
Yeongwon S.W.A.T



l back at headquarters l

The four girls of Yeongwon S.W.A.T arrive at headquarters and slowly files out of their van, tired and a little bit annoyed. They all agree that they should quit their jobs and go find new ones because they never want to go on useless missions ever again. They did not train to deal with angry ahjummas and rabid animals.

They really need better jobs.


The moment they step into the vicinity of their building, they are met with the head of security that is also their boss’ personal security. Nam Woohyun is a capable man. All four of them will agree to it, no questions asked. But they did have one problem with him.

He is made of grease.

And that is the only reason why they associate with him only when need be.

“The President would like to see you now.”

Hyorin nods her head and follows Woohyun’s lead as the other three trails close behind. They soon arrive at the President’s office and waits as Woohyun knocks for approval to enter. A noise is heard from the inside and they take that as their cue to open the door. Inside sits their boss at the end of his ridiculously long conference table.

“I’ve brought Team Eternity to you, sir.”

“Thank you, Woohyun. You are dismissed.”

Woohyun bows slightly and makes his exit.

Hyorin leads her team over closer to the man of power bows respectfully as a group. Aejung and Hyorin take their seats beside their boss while Hyunjae sits next to Aejung, facing Saehyun who takes her place at Hyorin’s side.

“What’s up, Eric?” Aejung leans back in her chair and gets as comfortable as possible.

“Lee Aejung, I told you to call me President at work.”

“But that’s so formal.”

“I’m your boss.”

Aejung rolls her eyes at the man as she tries to ignore the man by attempting to fall asleep.

“So Boss Man, you wanted to see us?” Hyorin intervenes.

“Yes, how did your mission go?”

Groaning in unison, all four of their expressions turn into different levels of distaste.

“Our missions won’t always be like this, right?” Saehyun questions, a little worried about her future sanity.

“If it is, I’m so quitting,” Aejung deadpans.

The other three nod their agreement.

“Not to worry. Your missions from now on will be up to par with your skills. I’ve summoned you all in to brief you on your new mission.”

At the sound of a new mission, the four go into professional mode. Sitting up straight, they lean toward the table as Eric hands them folders containing information on their next assignment.

“High school gunman locks down school?” Hyunjae reads and questions, looking up at Eric for confirmation.

The man nods at the younger and passes them the same picture of a man.

“Jang Kibum. Twenty four years old, works at a ramen shop down the street from the school.”

“What’s his reason?” Hyorin shuffles through the papers, eyebrows furrowed deep in thought.

“He confessed his love to one of the girls that frequented his shop and was rejected.”

“So it’s revenge.” Saehyun goes over the man’s personal information and takes note of the weapons that he brought along with him. “He’s loaded.”

“And creepy,” Hyunjae adds. “Not only is he a psycho, he’s also a e.”

“How long has it been?” Hyorin turns her attention back to Eric. “Any casualties?”

“We received report of this half an hour ago. Casualties are unknown as of now. No one is allowed to enter or leave the school. The police are at the scene, trying their best to control the situation.”

Aejung clicks her tongue in frustration. “Control? If anything, they’ve just made it harder for us to infiltrate.”

“We’ll need to get in there and get a sense of the situation inside. Any rash actions will put the hostages at harm.” Hyorin closes the folder and looks at her team. “Our plan needs to be flawless. Saehyun, what do you have?”

Saehyun takes a moment as she finalizes all steps in her mental. She closes the folder after a few seconds and looks up at her team. “We need a better understanding of the situation inside, so one of us needs to infiltrate.”

“Sounds like a job for leader Park Hyorin,” Hyunjae teases with a smile.

Hyorin returns the smile and nods her consent.

Saehyun continues. “Hyunjae, we’ll need a map of the premises. Find a safe place for Hyorin unnie to sneak in.”

Hyunjae nods as she pulls out her laptop and quickly taps away. It takes her less than a minute to map a detailed map of the school.

“There’s a back door at the back of the school where the incinerator is. That’s our safest bet.”

Saehyun nods and turns to the girl sitting next to Hyunjae.

“Aejung, you’ll need to be ready to take the man out. You’ll lead a team in through the same way Hyorin goes after we get confirmation that everyone is safe.”

Aejung nods her understanding and moves to stretch out her arms.

“I’ll try to talk him into giving up without a struggle.”

“Good job, girls. Let’s head out.”

Hyorin stands up and the rest soon follows.

Eric claps his hands and gets the girls’ attentions. He had been watching them in action the whole time and must admit that he was right to create them.

“Yeongwon S.W.A.T, attention!”

All four girls immediately straighten out their posture and bring their hands up to their foreheads, saluting to the man seated in front of them.

“You are now assigned to stabilize the high school lock down situation quickly and swiftly. Failure is not an option. I expect no mistakes.”

“Yes sir!” He receives another set of salutes and then the girls are out the door.

Eric relaxes in his chair and closes his eyes. He is proud of his girls and trusts them with all his heart. They have come a long way and he knows of their tough journey. He admires them for being strong individuals.

Before he is able to continue his thoughts, Aejung’s head pops back through the door.

“Eric, before I forget. I need a compensation for my air mattress. Alright? Cool. See you later!”

“Yah! I’m not compensating you for something you use to ditch work!”

Aejung is long gone by the time he finishes and he rubs his face in exhaustion.

He ends up compensating her anyways with a little extra.


“What am I using today?” Aejung walks up to Saehyun’s counter with safety goggles and earmuffs on and stares in awe at the different types of firearm laid out in front of her.  “An AEK-971?”

Saehyun nods proudly at her equipment. “A Russian fire assault rifle, based off other AK rifles with modifications that gives it more controllable automatic fire.”

Aejung takes the gun from Saehyun and tests it out on a target off to the side. She turns back to Saehyun and nods her approval. “It’s lighter.”

“Yes!” Saehyun jumps in excitement. “It’s a masterpiece.”

Aejung chuckles at her teammate’s silly reaction. “So are all the other ones.”

“You know it!”


“So, how do I look? Young enough?” Hyorin walks up to from behind Hyunjae and holds her arms open for the younger girl to get a better look.

Hyunjae turns away from her laptop and takes a good look at her unnie. “I’m sorry, but the high school is down the street.”

Hyorin laughs at Hyunjae’s joke and moves to hook on the microphone and camera onto her school uniform. She hides the camera in her hair bun and hides the speaker behind the button of her blazer.

“I’ll hack into the school system when you’re ready and in position. Give me a signal and I’ll unlock the door. I can only keep it open for ten seconds before the school alarm goes off.”

“Okay. I’ll be there. Where do I go after that?”

“From what the police are reporting, all the students are held hostage in the school gym along with the entire faculty. You’ll need to get there.”

Hyorin scans the map and makes a mental image of it. “Alright. You’ll have to survey the situation inside through the hidden camera. It’s too risky to wear an earpiece.”

Hyunjae nods.

They are ready.


“All right girls. You all know the full details of the plan. Get into positions as quickly as possible. Remember, be safe and be slick. We are Yeongwon S.W.A.T. Slipping up is not in our policy. No failures, only success. Arasso?”


“Let’s set out.”



Heyyyy~ It's xJungSquaredx! Finally an update! xP Mianhe guys. Like, just mianhe. x_____x /shoots self. iheartsoojung has been busy lately, so I'm posting chapter two up! What's going to happen on their mission? What's the situation on the inside? Is everyone safe? What's the relationship between Aejung and Eric? Will Aejung get enough extra compensation money to buy her team ice cream? Is their plan flawless? Stay tuned to find out more! (Okay, I suddenly got random inspiration to write this. So. Please expect the next update sometime soon~ ;D -Jung Outtie! <3

P.S. Tell me. Is the poster amazing or what? Huh, huh?? :D (*cough*imadeit*cough*)

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Chapter 3: Yay! UPDATE! OMG. I was waiting for this~ I am super happy we got a pretty badass sounding mission this time. The cheetah cat pet one was pretty crazy though, like seriously we need to bust that lady for illegally owning a cheetah.

Muahaha~ The princess has arrived on scene. I love Rin’s “Imma take over this scene and there is NOTHING you can do about it” attitude. She knows she is good. All the popo were probably like. “Oh ttttt! There are here!...about to take our jobs.” Oh how we cause unemployment. ;A;

AWESOME~ AEJ IN ACTION~ I have a question…are all the sniper people boys/men? If so can I meet some of them? Snipers are hot. (Probably why you are leading them right my hot lady knight?) Hook me up girlfriend!...Seriously girl…hook me up. (Niel applies in this situation. XD) Muahah~ I am shameless~

THAT’S MY WIFE HACKING INTO ALL THOSE SPEAKER SYSTEM THINGS. SO BIASED-LY PROUD. That and Jang Kibum seems like a pretty okay guy…if you leave the taking a whole school hostage thing out. DUDE. I WOULD HAVE DEMEANDED PASTA SOYBEANS AND SE7EN GALLONS OF WATER. (see what I did there?) XDDD

I GET A MICROPHONE. HELL YEAH! (enough said. XD) People better listen to me now. I am the epitome of authority. Jk jk…that is Hyorin Unnie. I am improvising.

Our princess is all highschool-girled up and ready to go~ Wait…is that a whistle? Just curious… If he tries anything I am pretty sure he would be dead in no time. Since Yeongwon is good like that. XDDD Huzzah~

Keep updating! I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! BY ROYAL DECREE MAKE IT HAPPEN! Sorry this was late…I wrote it on a word document and saved it but forgot to post it. XDDDD
Chapter 3: LOL Kibum is strangely polite but that bastard needs to let those kids go. and what the hell is hyorin's role in all of this lol i don't remember if it was mentioned before xD aejung's role has something to do with a gun, that's all i remember. i know hyunjae, but what's saehyun's role? i have a bad memory OTL make hyorin die. that'd be cool. or severely injured if you can't kill her off (cause then there's no more yeongwon swat lol it'd be saeaejae swat)
Chapter 2: Ffyufhgfghjiubjopouj update soon before I find you...lol jk but seriously.
Chapter 2: oh gosh this mission sounds so legit compared to the previous one. ERRRIIIIICCCC <3 its the same eric i like right? there's like, only one eric so it should be him LOL that lame old man.

that joke is so lame xD wanna hear one? What did baby corn ask mama corn? Where's Popcorn? xD I'm lame LOL
Chapter 1: Annihilating people's descendants have become a natural part of my vocabulary. Is this a bad thing? I say it so often without realizing it now OTL

Cheetah? A fcuking CHEETAH?? Where the hell did she get that thing?!

Yupp. Agent number. Unimportant thing to remember LOL