The come back

The life he had left on pause


10 minutes… She wasn’t here. Boys were sitting on a bench.

Suddenly, Himchan takes the words:

- So, she arrives soon ?

- I don’t know… She said to me that she’ll arrived at 13.

Yongguk sighed :

- In fact, You didn’t say anything about her. We even don’t know her name !

- Oh ! That’s right… W-What do you want to know about her?

- Well… What’s her name ? Youngjae Asked

- Choi Eun Jung.

- Pretty name. How old is she ? Zelo says in a smile.

- Nineteen. The same as me.

- Oh. She’s my noona. He said a little disappointed.

- Don’t be so sad Junhong. The leader said

- Does she easy-going ?

- Yeah ! She’s the most funny girl I ever met. She’s kind, funny, smart, fashion… She’s stubborn … and really crazy.

Himchan was going to reply when Daehyun’s phone rings :

- Allo ? (…) Yah ! You said at 13. (…) Where are you ?! (…) Why are you talking about my first teddy bear ? He yelled at his phone while his friends were laughing at the back. (…) Hurry ! I promise you, if you’re not here in two minutes, I’ll kill you whatever you would say. And he put the red button. Why does she’s my best friend huh ?

- Soooo ? Yongguk asks really carefully.

- She just finished her work. She arrives. Come on we have to go to the building where she works. He said while begin to walk.

The boys follow him while laughing about his teddy bear. “I missed all these little moments…” Daehyun thinks while smiling.

About one minute passed and they were standing on a wall, in front of a big building. Daehyun had explained them that it was the biggest company of cosmetics in Busan. He was talking when his phone announces that he received a message.

- She arrives on the left door.

All of them looked at the door when a girl, with a phone in her hand pushed the big door: 


“Such A beautiful girl” they thought. She looks around and her eyes meet 6 pairs of eyes who were looking at her. She stops and smile widely to the guys. Then, she closed the door of the huge building and walk toward them :

- YAH ! Jung Dae Hyun ! I promise you, if you press again this red button, I’m going to say to your mom what you did to her dress when you were 14 !

- WAE ? I do what I want Jung number two !

- Stop calling me like that ! She said while punch his head.

- What did you do ? He said with a fake shocking face.


Then, the two bestfriends began to yell friendly to each other. B.A.P members were looking at the guy who they were living with and the pretty girl who were joking about their friend.

About one minute past and they finally stopped.

While looking at each other with a malicious smile, they go to the 5 boys who were waiting. EunJung arrived in front of the boys with Daehyun at her left. She smiled. Then an awkward situation arrived.

Seeing his best friend with no reaction, DaeHyun pushes her back. She looks at him and bow at 90° in front of the 5 boys :

- Annyeonghaseyo ! Eunjung imnida !

B.A.P was about to respond when she continues:

- No need to introduce yourself ! I know you and to have a best friend who call you at midnight for telling you who are the boys with who he lives, I really don’t think I need you to introduce yourself ! She looked at her watch. I think we should go. We’re in a district really known. And it’s going to be 13:30 PM and at this time, there are so much people ! If you don’t want to be stalking by 40 crazy fans, maybe you should follow me. She says while begin to walk.

- Yah ! Wait ! Yongguk said while begin to run.

EunJung couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. She stopped and waited them and they began to walk to their new house.

They arrived in front of a stair. Suddenly, an old woman passed. She saw EunJung and she looked at the boys :

- Little girl, don’t be too noisy or I’ll call the police like last time. She says.

- Yes Ma’am

EunJung just laughed and wait that the woman go. She look at the boys and they’re were all red. She smiles :

- Come on ! It’s my neighbor ! She’s a little weird but she’s kind. So you come or not ?

- What did she mean about ‘don’t be too noisy’ ? Zelo asked.

- Oh ! You know, when a girl and a

- No-nothing maknae. Yongguk interrupted. We should go now !

“Come on! He’ll have to know about THIS one.” Eunjung murmured before seeing the face of DaeHyun: “Okay. I stop. But don’t come to me for explain him when he’ll be shock.” She respond while put her hands up as an innocent girl.

She open the door of her house when a little girl came :

- DAD ! She shout while jump in Daehyun’s arms.

- Hey baby girl ! You grew up ! He respond.

Five boys were looking at him with big eyes and their mouth open : DAD ?!

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