Here and There

Live alive


(Taeyeon POV)
“I’m sorry Taeyeon-ah, I forgot.”
I leaned back into the couch, sighing deeply while running my fingers through my hair. Yoona on the other hand, darted all over the room, picking up her clothes while also trying to straighten up the room as best she could. 
I watched lazily as she made record time running from one part of the room to the other, it was surprising she hadn’t fell or tripped over something in her hurry. 
A knock was heard at the door.
I groaned as I pulled myself up, I glanced at Yoona who was looking rather stressed. 
“Taeyeon-ah, don’t open it yet.” 
And just like that she dashed into her room shutting the door behind her, leaving me standing in the middle of the room. 
Knocking was heard again, followed by some familiar voices on the other side. I’m sure Yoona won’t be too upset if I let them in.
I picked up a few things Yoona had forgotten as I made my way to the door. 
I heard a small breathless voice behind me.
“Wait, I’ll open it.”
I stood back and allowed Yoona walk forward and answer the door, I turned the other way and walked to my room, I had been long overdue for a nap considering how early I had gotten up this morning. 
Behind me, I could hear the door creak open and Yoona exchanging greetings with her friends.
“Hey Taeyeon, where are you going?” 
This was one voice I could never forget, Sooyoung. Yoona loves her terribly, yet for some reason whenever she opens all I can hear is a white noise.
Yoona seemed to have noticed my reluctance to answer and saved me the trouble of yelling at the annoying shikshin.
“Taeyeon’s going to rest for a while.”
Sooyoung turned her head away from Yoona then chuckled as her gaze was focused on me.
“Is it already time for your nap, ahjumma?”
I swear, my glare could have seared right through her head and into that food obsessed brain of hers. But she wasn’t worth the effort right now, I was too tired and sleep was my number one priority.
All I did was let out a disapproving grunt, while turning my back to her.
“Did you hear that? She really is an ahjumma.” 
“...Sooyoung. Sleep well Taeyeon-ah.”

(Tiffany POV)
“-And why do you think it was okay to go out by yourselves?! What would have happened if you got hurt? I didn’t know where you were, no one would’ve knew where to even start looking if you went missing.”
My father was furious, his face had gone a similar shade as that of a rose, spit was flying in all directions and some flew a massive distance. Good thing he had had us seated a few metres away from him, or we would have been drenched in spit by now. 
I looked apologetically at Jessica, who was intently staring at her shoes. I glanced back up at my father who was still in his fit of rage, his fists hit the desk he was standing behind. 
I watched as his coffee cup unsteadily teetered as his fists came in contact with the desk once more. He didn’t seem to notice, otherwise he wouldn’t be hitting the desk as hard as he was. 
“-Completely irresponsible, I wouldn’t expect this from you Tiffany! How can you expect to take on responsibility for this business if you can’t even take responsibility for your actions!”
The coffee that was so precariously balancing had spilt, staining the contents on the desk. All three of us tuned our attention towards the faint noise it had made.
Incoherent muttering was heard from my father as he scrambled together the papers that had not been drenched with coffee. 
“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere.”
As soon as saw him leave the room I immediately turned my attention to Jessica. The room had gone completely silent, Jessica had not made an attempt to look up from the floor, and as a result I lightly shook her shoulder with anticipation. She jerked her shoulder from out of my grasp, still refusing to meet my gaze.
“Jessie, what’s the matter?”
Jessica lifted her head only a few centimetres and turned her face slightly so she was facing me. Her stare only fixated on me for only a few seconds before she turned away again.
She mumbled something incoherent which I couldn’t quite make out, I leaned my face closer cupping my hand around my ear
“I-I-I’m s-sorry...”
Was she crying? Over something as trivial as leaving the house by ourselves? My eyebrows rose in confusion, I wasn’t upset about it, I barely even cared. I would have gladly done it again if Jessica came back tomorrow and asked. 
“Don’t get so distressed over this, I couldn’t have had more fun this morning. I should be thanking you for showing me such a good time.”
She abruptly wiped away some tears that had fallen on her cheeks, and shot me a quick smirk.  
My father suddenly burst into the room, both Jessie and I jumped from his loud entrance. From the look on his face he seemed to have calmed down slightly. 
“We will discuss this further later in the day Tiffany,  Jessica-sshi you may leave now.”
Jessica stood from her chair and bowed respectively to my father before doing so to me, I stood up and mirrored her actions.
“See you soon, Jessie.” 
 I made sure to whisper, seeing as how my father looked peeved and rather eager for her to leave. 


Soon after Jessica had left, I was told by my father I had to go off to my room. It was a rather childish thing to say, but seeing as how I still live under his roof, it was not an option whether I do it or not. I reluctantly walked off to my room, making sure I stomped the entire way up the stairs.  
Once I had walked through the doors of my room, I slammed the door shut and collapsed on my bed. 
I really did feel like a child now, it was reminiscent of how my father wouldn’t let Seohyun and I go to the movies by ourselves and I would throw a tantrum. 
I sighed deeply into my pillow and went completely limp, I glimpsed at the clock on my bedside table.
*Knock* *Knock*
That couldn’t be my father, like he would talk to me after sending me to my room. It must be a maid.
“Come in.” 
The door opened silently, and closed just as quiet. I looked up from my pillow to find myself face to face with my little sister. 
“Seororo, did you come to visit your poor big sister?”
I spoke with a sickly amount of cuteness in my voice. Pouting slightly, I held my arms up as one would do when expecting a hug. 
Seohyun was more than obliged to do so.
She nimbly climbed up onto the sheets, deciding to sit at the very edge of the bed. I quickly grabbed her around her waist and pulled her closer to me. In response she squealed and giggled like a child who was being tickled, the sound of her laughter was melodic. She squirmed against me trying to break free of my grasp, each time she tried to escape I would tighten my grip around her. I found myself laughing along with her.
She eventually figured out that resistance was futile and stopped struggling,  
 We lay together in each other’s embrace, letting out small giggles until we steadied our breathing.
“I overheard father saying you left the house by yourself.”
I chuckled inwardly, of course he would say something like that.
“I went with Jessica, to a nearby village. We were completely fine.”
“Weren’t you worried father would be upset with you?” 
I kept silent, gripping Seohyun closer to me. I affectionately pressed my forehead against hers, closing my eyes and savouring such a rare moment between us.  
Seohyun hesitantly wrapped her arms around my waist, copying my actions. 
“I miss you.”
She whispered under her breath, it was barely audible. 
It was astonishing how such simple words could rouse such complicated emotions. Her words replayed in my head as I gently stoked her hair, feeling the silken locks in-between my fingers. We saw each other every day, yet I can’t remember when the last time I hugged her was. I couldn’t remember the last time I really looked at her, I never had the opportunity to watch her grow from a child into the beautiful young woman she is today.
“I miss you too.”
I weakly murmured.  It depressed me to think about it too much, I would usually suppress these feelings and push them into the deepest recesses of my mind. Seohyun was pressured to undertake a career as a business woman by my father, ever since, it is only on occasions where we spend time like this together.
A knock at the door startled us both, we instantly broke out of our embrace. Seohyun was still straightening out her shirt when I had quickly rushed over to open the door.
“Pardon me Miss Hwang. You have a guest that wishes to speak with you.”
A guest? Jessica? No, she jest left looking like she had caught some life threatening disease. Maybe it was Yuri? I doubt it, she rarely visits without Jessica. 
“Who is it?”
The butler shook his head.
“I’m terribly sorry Miss Hwang, I assumed he was a friend of yours so I did not ask.”
He cleared his throat before continuing.
“Your father seemed to recognise this man, or he would not have acted so incredibly... Urm...  Exultant.”
I looked over my shoulder at Seohyun, she shrugged her shoulders and looked just as puzzled as I did.
“Is this important?”
I didn’t want to leave my little sister by herself, especially when she was so desperate to see me. 
“I assume it is, he requested to speak with you immediately. Although I might I add, he did seem rather anxious.”
I threw a concerned look at Seohyun, walking towards her and gently placing my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, her face had disappointment written all over it. I tenderly caressed her shoulder, gazing sadly down at her.
“I’ll be back before you know it, wait for me here.”
She nodded firmly and gave me the tiniest smile. 
“That’s not a smile.”
I pinched her cheeks softly, her face lit up and she let out a fit of small giggles. I let go of her cheeks, they had gone rosy where I had pinched them.
“That’s better.” I gently cooed.

I walked carefully down the flight of stairs that led to the parlour, making sure to take my time. One summer Seohyun tripped down the stairs and fractured her arm in two different places. Ever since that day I’ve never gone faster than a glacial speed down a flight of stairs.
As I descended the last few steps, I could hear my father laughing quite obnoxiously while letting out some unattractive snorts. 
The next voice that followed was unfamiliar, it was a very deep voice, and judging by his tone I would say he is up to my father.
Was this my guest? I’ve never heard his voice before. I carefully approached the open door where my father’s voice was coming from, I peeked from around the corner at the two.
My father was sitting on one of the couches, his hands clapping together at an amusing joke the other man told him. That was one trait I inherited from him.
I looked suspiciously at the man sitting opposite from my father. He looked very uncomfortable sitting alone on one of the larger sofas, he kept on fidgeting with his hands which told me he was nervous about something.
As soon as the man had noticed me standing at the door, he immediately stood up from his seat. The way his eyes looked me up and down with a disturbing grin made me sick to my stomach. His mouth was open slightly, gawking as his eyes trailed all over my body. 
His eyes had never once met mine, they were too occupied staring at places I would rather not say.
“Ah, Tiffany.”
My father had risen from his seat, oblivious to the fact I was being stared at hungrily by a ert. He turned to the young man, putting his hand on his shoulder. The man seemed to have snapped out of his trance and once again tensed up. 
“Tiffany, this is Choi Siwon.”
I bowed just to be polite, I was incredibly thankful we did not have to shake hands. I cringed at the thought of Siwon touching me in any way.
“His father has been incredibly loyal to this gangpae for many years, putting his life on the line just to get a job done.”
I really couldn’t have cared less, what did he bring me down here for, to give him a clap? To applaud him for his father’s achievements? I looked at my father and raised my eyebrows, as if to say, ‘that’s it?’ ‘Do I have to do something now?
He seemed to mistake my facial expression of being confused for being impressed.
“Yes, I know it we cannot show our gratitude enough. So I asked Siwon to pay us a visit.”
“Imagine today of all days.”
I bluntly stated. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at my father I was still upset to how he reacted not more than thirty minutes ago. 
I received a strict frown from him, the wrinkles on his forehead were all clearly visible from this action. He directed his next statement at Siwon, ignoring me completely.
“You’ll have to excuse Tiffany’s rudeness, she has been rather rebellious these past few days.”
Siwon smirked.
It’s really no problem.”
“She’s usually very sweet and kind, most of the time you will find she is a very quiet obedient girl. But I’m sure you’ll have no trouble getting along with her.”
My ears perked up, was my father implying to the fact I was going to see him more than once? I stared at Siwon, watching his eyes light up.
“Yes sir, I am immensely thrilled to be spending time with Tiffany-sshi.”  
I shot a questioning look at my father, my mouth was slightly agape as I was trying to fully understand what they were talking about.
“What’s this?”
I questioned, my gaze turning to my father and then to Siwon.
“I am just getting to that dear. You see, Siwon is a very admirable young man whom I believe will make you very happy. So as a present for your nineteenth birthday, I have arranged a wedding for you two. By the end of the month, you will be happily married to Siwon.” 


Miss me? No? Sorry my laptop broke and I had to re-write this chapter again on my actual computer. It's not very long, I hope soon I can finally reach 5000 words on a chapter sometime.
So yes, Tiffany to marry Siwon. I felt sick writing about Siwon, he just makes me cringe. Taeny will happen soon!

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My laptop broke, which had my next chapter on it. Sorry, chapter two will be a bit delayed.


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HungryDog #1
Chapter 1: UGH!!! Tae, grab your gun and kill that b*astard S*won!! How dare he assault Fany?! About Jeti, just send Yuri. Piece of cake. Now please continue.... Tae in Fany's mansion afterall
Zulmrih #2
Here i gooooo 1.....2.......3 start reading NOW
Chapter 3: Eeeek Siwon kissing Tiff it was disgusting alright what a _______.. its weird if that was me i would have kick the sh*t out of him.. just go fany wash your hand and arm thoroughly, like dissinfect it or something >:\ and Tiffs dad is stupid, im sorry but he is -_- why is it always Siwon have a bad weird guy character in most of Taeny fics.
Chapter 3: Arrgghhh siwon... whats with kissing her hand like that ck...

Taeny meet soon lol
taegsic #5
Chapter 2: Goood story , i like it :)
Ohohoho.. always love this kind of story!!! Plus i love how u write :)

Looking forward for the next chapter!!
NovumFantasia #7
This looks really good.
Let's see how it's gonna be.