Chanyeol/Baekhyun: Narcoleptic

A Bunch Of EXO OneShots

Rating: PG

Genre: Fluff

A/N: Uh, I got this idea when watching 'Taboo' on NGC. So, this is a gift for my crazy friend, littlephoenix, because she loves baekyeol and she demanded one from me. Haha, enjoy it, darling.




Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. People with narcolepsy often experience disturbed nocturnal sleep and an abnormal daytime sleep pattern, which often is confused with insomnia. Narcoleptics, when falling asleep, generally experience the REM stage of sleep within 5 minutes, while most people do not experience REM sleep until an hour or so later.

Another one of the many problems that some narcoleptics experience is cataplexy, a sudden muscular weakness brought on by strong emotions (though many people experience cataplexy without having an emotional trigger). It often manifests as muscular weaknesses ranging from a barely perceptible slackening of the facial muscles to the dropping of the jaw or head, weakness at the knees (often referred to as "knee buckling"), or a total collapse. Usually speech is slurred and vision is impaired (double vision, inability to focus), but hearing and awareness remain normal. In some rare cases, an individual's body becomes paralyzed and muscles become stiff. Some narcolepsy affected persons also experience heightened senses of taste and smell.[Source]




Chanyeol’s first impression of Baekhyun was Baekhyun was a loner, anti-social, introvert and cold person. First time Chanyeol looked at those eye-lined eyes, he felt a fear running down his spine because the aura around Baekhyun seemed so dark and untouchable and Baekhyun never showed any emotion either. In a second, Chanyeol knew Baekhyun wouldn’t be his friend, ever.

Further, Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun was a sleeper. He always slept during the class and no one seemed bothered to wake him up because they were too scared, even the teacher didn’t do anything even though Baekhyun was sleeping on the front row before their eyes.

Why does he seem sleepy everywhere?

It was the day that Chanyeol didn’t expected and didn’t want to come the most because it was the day when his teacher gave him a pairing assignment. And guess who Chanyeol’s partner became. Yes, it was Baekhyun. Chanyeol felt his shoulders slump in disappointment, because even he never talked to Baekhyun, he didn’t like that boy. His friends patted his shoulder in sympathy. He was about to get up to talk with the teacher when that Baekhyun suddenly got up from his chair on the front row and followed the teacher out. Chanyeol chased them and hid behind the wall to hear the conversation.

“Please, Mr. Kim…” It was the first time Chanyeol heard Baekhyun’s voice. It was so rich and full and-

Chanyeol shook his head to clear his mind and concentrated to the conversation.

“Please, you know I can’t do this…” Baekhyun continued pleading, “I beg you. What if he finds out…?”

“Baekhyun,” The teacher said, “What you got now is not something embarrassing. You shouldn’t cover it up. And you need friend too.”

“But, I’m not ready for friend!” Baekhyun insisted, “Please…I will do the assignment alone if needed, just…please…I don’t want to work with him.”

Chanyeol felt the anger building in his chest. Of course, he didn’t want to work with Baekhyun either. But, he never expected that Baekhyun would be that mean.

“No, Baekhyun, I’m sorry.” And the Chanyeol heard the teacher walking away. And he heard Baekhyun sigh too.

Baekhyun was about to pass where Chanyeol was hiding when suddenly the tall boy grabbed his wrist. Baekhyun couldn’t be more shocked.

“Listen.” Chanyeol hissed, “I know you don’t want to work with me, I don’t want it either. But, after this assignment I swear I won’t disturb you anymore. I hate you as much as you do to me. Just remember that!”

When Chanyeol was stomping away, he heard a faint “I don’t hate you…” and then a loud thud behind him. Startled, he turned his face and found Baekhyun on the ground, unconscious.

“What the…?!” Chanyeol rushed toward the boy and lifted him, “Baekhyun!”

Baekhyun opened his eye slightly before slumping down again on Chanyeol’s chest.

“Damn it! What’s wrong with you?!” Chanyeol panicked and decided to bring the eye-lined boy toward the infirmary.

“Doctor!” Chanyeol shouted. The lady came into the room and gasped.

“Oh my God, isn’t this Baekhyun?!” She asked Chanyeol. The tall boy nodded and laid Baekhyun’s body carefully on the bed.

“I-I don’t know wha-what happened…” Chanyeol stutteringly explained, “We-we were having conversation and suddenly he…he just collapsed…”

“I know…” The doctor sighed, “It happens quite often nowadays…poor boy…”

Chanyeol frowned at that, “Often?”

The doctor nodded, “Just let him sleep for a while.”

“Sleep??” Chanyeol asked again.

The doctor nodded then she widened his eyes, “Oh my God…I shouldn’t have said that…e-excuse me.”

Chanyeol hurriedly grabbed her wrist, “Wait, wait! Tell me, what’s wrong with him?!”

He told himself that it wasn’t like he cared about Baekhyun but it was because they were going to be together for the assignment for next days so he needed to know something in case Baekhyun collapsed again.

“Uhh, nothing…”

“Doctor, I need to know. We’re going to finish this assignment together. I need to know his condition in case I face time like this again.” Chanyeol said.

The doctor sighed and sat again in front of Chanyeol, “Baekhyun is a narcoleptic.”

“A what…?” Chanyeol frowned to hear an unknown word from the doctor.

“Of course you don’t know the term.” The doctor huffed, “He has narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. People with narcolepsy often experience disturbed nocturnal sleep and an abnormal daytime sleep pattern, which often is confused with insomnia.

“No, but no, it’s not insomnia. And he has cataplexy too. Cataplexy is a sudden muscular weakness brought on by strong emotions. So, if he feels emotions it makes him suddenly falls down and unconscious for about 5-10 minutes.”

 Chanyeol gaped at the doctor’s explanation because he never knew that those diseases existed.

Is that the reason why Baekhyun is so anti-social and never shows his emotions and sleeps during the classes??

Chanyeol looked at the sleeping boy and felt guilty because he had judged Baekhyun without knowing the truth behind it. He sighed and sat properly beside the bed after the doctor had left them, waiting for the smaller boy to wake up.

About ten minutes later, Chanyeol saw Baekhyun making a movement. The boy rubbed his eyes sleepily and sat up. Chanyeol would be lying if he didn’t say it was cute, but it wasn’t his concern at the moment.

“How are you feeling…?” Chanyeol asked carefully, not wanting to make Baekhyun scared.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and widened his eyes in fear, “What are you doing here…?!”

“Waiting for you to wake up...”

Baekhyun bit his lower lip and lowered his gaze, “So…I think you’ve known it…”

The tall boy knew that Baekhyun was talking about his diseases. So, he nodded.

“I know…”

Seeing Baekhyun’s face twisted into sadness and discomfort, Chanyeol hurriedly added, “But, I don’t mind us being friends though. So, uh…will you be my friend?”

Baekhyun eyed the tall man in front of him before his lips suddenly broke into the cutest smile Chanyeol had ever seen.

“Of course!” Baekhyun lit up before finally he ended up sleeping on the bed again. Chanyeol sighed and Baekhyun’s bangs softly.

“I have to be careful to treat you, Baekhyun.”



The next two weeks weren’t that hard for both Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

Chanyeol never expected that Baekhyun was a cheery person. Baekhyun was exactly full of emotions but he never showed them due to his diseases. Baekhyun sometime fell asleep on Chanyeol’s chest because he was too stressed about the questions or something, not that Chanyeol hated it anyway.

Chanyeol’s friends started asking him whether he was in relationship with Baekhyun or not because it seemed both of them were getting inseparable everyday, every time. Chanyeol just shrugged and smiled to his friends.

The tall boy finally got whole of his heart for Baekhyun. He didn’t know how long he had fallen for the shorted boy but he didn’t regret it because for him Baekhyun was the most wonderful person in the world.

They got A+ for their assignment and it made Baekhyun happy. After getting up from his deep slumber, he was dragged by his only one tall friend to a café to celebrate. It was when suddenly Chanyeol asked him whether okay or not to sleepover at his house.

Baekhyun felt himself blushed and nodded.

“What do you want to do?” Baekhyun asked after both of then had been ready to sleep, “I don’t have so many games or films because of, yeah, I don’t want to get too excited.”

Chanyeol just patted a space beside him, “Lay here.”

Baekhyun obeyed and laid before the tall boy and suddenly he felt an arm sneaked around his body.

“You know, I used to hate you.” Chanyeol said.

“I know…” Baekhyun weakly mumbled.

“But, nowadays I feel something different than hate.” Chanyeol said grinningly, “Do you want to know what it is?”

Baekhyun let his head nod.

“I like you.” Chanyeol smiled softly, caressing Baekhyun’s cheek lovingly, “I like you so much, Baekhyun. Would you be my boyfriend?”

Baekhyun blushed hard. He hugged the tall boy in front of him and squealed, “Oh, yes! Yes! I like you too, Chanyeol! I want to be your boyfriend! Yes, I li-”

But, Baekhyun’s words were cut and Chanyeol felt the weight fall on his body. He chuckled to see new boyfriend had already falling asleep again.

“Goodnight, Baek.” Chanyeol whispered on Baekhyun’s ear, “Sleep tight.”

And he sealed the night with soft kiss on Baekhyun’s lips.

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first oneshot is up~


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Yozari #1
Chapter 1: Agh—it's too beautiful.The ending really took the cake and then the clock monument!
And there's a sequel, you are amAZiNg!
Thank you! Thank you! thANk YoU!
lovefanfics1609 #2
Chapter 1: sad :-(
bunny5760 #3
Chapter 4: WTF LOL The story went so fast LOL
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 8: Woah. All of these stories. Amazing. Although, kaisoo was sad. So was kray. But other than that, amazing.
Chapter 8: *squealin* that was super beautiful!!! I freaking love it, heck, I love all your one-shots!
Too bad that was the last one, I'm ready to read more and more you know?
So far, after reading so many exo one-shot collection, this is absolutely my favorite ♥
Thank you for writing it~
And sorry for my annoying comments ^^;
Have to study for my exam but my head is full with what I read!
Ok, seriously, I'll leave now
Chapter 7: That was rather funny that fluffy lol
But really, sleeping when you get strong emotions! In that case, I'll be sleeping forever!! Never knew such a thing exist!
One more shot! Uh
Chapter 6: A SEQUEL!!! Has anyone ever told you that you're awesome!!! Kris amd lay will re-do their love story where wu fan and yixing left it years ago! (Am I making sense?).. is there another sequel to this!!!
Chapter 5: IT'S NOT A FAIL!! actually it was sweet ^^ and I'm already making a sequel to this in my hind hehe and it's oh-so-hot..aaand I'm making a fool out of myself!!
Never mind me, I'll just continue
Chapter 4: I...I... what!! Why!!!! Such few words stabbed my heart so hard!! My DoDo is gone! ! I'm not gonna cry again
I want to say I hate you for this but I can't!!
Please don't tell me there's more of this sad one-shot coming!???
Chapter 3: It was haaaard to separate the ring fingers (yes, yes I did what suho said)
I'm going to do this with my future husband *caught* kris *caught*