Kris/Lay: The Dream That Keeps Haunting

A Bunch Of EXO OneShots

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance

A/N: This the sequel of Kris/Lay: The Truth Behind The Past in Chapter One. It's told in Lay's POV. By the way, this is roughly written and unedited. LOL.




It was painful…

He was standing beside the clock monument. The time told him that he had been waiting for someone for an hour. He was waiting for someone tall and handsome. And that person was so precious for his life. But, why the person didn’t show up? Weren’t that person the one who told him to wait beside the clock monument? Why? He felt his heart clenching painfully.

Maybe, I have to just go and forget everything…

So, he went. With his bag, he walked back toward his home. His tears couldn’t wait any longer so he let them out, making two streams of tiny rivers on his pale cheeks.

Why Wu Fan? Why didn’t you come…?

Wu Fan, that name was always haunting him down. He couldn’t believe that person played him. He was hurt. He was wounded right on his heart. Why?

Wu Fan, I thought you loved me…


“Oh God, Yixing! What are you doing?! You made us worry when we didn’t find you in your room! Where have you been?!”

“Mama…” He cried, “Papa…”

“What’s wrong, Son?” His father lifted his chin, “Why are you crying?”

“It hurts…” Yixing cried and clutched his chest, “in here…”

His parents led him into their house and sat him on the couch. He cried harder and fisted his sweater.

“It hurts…” He said again, voice broken.

“What’s it, Sweetheart?” His mother asked him with the affection of a mother.

“Wu Fan…” Yixing sobbed, “He left me…He abandoned me…”

“Wu Fan who’s Mrs. Wu’s son? your best friend?” His father asked him.

Yixing shook his head, “He’s not my best friend…”


“We loved each other…” Yixing admitted, “But, it seems he now is getting tired with me and…and abandoned me… he left me, Mama…”

“Yixing, what in the world is this non-sense you’re talking about??” His father asked.

“We loved each other!” Yixing cried, “But…now he left me…”

“Yixing, oh God, my son…” His mother hugged him tightly. His father just slumped down.

“…” Yixing choked, “I-I ca-can’t b-breathe…”

“It must be because you stood in cold for a long time!” His mother yelped, “Papa, bring the warm towel here! Hurry!”

His father sprung up from the couch and brought the warn towel with him. His mother snatched it and hurriedly wrapped it around his son’s neck. Yixing’s breath became steady as the time went by and he finally calmed down.



Two weeks later, an unexpected invitation came. Wu Fan’s name and a girl’s name were written on it. Yixing spent his night by crying his lungs out. He was broken. Wu Fan had really abandoned him for the girl. But, a part of his heart wanted to hear the fact from Wu Fan’s own lips. So, he grabbed his coat and walked out from his house.

“What are you doing here, you disgusting thing?!”

It was the first words that came out from Wu Fan’s mother’s mouth when she saw him.

“Please, Mrs. Wu, I promise I won’t bother Wu Fan anymore after this…I-I just need a minute to talk to him, please…”

“No, Brat! I won’t let my son talk to trash like you! And Wu Fan isn’t here!” Her face broke into a smug smile, “He’s fitting his wedding tuxedo for your information! He’s in his happiest time, right now! There’s no way I’ll let you to ruin it!”

And then, the old lady slammed the door right in front of Yixing’s face. Yixing walked away from the house and walked aimlessly under the pouring snow.

He ended up arriving at somewhere he didn’t know. But, he didn’t feel anything. He crouched down beside a huge tree and let his tears falling down once again.

Yixing felt his breath become heavy and hard. His fingers and toes were getting numb because of the coldness. But, he didn’t feel panic. He just stayed there until slowly the snow surrounded his slender body. The coldness became slowly dark. He closed his eyes and gave in.

Wu Fan, I love you…and I’ll always do…





Lay sprung up on his bed with frantic breath and wildly beating heart inside his chest. His pale face was full of sweat and fear. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and sighed, trying to calm his heart down. He leaned back to the bedpost, losing his energy.

“That dream again…” Lay said.

He always dreamed about someone’s death. He felt his was that person. But, what made his heart clenching wasn’t the death, but the heart broken. He looked aside and picked the old diary he found in an old cabinet at his attic. He remembered that the dream had started haunting him since the first time he found the diary.

A property of Zhang Yixing.

 It was written beautifully on the first page of the diary. He asked his parents and they said they didn’t know anything about the diary. What made him more curious was the owner of the diary had the same name with him.

He googled the name once and what he found was an article about that Zhang Yixing’s death because of the cold winter at a woods. And he knew it because he always dreamed about it.

For Lay, that diary was full of emotion. How that Yixing was in love with someone named Wu Fan who had been his best friend since he was a kid. And then Lay found out that finally they were getting together. But, the last page of the diary just contained a few words.

He left me. Wu Fan abandoned me.

And the next pages were all empty.

Lay couldn’t be more curious.

“Lay! Yixing! Whatever your name is!”

Suddenly his mother’s voice was heard.

“Yeah, Mama?”

“Get up and take a walk! Why are you spending your holiday by being lazy all day long?!”

Lay rolled his eyes and put the diary carefully in his drawer, “Yeah, yeah! I’m going out!”

He changed his clothes, washed his face, brushed his teeth and grabbed his phone before finally walking down the stairs.

“Mama, I’m going to library.”

“Buy me some potatoes on the way home.”


Lay walked out from the house and walked down the street toward a small library he usually visited. He immediately occupied a seat in front of a computer and googled for the article about Zhang Yixing before.

He found it and wrote the address on the memo on his phone. He closed the tab and walked down from the library. He didn’t know why but he felt he had to go to the woods from the article that day. So, he took a train and headed there.

Once he arrived at the small town, he felt his heart clenching tightly again.

“So…” Lay mumbled, “This is the town where Zhang Yixing lived…”

He looked around and saw people living their life normally. It was a nice small town and Lay loved the environment. He wanted to walk around but he remembered that his purpose was to find the woods where Yixing died. He asked a person and the person told him the way.

“…the hell…?” Lay cursed when he saw the woods from afar because suddenly his heart was beating faster and he felt about to blow. His legs sped up in sudden. He felt he had to rush, but why?

He ended up running toward the woods and let his legs lead him.

Where am I going…?

He turned right and then he felt his legs stop when he saw a blonde man standing in front of a grave and was ready to turn away to take his leave. The man suddenly turned around so Lay could see his face clearly.

Oh, God…

“Wu Fan…” Lay felt his mouth suddenly said.

“Yixing…” The man suddenly said at the same time with him.

“I…I’m here because…I don’t know how to explain it…It’s such a long story…” Lay tried to explain but he lost his words.

“Don’t worry.” The man whispered, “I have forever to hear you…”

Lay felt the weird warm feeling inside his heart and raised his hand, “You can call me, Lay.”

The man smiled back and held Lay’s smaller hand in his larger one, “I’m Kris.”

Lay smiled at the man and started chuckling because he suddenly felt relieved even he didn’t know why. He was so glad he found that Kris, but he didn’t know why.

Zhang Yixing, Lay thought, I think I can fix your memory with the better one…isn’t it the purpose you brought me to meet this guy?

Kris suddenly held his hand and smiled, “Let’s go. I want to hear your story.”

Lay glanced to see the grave and nodded, following the taller man closely. 

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first oneshot is up~


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Yozari #1
Chapter 1: Agh—it's too beautiful.The ending really took the cake and then the clock monument!
And there's a sequel, you are amAZiNg!
Thank you! Thank you! thANk YoU!
lovefanfics1609 #2
Chapter 1: sad :-(
bunny5760 #3
Chapter 4: WTF LOL The story went so fast LOL
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 8: Woah. All of these stories. Amazing. Although, kaisoo was sad. So was kray. But other than that, amazing.
Chapter 8: *squealin* that was super beautiful!!! I freaking love it, heck, I love all your one-shots!
Too bad that was the last one, I'm ready to read more and more you know?
So far, after reading so many exo one-shot collection, this is absolutely my favorite ♥
Thank you for writing it~
And sorry for my annoying comments ^^;
Have to study for my exam but my head is full with what I read!
Ok, seriously, I'll leave now
Chapter 7: That was rather funny that fluffy lol
But really, sleeping when you get strong emotions! In that case, I'll be sleeping forever!! Never knew such a thing exist!
One more shot! Uh
Chapter 6: A SEQUEL!!! Has anyone ever told you that you're awesome!!! Kris amd lay will re-do their love story where wu fan and yixing left it years ago! (Am I making sense?).. is there another sequel to this!!!
Chapter 5: IT'S NOT A FAIL!! actually it was sweet ^^ and I'm already making a sequel to this in my hind hehe and it's oh-so-hot..aaand I'm making a fool out of myself!!
Never mind me, I'll just continue
Chapter 4: I...I... what!! Why!!!! Such few words stabbed my heart so hard!! My DoDo is gone! ! I'm not gonna cry again
I want to say I hate you for this but I can't!!
Please don't tell me there's more of this sad one-shot coming!???
Chapter 3: It was haaaard to separate the ring fingers (yes, yes I did what suho said)
I'm going to do this with my future husband *caught* kris *caught*