
Live alive


(Taeyeon POV)


 I called out from my bed, the covers were still draped across my face as well as my torso, while leaving my bottom half exposed to the cold air. I pulled the covers off my face and groggily rubbed my eyes, sitting up to look at the clock at my bedside.

10:37 am

I blinked lazily, still trying to wake up.

“Yoona?” I called again.

Has she left already? I thought her and her friends were staying here to watch a movie. The house seemed silent, Yoona would have told me if she were going out. I slid out of bed and opened the door to walk out of my room.

I peeked into the lounge, finding it was empty. My eyebrows knitted together as I continued to wonder where Yoona had gone off to.
I strode past the lounge and towards the kitchen, slumping myself down on one of the stools at the counter. Then something in front of me caught my eye, I picked it up warily, praying it wasn’t some type of ransom.

Sooyoung and Sunny have just taken me out for lunch, be back soon, maybe at twelve.
Love you Tae~

I couldn’t help but feel relieved after reading the note.

‘Well, at least I have some time to visit the villa.’


(Tiffany POV)



 “Tiffany! Tiffany dear!”

I awoke to the sound of my father calling my name, I groaned whilst I rubbed the back of my head. It hurt slightly from the impact it made with the floor.

“What happened?”

My father placed one hand on my shoulder and held my hand with his other.

“You seemed to have collapsed my dear, shall I send for a nurse?”

“No, no. I’m alright.”
I picked myself up off the floor with some help from my father. Earning several worried glances from the house staff.

“It must be such a shock to find out that you’re marrying such a handsome young man.”

It hit me like a ton of bricks, the marriage with Siwon. I didn’t feel as faint as I do nauseous now.

“I suppose I should take my leave soon sir, as I must be going.”

“Ah yes, very well.”

My father looked at me and signalled to Siwon with his hand, while the other remained behind his back.

“Go on Tiffany, say goodbye.”

His attention immediately changed as he called out to someone from across the room, and walked away from both Siwon and I.

I turned to face Siwon, his eyebrows were raised, as if intrigued. He had a smirk planted on his lips which I would have very much liked to slap off.

“Farewell, Choi Siwon.”

I bowed, trying my best to act composed and calm. When inside, I was cringing at the very sight of him.

“Until we meet again, Miss Hwang.”

He sauntered towards me, only stopping with less than a metre away. In one swift motion me took my hand and kissed it, I was taken aback by his actions and immediately went to retrieve my hand. However his grip was too tight and my attempt was unsuccessful.

His eyes filled with lust as he continued to kiss further up my arm, roughly pulling up the sleeve of my shirt to expose more flesh.
I stood frozen, as I was still trying to grasp the fact that I was being ually assaulted by my ‘fiancé’ whilst in the presence of my father. My eyes darted all over the room, trying to locate where my father had disappeared to. I saw him conversing with a woman I knew quite well, it seems he has not noticed us or Siwon would already be facing the end of a gun barrel.

I broke out of my thoughts when I felt a hand roughly groping my thigh. I gasped and immediately pushed Siwon with as much force as I could muster. He stumbled back a few steps, shocked at my actions he was wide eyed, but soon his face resonated back into a smirk as he sauntered forward once again.

“Getting along nicely are we Tiffany?” My father’s voice had startled Siwon as he stepped several feet away from me.

“Oh, yes. Very much so sir.”

 Siwon had moved to stand beside me, raising his arm hesitantly to drape around my shoulders.
I could see my father frown at his actions, and shake his head disapprovingly. As soon as Siwon removed his grasp from my shoulder I immediately ran to stand beside my father, hugging his arm as if it were dear life.

“Father, I-“

 I could see Siwon’s eyes widen as if he knew what I were about to say would get him killed.

“I am terribly sorry sir, I must be going soon. I do have my duties to perform.” He bowed politely at my father, looking up waiting for his dismissal.

“Ah, very well. I wouldn’t want to keep you from doing your job, but please, as my future son-in-law. We would love to invite you and your dear parents to join us for dinner this evening.”

I knew this was just my father being polite, I desperately hoped Siwon would decline the invitation as I couldn’t stand to see this man twice in the same day.

“We would be honoured to accept your invitation, sir.”


 My father and Siwon both exchanged bows before Siwon had departed from the room and soon the villa.


(Taeyeon POV)

Soon the villa was in sight, I pulled over to the side of the road and stepped out of my car. I was fairly far from the property, yet I could still make out the large amount of guards conversing at the front of the house.
I contemplated how I would be able to break into the villa, this would certainly be more difficult than an average break in.

I tapped my fingers against the roof of my car and breathed out deeply, I was stumped, there was absolutely nothing I could think of.

“Argh!” I groaned aloud, why was this so frustrating?

I decided walk just a little further towards the villa, noticing the vast amount of forest land surrounding the property. It seemed as if that part of the property was not being guarded, it seems rather convenient but not overly suspicious.
I walked back to my car, an idea had been instilled in my mind on how this plan was going to be carried out.



I am terrible sorry for the long wait and the oh-so-short chapter. I promise next chapter, Tae will finally meet Tiffany and the actual plot will begin. 
Thankyou so much to those who subscribe and comment, it really means a lot to me and it encourages me to continue writing.
I hope this chapter doesn't make you too sick with all of the Siwon touching Tiffany stuff. :P I know it made me feel sick.


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My laptop broke, which had my next chapter on it. Sorry, chapter two will be a bit delayed.


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HungryDog #1
Chapter 1: UGH!!! Tae, grab your gun and kill that b*astard S*won!! How dare he assault Fany?! About Jeti, just send Yuri. Piece of cake. Now please continue.... Tae in Fany's mansion afterall
Zulmrih #2
Here i gooooo 1.....2.......3 start reading NOW
Chapter 3: Eeeek Siwon kissing Tiff it was disgusting alright what a _______.. its weird if that was me i would have kick the sh*t out of him.. just go fany wash your hand and arm thoroughly, like dissinfect it or something >:\ and Tiffs dad is stupid, im sorry but he is -_- why is it always Siwon have a bad weird guy character in most of Taeny fics.
Chapter 3: Arrgghhh siwon... whats with kissing her hand like that ck...

Taeny meet soon lol
taegsic #5
Chapter 2: Goood story , i like it :)
Ohohoho.. always love this kind of story!!! Plus i love how u write :)

Looking forward for the next chapter!!
NovumFantasia #7
This looks really good.
Let's see how it's gonna be.