The life he had left on pause



The group of rookie B.A.P, after having worked hard for 9 months, their manager told them that they will have their first real vacation. But, after the happiness of the boys, the manager also announces to them that it will not be ordinary holidays.

 Why ? They will have to spend their holidays together. Moreover, they will have to choose to which hometown they will spend their holidays.

Then… At Yongguk’s, Daehyun’s, Himchan’s, Zelo’s, Youngjae’s or Jongup’s? 

And what will happened if the member who was choose cannot and told his friends that they will live at his best friend’s and that it’s a girl ? 


C H A R A C T E R S :



EunJung – 19 years old 

Daehyun’s best friend. She lives in Busan and follows Daehyun on TV. It was the confidant of Daehyun before he moves to Seoul.

She’d always treated Daehyun like her own brother.  She is always nice and friendly with people even if she doesn’t know them.

Her friends call her the trouble maker because she always puts herself in weird situations. 

She gets along very well with her parents and has a small sister, Kristina (6 years old).

She has many friends.  She adores hippopotamus and she has a lot of statues of this animal.









YongGuk – 22 years old

He’s the principal rapper. He is the leader of B.A.P. He’s really excited to meet EunJung because he wants to know everything about Daehyun. Even if he seems like a bad person, he’s a big teddy bear who really take care of his dongsaengs.


Himchan – 22 years old

He is the secondary rapper and the secondary singer. At the beginning, he is not very enthusiastic to meet EunJung because he wanted the members to come to his hometown (you will understand in the first chapter). He’s very childish.


DaeHyun – 19 years old

He’s the principal singer with Youngjae. He’s very mysterious even if there’s no camera but it disappears when he’s with his best friend. He’s very anxious at the idea of presenting EunJung to B.A.P.


YoungJae – 18 years old

He’s the principal singer with Daehyun. He’s very happy to meet Daehyun’s best friend. As Daehyun’s closest friend, he’s sure that she’s a good girl.


JongUp – 17 years old

He is the principal with Zelo. He wonders all the time why EunJung doesn’t have any picture of

 her family at her house. He just enjoys the vacation and don’t really care about what happen around him.


Zelo / JunHong – 16 years old

He is the principal with Jongup. He’s the maknae of B.A.P. He’s really happy to meet « the former life of Daehyunnie » like he always says. 




The thoughts of the characters: like that or like that

And Flash back: like that


Hello everybody! This is my first fan fiction! Because it's not my first language, Please, tell me if I do errors, I don’t bite and that would help me a lot!

Just, I will not upload very fast because it’s my first fiction and I have to find inspiration!

The concept came from my mind so, please, don’t plagiarize it.

Whatever, I would like you to comment my fic because I’m not very good and I want to improve my writing. I will be really happy to talk with you too! 




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