❝K-reativity Designing Shop❞ | OPEN


  Open   | Busy |   Hiring   | Hiatus | Closed
K-reativity Designing Shop is a place where you can fulfill your desires for amazing, lovely and fantastic graphics, trailers and reviews. We are here to serve you the best service! Come and request and you won't regret.
one. subscribe 
two. provide HQ pictures and fill in the form carefully. we will make your request based on your form.
three. use the poster that we made for at least a month.
four. do not request from other site when you've requested from us and vice versa.
five. you only have 24 hours to cancel your request.
six. credit us once you've accepted your poster/review/trailers
seven. do not rush the designer/reviewer/t-maker nor bash them.
eight. for reviews, make sure your story has more than 5 chapters before you request. (except for one-shots)
nine. leave a comment once you've requested
one. staffs and examples
two. status
three. pick-ups
let's be affies!



[ click on the form ]
Title: [ --/5]
Foreword & Description: [ --/10]
Appearance: [ --/5]
Plot: [ --/15]
Originality: [ --/15]
Grammar & Punctuations: [ --/20]
Characterization: [ --/10]
Story Flow: [ --/10]
Overall Enjoyment: [ --/10]
Bonus (decides by reviewer): [ --/5]
Total: --/105
none at the moment
featured stories for 90+


i'm currently in need of "2 designer. 3 reviewers, 2 t-makers" and 
if you are interested, please fill in the form below and PM me.
quick! places are limited!
AFF Username:
Activeness: 1 -10
Applying as:
Examples(at least 3): [ no need an example for advertiser ]
Your rules:
Can you do animated poster: [ only for designer ]
Program used:
Icon link: [ 100x100]
I will PM you back if you're hired. Thanks in advance for applying.
Big update coming today :D Stay tuned!


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Chapter 2: Sorry. I didn't realize you we're closed. please cancel my request
Just Requested for a trailer ^^
Hi. I'm starting a shops list and I want to add your shop/gallery/list/contest/roleplay :
Read the rules, complete this form , put it in the comments box for this link and you will be on the list.

Author's name:
Author's link:
Banner's link:
Shop's Title:
Shop's link:
Shop genre:
Author's Note:
Info you want to add:
Services/Packs/posters/trailers exp:

Chapter 52: Sorry I didn't know this store is closed already. You can just cancel my request:)
Chapter 2: I requested for a trailer! ^^
I requestd! :)
thanks in advance ♥
Hey, I requested a poster! ^_^ I requested for a graphic!
i requested for the trailer~~