
a new life

back at your house 

"  hi oppas good night oppas"  you said walking up to your room 

but you were stopped by them

" tell us who is that guy " leeteuk said  while shindong took a tourch light and shined it downwords like a police interogation area 

" ok fine he is a new student from my class i offered my  help to him ok " you said 

" how old is he do you love him " your oppas said feeling suspicious 

" oppas please i don love him ok " you said 

after a few more questioning they finally let you go your room 

you took out the small slip of paper from your pocket containing xander's number for some reason you felt like giving him a call but something was stopping you you decided not to think about it and go for a shower 

the next day at school 

you felt someone poking your ear and xander appeared infront of you  

"hey" you said smiling at him 

" thank you again for helping me last time  " xander said smiling 

" don need to keep saying thank you to me " you said smiling 

" from now onwards you are my buddy" xander said to amanda 

"ok buddy " you said givng xander a smile 

" i hope you did not throw the slip of paper away " xander said to you 

" i did not don worry " you said smiling 

at class 

" can i bring you out for a meal to thank you for agreeing to be my bogus girlfriend " xander wispered to you 

" i have dance practice but if you don mind you could wait for me  " amanda said wispering back to him 

" ok sure " xander said wispering back 

after class you went for dance class 

" wait here for me " you told xander as waited outside 

while doing one of your dance steps you slipped and sprained your ankle 

xander dashed in 

" are you ok " xander said helping you up 

" i am fine happens to dancers alot " you said getting up 

" let me send you home " xander said helping you up

xander got his chauffeur to send you home 

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Chapter 13: What do they mean we win what were they playing what is my past?!
So many questions. Update soon!
Chapter 9: good job author
LoveYou12345678 #4
Super Junior oppas!