WGM Part 3

We Got Married...for real

Hoya slowly opened his eyes from the glistening morning sun to greet another morning in the WGM pension. It has been 3 days since he and Dongwoo moved into the house, and sleeping on the same king sized bed with the elder beside have become a normal thing for him. He turned himself around to face Dongwoo, which he was still in deep sleep. Hoya pulled his heavy arms out of the blanket and brushed some hair off of his face. This was his way of greeting good morning to the dino, and has been for the past year or so.

Good morning, Hyung

Hoya got off the bed with heavy legs and stretched hard, before going downstairs to the living room. A pigsty. That was the first thing it came out from his mind. Their dirty clothes were everywhere on the floor, with some soft drink cans and leftovers of snacks still left on the table. They've been only using it for 3 days and yet they have managed to make the place dirty. Hoya thought for a moment; he was used to the terrible state of the rooms through all the experiences in the dorm but he knew that their fans will be watching them survive in this pigsty. He scoffed;he couldnt believe they did this in matter of days. He first grabbed all the dirty clothes and threw them into the laundry basket, which was already overflowing to the floor.

"Mmh...Hoya?" Dongwoo opened the door and looked around for the other. When he opened his eyes, the shining bright eyes and the smile of the younger one greeting him every morning could not be seen, and Dongwoo couldnt help but feel a bit disappointed. He walked down the stairs, calling out Hoya's name and rubbing his eyes so that they could stay open when he accidentaly slipped and lost his balance

"Uh UH!" Dongwoo closed his eyes, and a pair of muscular arms encircled his waists and stopped him from falling.

"...gotcha." Hoya let out a sigh of relief and embraced the elder. Dongwoo felt the warmth of the other and smiled. He loved that warmth coming from Hoya, as it felt like it was passing onto him.

Maybe...he could just hold me a... bit more 

His heart started to beat fast. At least, he thinks that his heart was the one beating fast. What am I thinking of!

"Ho...Hoya you can let go of me now..."

"Oh-oh right! Y-yeah sorry." Hoya just his lips in disappointment that he couldnt hold the other longer. Dongwoo's cheeks became bright pink, and he took breaths to calm his fast beating heart. Both boys looked away from each other, and Dongwoo realised the mess in the lounge room and gasped.

"Was our lounge room THAT dirty?"

"Haha...I guess so. W-Would you like t-"

"Of course I'll help! Heh I'm not going to let you do ALL the work! hahahaha. So what shall I do, Mr Howon?"

Howon. Hoya's ears turned pink. It was rare not only for Dongwoo, but all the people around him to call by his real name, and when the other called by that name, he felt awkward but at the same time unique that only Dongwoo had called him like that.

"Hahaha... Um... then can you do the laundry and wash the bedsheets?"

"Right away!"

"Ugh... I feel so tired... Never liked cleaning crumbs off sofas..." Hoya laid slump on the clean sofa. While lying there looking into the ceiling, he heard some water splashes and Dongwoo's laugh and when he regained his senses, he was already walking towards the bathroom and opening the door.

"Oh Hoya! Heh heh heh." Dongwoo smiled at the younger one as he shoved the white bedsheet in the bathtub filled with water and added the washing powder, making bubbles. He lightly squealed at the sight of bubbles, pulling his pants up.

"Hoya do you want to come in as well?" He dunked his feet first, and then he was in the bathtub, splashing the bubbles. Hoya smiled at the sight of Dongwoo having fun like a child, and tried hard to resist himself from hugging him. But he still couldnt resist the other's offer; he pulled his pants up and dunked his feet in. The smoothness of the bedsheet and the warmth of the water and the softness of the bubbles were more than enough to make both guys smile. Hoya, who got along with the mood, splashed a bit of water on Dongwoo.

"Hey! Hahahahaha take that!" and the water fight started. The water splashed everywhere, spilling all on the tile floor. Hoya worn out from all the moving and turned around. Dongwoo, who obviously noticed the blind spot of the other and creeped up to him when he stepped on the bedsheet he forgot about and slipped.

"Uhwah!" Dongwoo waved his arms to regain his balance but it was too late. He closed his eyes and felt a pair of arms hold Dongwoo on the waist. He opened his eyes and found that Hoya's face was less than a few centimetres away. The air around them suddenly started to warm up and the younger one pulled his face towards the elders closer and closer. Dongwoo closed his eyes tight. Hoya lightly scoffed at how cute the elder was, went towards his ears and lightly whispered.

"Hyung... Its time for our manager to come."

"C-Come? I th-thoung that we didnt h-have any scedules." Dongwoo opened his eyes and tried to push him off, but it was no use when the other grabbed both wrists with only one hand, the other hand still encircling Dongwoo's waist. "C-could y-you let m-me go n-now?"

With surprise, Hoya let go of him and smiled evilly. The other shivered, thinking Oh god what is he going to do now?

"Why hyung? You..." Hoya continued, his ears and neck all red. "were thinking something dirty?"

"Wh-what are you t-talking about!" Dongwoo hurried out from the bathtub. "Y-you finish the washing! It-Its your pu-punishment for p-pranking me!" He ran off outside the room, covering his reddened face with the small hands. Hoya flapped his hands to cool down his reddened neck and remembered the elder's cute face when he ran out the door.

He is just too cute...

"Hey guys! Its time!" The manager came into the house and called out for the two, and Hoya regained his senses and went downstairs, where the manager and Dongwoo was waiting. Dongwoo looked at Hoya, still shy from what happened in the bathroom. His heart was beating rapidly, and it was beating so loud that it could be heard from his ears. He lightly pinched himself to calm down and asked the manager.

"Hyung, where are we going?"

"Oh didn't Hoya tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Dongwoo squinted his eyes towards Hoya, which Hoya ignored with a light cough.

"That you guys are sceduelled to your first date!"

"Ehh????" Dongwoo's mouth widened with surprise, which slowly changed to a big smile. "Our first Date! Hahahahaha! Better look good! Hyung! Just wait for us to get changed! Come on Hoya!" Dongwoo laughed like a child and ran upstaires, dragging stunned Hoya as well. As he was dragged, he asked himself Is this REALLY the person who went all red just then?

The two boys arrieved at a park, filled with camera crews and some other couples who were glancing towards them time to time as they walked. Hoya looked around all the couples while Dongwoo was looking at the scenary and letting out words of amazement. There were couples holding hands, couples riding those couple bikes like the onew they rode of Sesame Player, couples having a picnic, couples, couples, COUPLES! Hoya sighed, thinking how awkward they will look between all these loving couples.

"Right! Normally, we usually start at a cafe or somewhere quiet and empty so that they can talk to each other more, but since OUR couple already has spent two years together, I thought that we should throw all that awkward first meeting away and start with all the sweets!" The main producer announced, and Dongwoo nodded.

Haha....Sweets..... Why so soon?  

Hoya thought as he imagined what they'll do. Maybe they'll have a picnic. Maybe they'll have a stroll around the lake. Maybe they'll.....k....i......

"Uahh!!" He screamed at the thought and all eyes were pinpointed to Hoya. Dongwoo tilted his head and stared at Hoya, and asked if he was okay with his mouth. Hoya's face reddened and lightly coughed, which everyone turned away and got back to their work. 

Okay...Okay...Hoya... Calm down... Remember who you are... 

Before Hoya could calm down his fast beating heart, a hand tapped his broad shoulder and he couldn't help but hold his breath when Dongwoo was looking at him with a reassuring smile.

"You okay, Hoya?"


"Then that's good. Come on, Its about to start." Both boys turned around and walked towards the crew, who were discussing. When they turned around, they smiled evilly (which made Hoya shiver in diapproval) and separated from each other to show an object that was hiding.

"It's a-"

"Yep its a couple bicycle." the manager said, cutting Dongwoo off.

"But...Something's missing..." The producers stared at each other evilly, turned back at the pair and nodded.

"We have...modified it from the original model to fit our...purpose." The manager from the back pushed the confused pair onto the bicycle, with Hoya at the front and Dongwoo at the back, just like in Sesame Player. The only difference was that-

"Uhh... I have nothing to hold to... Where are the handles?" Dongwoo asked cautiously. True to his words, although there was a handle on the front, there was no handle on Dongwoo's side. Hoya turned around to see that the part where the handle was supposed to be there was filed off. The manager forced Dongwoo back on the bicycle and started talking.

"Well, take a ride around."

"B-but-" The crew pushed the bicycle hard, and the wheels started to roll fast. Hoya gained his balance on the bike and started to lead it along, and Dongwoo just sat there rigid in his seat, his hands stuck right beside his sides. The ride was continued with silence until Hoya couldn't stand it.

"Uhm Hyung? You kn-"

"Watch out!" Hoya quickly twisted the handle and just missed from crashing into another couple bicycle. Hoya stopped the ride and caught his breath when he realised that a pair of arms were encircled on his waist. Dongwoo opened his eyes and let out a relieved sigh.

"Uh...Hyung..." Dongwoo looked up and found that his arms were encircled on Hoya's waists, and he couldn't help himself from reddening. He quickly let go and quietly apologised.

"I-I'm so sorry Hoya..."

"Haha Its okay Hyung. You can do....that." Hoya coughed, reddened his ears and continued. "I mean, for y-your safetly. Y-you could fall off or something."

Horrified by his words, Dongwoo pulled his arms up once more and hugged Hoya's tight waist. He could feel that his heartbeats were rapidly increasing, so he looked away into the horizon. Hoya lightly scoffed and sped up the speed, which made Dongwoo hold him tighter.

After their wacky first date and their first skinship on-air, the boys were dropped back to their pension, which they both slumped on the couch, all tired and worn out. Dongwoo tried hard to keep his eyelids open, and Hoya stared blankely, remembering the date they had today.

"Hey Hyung."


"Hyung?" Questioned that the other didn't reply, Hoya turned his body and found that Dongwoo was already fast asleep on the couch. Hoya slowly moved and got a blanket out of a room, covered Dongwoo up nice and warm, and lightly pecked on Dongwoo's cheeks before going to the kitchen to grab a can of Coke

Hope this couple concept continues until you realise my feelings towards you...

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salflower #1
Chapter 3: Hgsksgsmakagss. Dieeee of cuteness. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

Nice story. Hwaiting! c:
InfinitelyCassie #2
Chapter 3: Aww ~ fluff everywhere :3 It's too sweet for my own good..LOL!
Chapter 3: In the bathroom *_*
Chapter 2: Fluff! Fluff everywhereeeeee Xd so cute <3
Please update soon :*
Chapter 2: Awwwww!! My yadong couple r just 2 hot 2 handle

Haha namu n jongie's text's r just so jokes!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 1: WAHOOOOO!!!!!!!! THE RAPPER LINE!!!!!!!!!

omo!!! Hoya must be soo happy!! and Dongwoo as well! KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Im SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg :))) can't wait to see what's gonna happen nexttt Xd
It's a nice story :x
OMO! A new yadong fic!!! Wahoo! The world needs more yadong love! They rule the world!!!!

Hehe I'm the first commentor! I feel special! :3

Update soon ok author nim! I LOVE the yadong couple so I'm really excited!

Ohhh and it seems that hoya's gona be the 1 who likes the other in secret?!!

I'm SO EXCITED! So updaaaatttte soon! ^-^