
You Were Mine From The Very Start

Minri woke up from the sun rays emitting  out side her window. She looked around and noticed she was in her room. I wave of relief wash over her.

"it was just a bad dream" she says to no one in particular.
"nope it wasn't and Good Morning" minri let out a shriek and hop off her bed, kyuhyun cover his ears with his his both hands.
"Yah! Stop shouting its to early for you to shout, and your giving me a headache" kyuhyun said lowering his hands down and looked at minri, who just glared at him. 
"w-what the h-heck are you d-doing here?!" minri didn't listen to him and just continued shouting. But she's just hiding the fact about her heart beating fast and her red cheeks and for her to stutter.
"Aish I said don't shout" kyuhyun stood up and walk towards the door ignoring minri.
"yah where are you going I'm talking to you!"minri continued her face flush. Kyuhyun just ward his hand off.
"I'm going to the kitchen to find something to eat and to get away from your shouting that's giving me a headache" and with that he left. Minri was dumbfounded for a few seconds until it clicked to her on what just happened.
Kyuhyun can only chuckle outside in the kitchen.
"yup I love her" kyuhyun grin at yeon jae who was cooking poorly.
"you guys are both--" yeon jae started rolling her eyes.
"awesome" kyuhyun finished.
"nope. Idiots" yeon jae finishes with a snort but she couldn't be more happier that this.
"at least  now, all you just needed to do is confess" yeon jae added. Kyuhyun grin, a plan forming out on his head.
"and I know just how" 
"would you please care to explain why your dragging me to you know who's birthday?" minri asked.
"because he saved you from being you know what and its for showing your thanks" of course yeon jae did the explaining considering kyuhyun left right after he said he has a plan. Minri grumbled.
"fine" yeon jae smiled in satisfaction. 
*kyuhyun's House*
"we'll I'll be going home now" yeon jae didn't wait for minri to say anything and just sent kyuhyun a wink and slam the door close.
"what just happened?" minri asked to dumbfounded to be awkward.
"I really don't know" kyuhyun was as same as minri.  Minri looked at him and it seems as she snap out of her shock and looked away. Kyuhyun was surprised at her action and was about to ask why when he remembered too and looked away also.
*Enter Awkward Silence *
"so umm...I'll get us some drinks...." kyuhyun scratch his nape in try to ease the awkwardness. Minri can't look at kyuhyun so she just stared at the wall and nodded.
Kyuhyun wasted not time and dash to the kitchen. Minri let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Oh she was so gonna kill yeon jae later.
For kyuhyun he quickly dug his phone from his pocket and called yeon jae.
"hello~" yeon jae answered after the second ring with a happy mocking tone.
"yeon jae" kyuhyun said pinching the bridge of his nose closing his eyes, trying his best to control to avoid being frantic.
"yes?" still with a sweet mocking tone.
"why did you left me and minri?" kyuhyun asked calmly.
"oh because I know you'll be taking your plan to a long shot so I made it quicker for you" she answered nonchalantly.
"did you even thinked it through?" all he got was a
"pfft~ of course not, I just thinked of it the last second" yeon jae answered proudly.
"what the--" 
"listen minri is calling me, so I want you to man up and confess to minri already and I don't care if this isn't part of your plan. Oh think of it as my birthday present. Bye~"
Kyuhyun stated at his phone dumbfounded for the second time of the day. 
"did she just hung up on me?" kyuhyun thought, before shaking his head muttering incoherent words. He grab two glass and pour some strawberry juice. With a deep breath he entered the living room just us minri finished talking -to yeon jae- on her phone.
He awkwardly have minri her glass and minri audibly said a thanks and drink her juice slowly not making eye contact with kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun sat on far end of the sofa from minri. 
*Cue awkward silence again*
The place was so awkwardly silent that you can hear the gulps of their juices. Minri stated into nothingness while kyuhyun taps his foot rather fastly showing his irrationess.
Minri jumped in her seat and looked at kyuhyun with wide surprise eyes. Kyuhyun growled even more when he saw how distant minri became more.
"You!" he pointed at minri.
"come here!" he ordered tapping the space beside him on the sofa. To scared to argue, minri timidly scoot close to kyuhyun. Now for kyuhyun it's wasn't awkward for him anymore -don't ask he doesn't know either- but for minri it was double the awkwardness. 
'Well might as well get this over and done with' minri thought and took a deep breath before saying something for the firt time.
"I hate you" kyuhyun snorts and rolled his eyes.
"yeah~ you the me so much you agreed on going with your friend's suggestion on coming to my place because it's my birthday today and you want to thank me" kyuhyun said in all sarcasm. Minri stood up and glazed at kyuhyun.
"well I wouldn't have come here and thanked you if you haven't save me!" minri reasoned out unintelligently. Kyuhyun stood up not backing out of their nonsense fight.
"are you stupid?! You could have been if I haven't save you!!" he shouted.
"Yah! Don't shout at me I'm right in front of you! And don't call me stupid, stupid!" minri shouted back.
"That's not the point idiot!" kyuhyun of course argued back his face turning flush.
"then why did you even bother saving me and beat them up huh?! Didn't you think that maybe you could have been hurt because of your stupid action?!" same goes to minri. Both of their anger rising from their nonsense fight and shouts. 
"because I care about you more than you think!" minri was taken aback by kyuhyun's word and didn't shouted back . She let the words sink in, kyuhyun sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. 
"W-what?" minri stuttered, kyuhyun's face quickly softens and hugs minri, making minri gasp in surprise.
"I care about you minri, because I love you. Not in a brother-sister way, but more than that. I know this sounds so cheesy but at least listen to me please?" kyuhyun asked silently begging for minri to let him explain. Minri nodded, kyuhyun let out a grin and made them sat on the couch again.
"you may begin" minri said, kyuhyun took a deep breath and told minri.
*after kyuhyun's explanation* 
" your meaning to tell me that you had a crush on me back when we we're just kids...?" kyuhyun let out a sigh for his soon-to-be girlfriend's slowness.
"yes" but he answer nevertheless.
"but you ignored it until we went to college? Because you thought you got over it?" minri continued.
"....well that's stupid" minri scrunched up her nose, kyuhyun glared at her.
"and why would it be?" kyuhyun bitt back but minri wasn't affected.
"because what kind of person ignore this kind of feelings until I have to get into trouble so you can freaking man up and accept your feelings?" 
"I was just a kid back then" kyuhyun argued back, but minri only giggled.
"yeah sure okay" she said dismissively. Kyuhyun sulks and pretends to be angry at minri and looked away. Minri rolled her eyes.
"sheesh why a cry baby..." she muttered leaning down to kiss kyuhyun's cheek, but as she was about to kiss kyuhyun's cheek, kyuhyun decided to turn his head and their lips connected. Minri's eyes are wide while kyuhyun's eyes were already shut close liking the feeling. After a while minri's eyes slowly flutter close and kissed kyuhyun back. It was just an innocent kiss, no tongues involves but kyuhyun bets there will be in the mere future he just have to wait. He smirked in the kiss of the thought. 
They reluctantly broke away from the kiss, their forehead touching and just looking at each others eyes. Minri blushes as she got drown from kyuhyun's deep brown chocolate eyes. Kyuhyun smiled sweetly finding minri hand and interlocking it with his. 
"Kim Minri I Love You. Would you please be mine?" as cheesy as it sounds minri let our a soft and beautiful smile.
"yes kyuhyun I will" kyuhyun grins and steals a peck on minri's lips before cuddling up with her on the couch. They shared a comfortable silence until minri broke it, but still in their position. Kyuhyun's one arm wrapped around securely on minri, while his other hand interlocked with minri's other hand.
"Today is your birthday, shouldn't your parents like cooked for your day or something?" minri asked confuse. Kyuhyun chuckle.
"well to make it short, I told my parents they can just celebrate my birthday tomorrow cause right now I already got my wish for my birthday anyway" kyuhyun kissed the top of minri's head.
"so cheesy" minri let out a small chuckle.
"only for you jagiya~" minri blushed from kyuhyun's last word and burrow her face onto kyuhyun's chest not wanting to let kyuhyun see her blushing face.
"I love you minri." kyuhyun finally said it, minri looked up and smiled and this time she made the first move and pecks on kyuhyun's lips making kyuhyun shock for a second there until she replied.
"I Love you too kyuhyun" they shared their second kiss for the day. But who will be counting that? Nobody. Cause kyuhyun and minri got all the time they needed. 
And maybe in the mere future a kyuhyun jr. Might be running around in a place where they both call their home.
*sighs in relief* 
First of all I wanna say this...
Stay healthy with all the other suju members and the other people you care about okay^^ 
I know I know a little bit too late to greet.... Okay lol now where was I? Oh yeah...
Okay dear subbies this will be my last time in editing this story and will forever not mention this to myself ever again. 
I just you guys like it ^^....even just for a little bit? No? Okay....
Anyway this the end for this two's love story....if you guys even consider it as one though >.>...
Okay so yeah....
Oh and one more thing 
Thank you to all my patient subscribers. I love you all T^T
But now because this done I will have to focus on my other stories so..bye bye~! 
Again happy birthday kyuhyun oppa!! ^^
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raraskyu #1
Chapter 4: such a cliffy T.T
Chapter 1: update soon. :> your stories are daebak. :)))))
Chapter 1: First chapter is awesome :D
She gets to be friends with KRIS XD
Chapter 1: it's nice! update soon, ne ~~ :D
raraskyu #5
kyaaa sequel ! and not a oneshot :D *anticipating*