I hate him .who am I kidding?


 Reita was still in bed, I walked in my room to see his face towardds me as he snored softly, his hair falling over his closed eyes slightly, he must be so exausted. I told the others to go back to bed and that we would sleep for a few more hours then the fun would begin. They agreed yawning slightly before heading to their rooms.
Chainging into fresh pj's I climbed back into bed, I kissed Reitas head softly before falling asleep slowly. After about a hour I heard Reita coming back from the bathroom, after he had climbed back into bed and hugged me softly before resting his head next to mine, instinctively I turned to hug him. As his arms wrapped around me I nuzzled him softly hearing him chuckle gently.After an hour I slowly opened my eyes to see Reita sat looking out of the window as I leant on his chest . Hearing a knock at the door I got up quickly changing the bathroom before answering.
'Hey bestie' Yuki giggled
'Who the told you where I live?' I sighed
'Aw well thats nice you havent seen me in two years and thats how you greet me' Yuki pouted
'What do you want?' I was getting more irritated by the second.
'Heard you had the Hersheys bar over and thought I would come for a taste' Yuki wiggled her eyebrows
'1 dont ever refer to my best friends as chocolate, 2 youre not tasting anything and 3 go away and dont come back' I huffed going to close the door but she stepped in anyway.
'Jay-chan who is it?; Kai smiled walking into the kitchen to pour himself some apple juice.
'An unwanted visitor who I would like to leave' I gritted my teeth, I knew who she was here for. She wanted Reita, but it would be over my dead body.
'Aw JayJay always joking' Yuki giggled
'Who said I was kidding?' I  was beginning to get angry now.
'Im Yuki' She smiled at Kai batting her eyelashes flirtatiously
'Im Kai' he smiled showing no interest in anything but the apple juice. As the others came out of their rooms I mentally facepalmed myself.
'Who are these gentlemen' Yuki squealed
'Uruha, Aoi, Ruki and Kai' Kai introduced them
'Im Yuki' shem smiled winking at Reita.
'youre leaving' I stated
'Why are you being so mean, you should share jayjay' Yuki pouted flashing a smile at Reita. Sapphire had placed herself next to me and was growling at Yuki, Yuki stared at her.
'What is that?' She said disgusted pointing at the husky.
'Thats a dog' I nodded sarcastically.
'Get it away' she shreiked.
'No' I smiled
'UGH, fine uh Reita do you maybe wanna hang out' Yuki smiled at the blonde man hopefully.
'No thanks. Im good' he politely refused. Turning on her heel and storming out I burst out laughing.
'Whats funny' Aoi asked confused
'Her face, ugh I hate her so much' I sighed
Reita walked over to me,
'She was hot though, maybe I should hang out with her' I rolled my eyes and walked onto the balcony.
'Reita you ' Aoi said blankly
'Im going to ask her out' He smiled sheepishly
'Who Jay-chan or Yuki' Uruha asked confused.
'Yuki' He confirmed
'I thought you loved Jay-chan' Ruki blurted
'I do but Im trying to get over her' he stated bluntly
'Why dont you ask Jay- chan out instead' Aoi suggested logically.
'She would probably say no!' He argued.
'Trust me if she knew you were genuine she would say yes in a heartbeat' Uruha sighed
'Wait.. Uruha you know something I dont?' Kai smiled
'Just that Jay-chans been in love with Reita for about 8 years' Uruha smiled
'Weve only known Jay-chan 8 years?' Kai blinked confused
'Exactly, since around about the same time and neither was smart enough to admit it' Ruki sighed frustrated
'Uruha, could you ask her out for me Im too nervous' Reita sighed shakily.
'Ofcourse' He nodded walking out onto the balcony where I was sat.
'Jay-chan' he smiled
'Yeah Uru? I replied looking at him
'Reita wanted to know if you might like to go out with him?' Uruha smiled
'Youre not pranking me are you? you know how I feel' I sighed
'Im not joking, you know I wouldnt joke about something like this' He said seriously
'Then yes I would love to' I  giggled trying to hide my smile.
Uruha walked back in following me as I yelled I was taking a nap.
I saw Uruha walk over to the others before I changed, climbing into bed falling and collapsing as I walked from the bathroom. The others rushed in hearing the noise and helped me into bed. I could see Reita walking back in with a glass of water and 2 tablets.
'Jade you need to rest a bit more' Uruha smiled weakly.
'Ill bring you something to eat in a little while' Kai smiled sympathetically before ushering the others out leaving Reita and I alone.
'Are you ok Jay-chan?' He questioned my hand lightly.

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Dreamareality #1
Hope you update soon!! Love this drama >.<
LoveYou12345678 #2
Update Please! I Love it so much!