
Live alive


(Taeyeon POV)


It was cold, the wind gently shook the trees, making a rustling noise that filled the quiet morning. It was just natural to be cold, it was winter and the weather had chilled rapidly. It’s as if autumn never happened.
A burst of steam escaped my lips as I breathed out, slowly disappearing into the air.


It was still dark, the sun hadn’t risen yet. I drew my hand out of my coat and checked my watch.

4:30 am


“Come on” I mumbled impatiently, another five minutes in this cold and I would have leave. I rubbed my hands together in a feeble attempt for warmth.


There weren't a lot of street lamps in this area, though there was one just outside the gate. Only the area under the light was illuminated. Though the light was dim, I could see someone standing under the lamp. ‘Finally’

The figure walked almost hesitantly towards me, their heels clicking on the pavement, which echoed throughout the empty street. 

“I’m glad you could make it.” As she spoke I could see steam from her breath. “I’ve seen some of your work, I find it impressive.” The corners of curved which formed a devilish smirk.

“Is it true you’ve never been caught?”


I nodded, keeping the same blank facial expression.


“Well, then. I would like to request your services.” She reached into her handbag and pulled out a purse. “How much do you cost these days?”




The woman chortled and retracted her purse. “Are you familiar with Lee Soo-man?”


“Relatively.” I had heard something about Lee Soo-man once, the gangpae boss who murdered his wife, or so the story goes.


“He has a daughter, Tiffany Hwang. She is the jewel of his eye, someone who very is dear to him.”


I knew where this was going. It always ended like this.


“Kill her”   




(Tiffany POV)


Sowoneul malhaebwa (I’m genie for you, boy)
sowoneul malhaebwa (I’m genie for your wish)
sowoneul malhaebwa (I’m genie for your dream)
naegaeman malhaebwa (I'm genie for your world)

“Urgh” I groaned in annoyance. I should have left my phone on silent or left it somewhere other than my room, this call better be a life or death situation. I ungracefully tried to retrieve my phone from my bedside table, while my face was buried into a pile stuffed animals on my bed. My hand finally found my phone, I picked it up and held it to my ear, I spoke groggily into the phone.


“*sniff* Hello?”


“Fany-Ah, is that you? You don’t sound too good.”


I lifted my head off my stuffed animals and fell onto my back.




“Yah, you sound ghastly.”


I rubbed my eyes. “What are you doing calling at...?” My eyes fell onto the clock at my bedside. “Four thirty!?”

I felt like crying, why does she feel the need to torture me like this, I love my sleep too much for me to lose even just a few minutes of it.

“Yah, Jessie! What are you doing waking me up so early?”


There was silence on the other line for a while.


“You said yesterday we would go running in the morning together.”


Did I say that? Even if I did I don’t think I would specify four thirty as an appropriate time.


“I don’t think I meant this early, it’s still dark out.”


“I thought no one would be out this early and we could go out without any supervision.”


This girl. I love her to death, but it’s going to kill me if we do this every morning.

“Yeah, but I’m so tired Jessie. Could we do it another time or something?”


“...Oh well, that’s a problem.”


I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. “Why?”


“Look outside your window.”


“You didn’t” I muttered.

I opened my curtains, and surely enough, there she was. Wearing a pink tracksuit with her phone against her ear, waving furiously at me.
I looked back at her in disbelief, my mouth was hanging open slightly and I retracted the curtains.


“Fine, I’ll be down in ten minutes.”





“It took you long enough.”


She was still in the same place I saw her outside my window. She was jumping from foot to foot, trying not to freeze. If I had known it was this cold outside, I would have invited her in the house.


“You’re the one who showed up uninvited, you should count yourself lucky I didn’t take longer.”


Jessica giggled and apologized, but I knew if she was actually sorry she would have gone home already, that way I could sleep for a couple more hours.


We walked out past the front gate, telling the guards that we weren’t going to stray too far. They offered to go with us, but it took quite a lot of convincing to let them agree to go by ourselves.





We had already been walking for ten minutes when my eyes started to feel heavy, Jessica had been droning on about some girl group, snsd or something.


“So, Yuri didn’t want to come?”




She mustn’t have heard me, I was about to repeat the question again when she spoke again.


“I didn’t ask her.”


“Oh.” I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. “Why not? You let her sleep but not me?”


Jessica’s cheeks turned a light pink hue, as a serene smile planted itself on her face.

“I thought we should spend some time together, we haven’t been alone with each other for a long time.”


This was true, ever since we became friends with Yuri, Jessica and I never found ourselves alone. I personally didn’t bother me because I really liked being around Yuri, though it did always seem that whenever Jessica and I were going to be alone, Yuri would suddenly show up out of nowhere.

“Yah, you make it sound like we’re lovers.”


Jessica let out a weak smile and turned her head to the side to look at the landscape.
“I just miss you.” She muttered weakly.


Aw, she could be so adorable sometimes.
I slowed down and came up behind her, she let out a cute squeak as I wrapped my arms around her middle. “Aw, Jessica you’re so cute! I miss you too” I rubbed my head in the crook of her neck affectionately while she just stood there, frozen in her tacks.

The pink on her cheeks had escalated to a full blush that was now fully noticeable.


I pulled away, and took one step forward to that she was by my side, and took her hand in mine.
“I’ll always be here, and I’ll never leave you, just don’t worry anymore okay?”


Jessica nodded and gave my hand a light squeeze.





6:00 am

 Wow, we’ve been walking for an hour and a half. Jessica and I had finally arrived into town, I can’t wait to sit down and relax. Just my luck too, we found a small children’s park, I saw a bench a few metres away and immediately ran towards it. I collapsed on it, closing my eyes and sighing in defeat. I had hardly left any room for Jessica to sit down, she giggled at my childness and rubbed my head in a soothing manor.

“My poor baby, are you tired?”


She was mocking me, but I was too exhausted to conjure up a comeback. So instead, I just pouted and nodded my head, earning another giggle from the older girl.

I looked around at our surroundings, there were only a handful of people out, and most of them were shopkeepers opening up their cafés or restaurants. There was a very beautiful gazebo further along the park with several birds resting upon it.

Jessica had sat herself on the grass just beside the bench, she was picking some dandelions that were growing.

She turned and faced me, pulling some hair behind my ear, she then placed one of the dandelions in my hair.

I smiled widely, lightly touching the flower perched in my hair. Jessica returned my smile twice as bright.

“Do you want to get something to eat?”


Jessica opened to reply, when a loud roar of thunder echoed throughout the town. Both Jessica and I looked up to the sky to see that it was gray and cloudy.


“Gee, how long has the sky been like that?”


I shook my head in response, I pulled myself up from the bench quickly, I could feel drops of rain hit my head before I had even stood up. I quickly took Jessica’s hand in mine and we both made a dash towards the gazebo.


The rain became heavy, I could only laugh at our luck, we had the most impeccable timing.  

I noticed I was still holding Jessica’s hand, she seemed to notice it too, but never objected in any way.

“I’m sorry I dragged you out here, we should have just taken a car or something.”


I wrapped one of my arms around her shoulders and gave her a tight squeeze.


“It’s no problem Jessie, I really enjoyed spending time with you. If I had to, I’d do again.”


She sheepishly smiled and rested her head in the crook of my neck. I rested my head atop of hers.

“Let’s do this again sometime, maybe check the weather beforehand though.”


Jessica nodded. I lowered my head so I could see her face clearly, I saw that both her eyes were closed. I chuckled and laid my head on hers again.

I softly her hair, letting the strands run in-between my fingers, and then fall back to their original place on her back.

Everything seemed tranquil, the rain seemed still and everything was quiet for that one moment.


Sowoneul malhaebwa (I’m genie for you, boy)
sowoneul malhaebwa (I’m genie for your wish)
sowoneul malhaebwa (I’m genie for your dream)
naegaeman malhaebwa (I'm genie for your world)


I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and I checked the caller ID. Great, this was the moment I was dreading.  

I knew my father would be furious to find out I went out without the supervision of security guards, I shuddered to think how angry he was going to get. He would probably fire the guards that let me go out without security. I hope he wouldn’t do anything too reckless.

I sighed deeply, better now or never. I flipped my phone open, and prepared for the worst.





(Taeyeon POV)


“Yoong, I’m home.”


I waited for Yoona to come greet me, the same as she does every day. For me, it seemed tedious for her to greet me so often, but I knew how happy she is to see me so I never said anything.

After standing at the door for a few minutes I heard no reply, and the curtains in the apartment were all closed.


“Yoona?” I repeated again


Still no reply, I walked over to the curtains, pulling them open so the room would be lit. Everything looked the same from when I left, I let out a sigh of relief, at least she hadn’t been kidnapped.

I walked across over to Yoona’s room, I knocked on the door lightly before entering.

The room was pitch black, the only light came from the sides of the curtains which were closed. I switched on the light located just near the door.


I smiled adoringly as I saw her sleeping sweetly in her bed, tucked in to all of her blankets, it was just too cute for words to describe. 

I quietly sauntered over to her bed, and crouched down near her face. I smiled even brighter when she creased her eyebrows and made a small groan in disapproval.

I chuckled at her cute behaviour, how she could be so charming without trying was beyond me.

I brought my hand to her face and gently brushed away some hair that had fallen onto her eyes.


I stood up, brushing myself off and took one last glance at Yoona. I bent down and sturdied myself by placing my hand near Yoona’s upper back and one near her face. I tenderly gave her a little kiss on her cheek.

“Sleep well Yoona.”


I gently caressed her head, watching her face soften sweetly at my touch. I lifted myself off the bed and walked back to the door, turning off the light and slowly shut the door.


Yoona was the pristine image of innocence, it seems almost unfit for me to touch her. Yet I treasure her more than anything, she makes me forget all of my troubles, my guilt. Yet she is also a reminder of how tainted I am.


I fell back onto the couch, letting out a deep sigh.

I glanced at my watch.

7:30 am


My eyes widened immediately, it was already this late?

I stood back up and made a dash back to Yoona’s door and slammed my palm against the door.




How was the first chapter? I'm not very good at writing, maybe when I'm older I will become better. :'I 

Please comment and tell me what you think.

It hurts to write jeTi, but I'm feeling kind of sorry for Jessica.

Taeny will soon come. Good things come to those who wait.

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Thank you!
My laptop broke, which had my next chapter on it. Sorry, chapter two will be a bit delayed.


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HungryDog #1
Chapter 1: UGH!!! Tae, grab your gun and kill that b*astard S*won!! How dare he assault Fany?! About Jeti, just send Yuri. Piece of cake. Now please continue.... Tae in Fany's mansion afterall
Zulmrih #2
Here i gooooo 1.....2.......3 start reading NOW
Chapter 3: Eeeek Siwon kissing Tiff it was disgusting alright what a _______.. its weird if that was me i would have kick the sh*t out of him.. just go fany wash your hand and arm thoroughly, like dissinfect it or something >:\ and Tiffs dad is stupid, im sorry but he is -_- why is it always Siwon have a bad weird guy character in most of Taeny fics.
Chapter 3: Arrgghhh siwon... whats with kissing her hand like that ck...

Taeny meet soon lol
taegsic #5
Chapter 2: Goood story , i like it :)
Ohohoho.. always love this kind of story!!! Plus i love how u write :)

Looking forward for the next chapter!!
NovumFantasia #7
This looks really good.
Let's see how it's gonna be.