?"

"Hwang Chansung." Smiling at the five, still laughing a little.

"Lee Junho." He rubbed his head, from all the abuse it's been through.

"Jang Wooyoung." Smiling to them politely.

"Ok Taecyeon." Looking at them, he had a small smile.

"Nichkhun Horvejkul, and yes I know it is not korean, that is because my parents are thai-chinese." He explained when he saw the confused faces, he always had to explain his name to others.


They looked at the six membered group in silence, while they were talking to each other. To say they were shocked at who their partners were, would be the understatement of the century. And one of them had just complimented them. To say they knew who they were, is another big, HUGE understaement. Everyone knew 2pm, their well known for their powerful performances and amazing way to entrance anyone to their masculinity.

2pm looked at them, after they introduced themselves, expecting something. But they were still a bit shocked.

"Did we do something wrong?" asked Taecyeon, looking at them. But the five had shook their heads so fast they thought they might've broken their necks. The five turned to principal Lee, with glares but principal Lee just smiled.

"Are you serious?!" asked one of them, his feline-like eyes were narrowed to a point where 2pm had thought he really was an animal. "Wae?! Why their department?!"

"Because you have the pontienal*, and since they are the best in their department, i fugured they were the best to teach you five," Said Principal Lee. Gesturing to 2pm, he said, "Now introduce yourselves, it's not polite to keep them waiting." They rolled their eyes as they faced 2pm, nervous butterflies already set in their stomachs.


2pm watched the five as they introduced themselves individually.

"I'm Lee Jinki, but just call me Onew!" One said with a bright smile, his hair was a light chocolate brown, with a few faded highlights, he had bright warm chocolate brown eyes, and a warm smile spread across his unbelmished skin

"Kim Jonghyun, nice to meet you!" He had dark brown hair, and eyes, that warmed you up when you look at them directly. His smile could melt you to the floor, across that flawless face.

"Kim Kibum, But just call me Key," His feline eyes glared at them, with a fire they did not know what for. His lips tighten too a line on his creamy skin.

"I'm Choi Minho, nice to meet you. . ." He had bowed in the perfect angle, his black hair  was tousled a bit, as his deep black eyes looked down shyly at the ground. Which didn't quite seem right to them, they just dont know why.

"I'm Lee Taemin." He was behind Key and Minho, peeking out from behind them to look at them. But he still gave them a small smile, which was absolutely adorable, with his eyes a bit watery.

2pm did not get why these guys weren't in a department yet, they seemed nice and- who were they kidding, they look like freaking angels here! But then why aren't they in a department yet? They had heard the other SC students talk badly about them, calling them trash and worthless. And principal Lee had even warned them these guys were going to be trouble, but these five spell the complete oppisite! They don't look like troublemakers or treat someone like dirt.

"Well now that introductions are done," said principal Lee, catching everyones attention back to him. "I will be explaining some rules." They all nodded, as they shifted around a bit to get comfortable. "One you are not allowed to switch with someone else for their partners. Two, i dont want any trouble or fighting between partners." As he said this, he looked to Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin. "The other rules are like the school regulations. and since they will be training under your wing, they will also be moving to your department dormitory temporarily."

"What?!" shout Key, surprised as much as the others. "You never told us about THAT! Why do we need to move there?!"

"Because, you will be training in their department. You will also have they same classes, expect your morning classes." Morning classes is when the enitre school becomes a normal school and just teaches normal subjects like math, science, english, etc. But by 11, they switch to their department lessons. Which can be from singing and dancing, to writing and reading. "Also you be attending monthly meetings at the concert stage at the M.T.S. department, with everyone else in the M.T.S. department that is participating in the challenge." Which would be a lot, is what 2pm thought. When they had come in the lecture hall they saw a lot of people  from their department. "You will be showing what you have learned, in other words you will be performing in front of the entire school each month and all will be ranked depending on the vote of the entire school at the end of the year."

They all just stared at him wide eyed and speechless. "Oh and they will be moving to the dorm next to you." principal Lee said to 2pm, as he walked out. They were still shocked from the sudden information. They had new thoughts, and worries of what's going to happen next.

But what they all thought the most was;


What do we do now?


A/N: so what do you think? Too short? Too quick? please comment and any pointers on how to improve myself is welcomed! :D

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peuleya #1
Chapter 4: continue please 2pm x shinee I LOVE IT update soon!! don't stop <3<3<3<3<3<3 :)
Kpopcrazy92 #2
Chapter 4: Why did you stop?!?!?? Please continue!!! I love it!!! It's cute and adorable!!! I want to see want their troubles and excitements are going be!!