My legs were badly injured due to being attacked whilst on the way back to my apartment one night I was told i would recover but it would take months of healing. The guys had no idea, I didnt want to trouble them, I suffered trauma and seizures but they were less frequent now.As I was walking to the living room I felt a sharp pain in my legs and spine, the room began to spin and i fell to the floor. Sapphire rushed to my side settling herself against me in an aggressive stance as she always did when this happened/ I buried my head in her furr sighing in defeat. I heard the other coming in.
'Jay-chan what happened?' Aoi asked helping me up, I tried to steady myself but collapsed again on the floor. I looked at my feet, unable to look at them
'im fine' I insisted shakily, but to no avail
'oh because you really look it' Reita sighed sarcastically rolling his eyes as Ruki hit him in the back of the head 
'baka' he grumbled rubbing his head
'you wanna explain Jay-chan?' Uruha raised an eyebrow
'well, uh during your tour I was walking home I was attacked and occasionally I collapse and it takes a few minutes before my legs can move again' I sighed standing up.
'why didnt you tell us' Kai scowled
'I didnt want to worry you' I looked down
'Reita you better keep an eye on her' Uruha told him calmy
'Ugh' Reita groaned I rolled my eyes and went to bed. I soon drifted off into an uneasy sleep. Sapphire had followed Aoi into his room, which he didnt mind.
Kai had went to check all the doors were locked. I felt the bed shift slightly as Reita laid down. Turning back over I kept my eyes closed, so it still looked as if I was sleeping 
'Goodnight Jay-chan' he whispered lighlty hugging me before he sipped his hot chocolate calmy sighing as he placed his headphones in for a while.I listened quietly to the steady breathing. I sat up feeling shaken slightly. I felt his eyes on me as I struggled to control my breathing. He quickly rushed away to bring a glass of water. Holding me steady I sipped slowly my breaths becoming more regular now.
'Thanks Reita' I whispered slowly
He wrapped his arms around me, gently soothing me with his heartbeat. I felt him let go and shuffle to his side of the bed before snuggling upto me. I fell asleep feeling safe. I woke the next morning with lips lightly resting on my forehead. I could swear this was a dream, and if it was then I didnt want to wake up. I pretended to still be sleeping as he wrapped his arms tighter around me and sighed dreamily, was this seriously the same Reita? I turned away to grab my phone which was ringing violently, annoyed and 'sleepy' I answered the call.
'moshi,moshi' I sighed
'Hey Jade Its Yume' - Y
'Whats up' - J
'Well you see I was reading about The GazettE and thought I would tell you their likes and dislikes from an interview'- Y
'Yume I know them, whats really going on'- J
'Just dont know what the heck to get you for christmas bestie' - Y
'Told you I dont want anything now can I go back to sleep' - J
'JADE you must want something' - Y
'Just get Sapphire some treats' - J
'Ok' - Y
*hangs up*
Groaning I turned over and snuggled up into the covers shaking lightly. I heard Reita click on the electric blanket and turn over. Well it was nice while it lasted. After I had stopped shivering I turned over lightly sighing and falling into a light sleep. The bed shifted again and I felt strong arms wrap around me once again. Was this really happening? I nuzzled him lightly sighing as my phone rang again. Grabbing my phone but staying where I was I calmy answered my phone.
'moshi moshi' I answered slowly 
'Jade we got a problem, me and Uruha went shopping but then some crazy person started stalking us and now we are stuck in the bathroom in the mall' Aoi whined
'Alright i will be there in 10' I sighed
'Arigato' Aoi spoke gratefully before hanging up. Changing in the bathroom into some skinny jeans and an initial D shirt I grabbed my keys.
'I will be right back' I called to the others before shutting the door and climbing into my car. After 5 minutes I pulled up to the back of the mall where Uruha and Aoi sprinted from the bathroom to my car throwing their bags in before they dived in the back buckling up and breathing heavily as I stifled a laugh quickly driving off. When we returned we shuffled in Ruki and Kai were watching TV and petting the dogs.


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Dreamareality #1
Hope you update soon!! Love this drama >.<
LoveYou12345678 #2
Update Please! I Love it so much!