Chapter 2

You Were Mine From The Very Start

"yes, the police already took care of it umma" kyuhyun answered his worried mother when she heard the news about minri, on the other line of the phone.

"yes, I won't. Ok love you too bye" kyuhyun ended the call. He bit his lips thinking twice before walking inside the room. 
"how is she?" he asked.
"she's fine now, cried herself to sleep" yeon jae answered him, kyuhyun's eyes averted to minri's sleeping figure on her bed with dry tears on her face.
"did you wash her?" he asked some more. Yeon jae nodded.
"yup, she clean from that bastards germs" yeon jae scowled. 
"well i'll leave you two now" yeon jae stood up making kyuhyun snap his attention to her.
"I don't think it's better for you to go home by this time of night" kyuhyun said not wanting the same thing happen to minri's friend. Yeon jae nodded in understanding.
"okay, I'll just call my parents that I won't be going home, well good night kyuhyun-sshi" yeon jae made her way to the door until kyuhyun stopped her by saying.
"kyuhyun" yeon jae looked at him puzzled, kyuhyun smiled and put out his hand for a hand shake.
"let's drop the formalities considering your minri's friend and all" kyuhyun explained, yeon jae smiled and took kyuhyun's hand in a hand shake.
"okay kyuhyun, just call me jae"  yeon jae grinned. 
'Maybe kyuhyun isn't all that bad and minri was just thinking negatively' yeon jae thought. As she went to the guest room and lay down on the bed, sleep taking over.
Kyuhyun sighed silently and sat on a chair beside minri's bed. Without thinking he caressed minri's bruised cheek softly.
Memories of what happened earlier made kyuhyun's blood boil and his hand form into fists.
Kyuhyun and yeon jae run quickly to where they heard minri's cry.
"oh my god" yeon jae gasped tears filling up her eyes as she saw the scene. While yeon jae was in the state of shock, kyuhyun on the other hand was not.
Seeing what was happening, something in kyuhyun snapped and for him to see red and ready to kill.
He quickly run up to the two man who was almost half undone on minri's button shirt and threw a punch on the guy who was too close to minri for kyuhyun's liking.
"bastard what do you think your doing?!" the guy he threw a punch signaled his other friend secretly, but kyuhyun saw it and dodge the incoming punch from behind. Minri was threw aside and her eyes widen when she saw kyuhyun got a punch on the stomach and a good kick from his back. Kyuhyun fall from the ground clutching his stomach and hissing in pain. 
Yeon jae quickly came from behind and hit the two man with a really long and thick stick. She helped kyuhyun up.
"you okay? I already called the police they'll be here soon" yeon jae informed kyuhyun nodded.
"go beside minri and check if she's okay" yeon jae nodded and went beside her crying best friend, trying to calm her down.
"kyuhyun-sshi, she has a bruise on her cheek" yeon jae said kyuhyun walked towards minri and looked at her bruised cheek. This only made kyuhyun's blood to boil even more. Kyuhyun stand up and walked towards the two man who was conscious again after being hit in the head. 
The first man stood up and threw a punch on kyuhyun only to missed and got a bone cracking punch in return.
The first man hissed when he felt his nose crack. But smirked the second when he saw that his companion took out his pocket knife and was going to stab kyuhyun from behind.
Kyuhyun gave the first man a hard kick making him fall to the ground, he quickly turn around and dodge the knife. He gave the second man a kick on the stomach making the man release his hold on the knife and fall to the ground. Kyuhyun kicked the knife away from the reach of the man and smirked.
"you Fckers picked the wrong girl to " kyuhyun said darkly. 
The police came after a few and quickly arrest the men and took them to minri's house.
Kyuhyun took a deep breath and sighed, he eyed minri's sleeping form, and he unconsciously smile.
He brush of some strands of hair from minri's face, his eyes trailing down to minri's red bow like lips.
'I wonder..." kyuhyun lean down slowly eyeing minri's lips, his heart beating fast, his cheeks warming up, and slowly ever so slowly his lips touched hers. 
It was just a chaste kiss, but kyuhyun felt different, his heart carazily beating, butterfly in his stomachs flutter, he unconsciously closes his eyes to cherish how great to feel minri's soft lips on his. He broke away, but his face is still too close from minri's face. The next thing he did gave him a shock in his life.
"I love you" 
Yeah I so dig this plot more X3
I just hope you like this >.>.....
Well on to the last chapter!! ^O^/


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raraskyu #1
Chapter 4: such a cliffy T.T
Chapter 1: update soon. :> your stories are daebak. :)))))
Chapter 1: First chapter is awesome :D
She gets to be friends with KRIS XD
Chapter 1: it's nice! update soon, ne ~~ :D
raraskyu #5
kyaaa sequel ! and not a oneshot :D *anticipating*