Kris/Lay: The Truth Behind The Past

A Bunch Of EXO OneShots

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance



“Yeah, Mom?” Kris got up from his bed and approached his mother, “What’s it?”

“Clean the attic please, it’s been a while since it was cleaned.”

“But, Mom~” Kris whined, “It’s so dusty!”

“That’s why you have to clean it, Son!”

Kris groaned but did what his mother told him anyway. He pulled down the attic ladder and in a second he could stop sneezing because of the dust.

“Damn it!” Kris cursed, “Damn dust!”

He hurriedly used a masker and walked up with broom and duster in his hands.

The dust was so thick until Kris cringed to see it. He sighed in frustration before starting to clean the attic.



“Haaaah…” Kris leaned his back on the wooden floor.

The attic had been cleaned and now it was so bright. The warm sunlight penetrated the blurred window.

He was about to sleep when his leg hit a cabinet. He heard a soft ‘ting’ from it. Curiously, he got up from his state and opened the drawer. He found an old music box.

“Wow…” Kris checked the music box before putting it on the wooden floor, “It’s so antique.”

Carefully, he opened the lid of the box and he heard a clear sound from it. He didn’t know the song but it was beautiful. He saw an old picture on the base of music box and pulled it out.

Kris got his real name, Wu Fan, from his grandfather. His parents said that he was so identical with his grandfather. Kris had seen the old photo of his grandparents and he admitted that he and his grandfather were like twins. The difference was just on their hairs. Kris’ hair was blond while his grandfather was dark brown. That was why he recognized the one of two men in the picture. The men seemed so happy in the photo, hugging each other tightly. He flipped the photo and found writing on it.

How I wish I could have you in my arms forever, My Love, Zhang Yixing…

“Isn’t this my grandfather…?” Kris flipped the picture again, “So, the man beside him must be that Yixing, right…?”

Kris frowned. As long as he knew, his grandmother was a woman and her name wasn’t Yixing.

“So, who’s this guy?” Kris muttered. He got up from the wooden floor and walked down the ladder to ask his mother about the man.

Then…he realized something…

He wasn’t in his home.

“What the…?” Kris widened his eyes, the shape was still his home but it seemed older. It was full wooden and it still had an old fireplace.

“Wu Fan!” A woman’s voice woke Kris up from his blank mind, and then he saw the woman came into the room where he was.

“Ah…” The old lady gaped toward him.

“So-Sorry, Ma’am…” Kris stuttered, “Don’t call police! I don’t know why I-”

But, the woman seemed not hearing him and passed him.

“Why is the ladder of the attic down?” The woman muttered, “Ah, Wu Fan must be up there. Wu Fan!!”

“What’s it, Mom?” A boy groaned, walking down the ladder.

“Ah!” Kris shouted, pointing at the boy. He knew that face. It was his face, cut it, it was his grandfather’s face, “But…how…I…”

“Help me with the flowers.” The old lady instructed Wu Fan, “Come on.”

Wu Fan groaned and followed his mother away from Kris’ sight.

“There must be some reason about this…” Kris whispered to himself before deciding to follow the son and mother.

“Oh, Yixing?” Wu Fan called the boy who was backing him in front of his front door.

The boy turned his face and smiled, showing his right dimple, “Hey, Wu Fan! Here, I brought the bouquet from my place.”

“Ah…” Kris recognized the boy and compared him with the one who was in the picture, “He’s this guy…”

“Wow…” Wu Fan’s voice got Kris’ attention, “It’s so big. And you came here alone? Isn’t it heavy?”

“I’m the son of florist!” Yixing laughed, “Don’t underestimate my power!”

Wu Fan chuckled, “I don’t underestimate your power, Silly. But, you should’ve told me to help you.”

“Naaah, it’s okay.” Yixing shook his head, “Now, shall we bring this bouquet into your room, Mrs. Wu?”

“Yes, Boys.” Wu Fan’s mom smiled back, “Sorry for troubling you, Yixing.”

“It’s okay, Mrs. Wu.”

“So, they’re friends?” Kris frowned. He looked the old picture again then shook his head, “I don’t think they’re just friends…”

He followed the others into the house again and saw Wu Fan and Yixing put the bouquet on a table.

“Now, now, Boys. You must be hungry.” Mrs. Wu said, “I’ll continue cooking in the kitchen. And until the lunch time comes, why don’t you spend your time taking a walk or something?”

“Okay, we’ll go to the lake, Mom.” Wu Fan smiled, pulling Yixing’s hand, “Come on, Yixing, the sun is so warm.”

“See you again, Mrs. Wu.” Yixing bowed to Wu Fan’s mom and followed the taller man.

Kris hurriedly followed.



Beside the lake, Kris’ recognized the lake, it was near from his home too, Wu Fan and Yixing sat side by side.

“You shouldn't have dragged be by my hand, Wu Fan.” Yixing sighed, “What if your mother notices our relationship?”

Wu Fan leaned closer to Yixing and gave the boy a simple kiss, “She won’t…”

I know it! They have something between them, Kris thought.

Yixing looked down blushingly after the kiss, making Wu Fan chuckled.

“You still blush wherever I kiss you, Yixing. You’ve been my boyfriend for two months.”

“Well…I’m not used to it yet…” Yixing mumbled, “It still feels like a dream to have you as my boyfriend.”

Wu Fan chuckled, placing Yixing’s hand on his chest, “I’m real.”

“I know.” Yixing chuckled before hugging the taller boy.

Kris realized that his grandfather and Yixing must be so in love to each other. The shy glance, those simple kisses, the gestures, Kris knew it.

“But…why did Wu Fan marry my grandmother…?” Kris asked to no one.



Kris kept following the couple, day by day of secret love. Until that day came…

“Stop it!!!” Kris screamed to both Wu Fan and Yixing who were still kissing passionately on the couch in Wu Fan’s house, “Stop it!”

But, of course, they couldn’t hear Kris. The blonde boy hurriedly ran toward the front door and was shocked when Wu Fan’s mother came into the door.

“Stop! Don’t go there!” Kris screamed, trying to stop her to go into the living room. But, nothing happened.

Until, Wu Fan’s mother screamed…

“You!!!” She cried, approaching the shocked Yixing, and slapped him.

“Mom!” Wu Fan shouted, hugging the crying boy in his arms, “Don’t blame him! It’s my fault!”

“Shut up!” Mrs. Wu shouted back to his son, “I-I thought I was raising you in right way after your father’s death…I’m wrong, Wu Fan…”

“Mrs. Wu, please…” Yixing sobbed.

“Shut up!” Wu Fan’s mother pointed Yixing, “You’re the one who makes my son become a gay! You’re…disgusting! Get out!”

Yixing seemed like slapped once again. He struggled from Wu Fan’s arms and ran out from the house.

“You shouldn't have said it to him!” Wu Fan screamed to his mom, “I love him!”

“No! You don’t love him, Wu Fan! He brain-washed your head! He’s disgusting!”

“He’s not! He’s my life! How could you?!”

“Shut up and go to your room!”

Wu Fan clenched his teeth and stormed into his room, banging the door harshly.



Kris realized it had been two days since the fight. Wu Fan would never go out from his room except to take some food or drink. And that day, Wu Fan’s mother came into the house with a frame in his hand.

“It’s a girl picture…” Kris muttered, “And she’s my grandmother…”

“Wu Fan.” Mrs. Wu called his son, knocking the door.

“What do you want?” Wu Fan asked after opening the door. He had his hard glare on his eyes.

“I have to tell you something.” Mrs. Wu said, signing Wu Fan to follow him.

“What is it?” Wu Fan asked coldly when they were sitting in the living room.

“Here.” His mom put the frame on the table so Wu Fan could see the picture.

“Who’s it?”

“Your fiancée.”

Wu Fan widened his eyes, “My…what…?”

“What you have to do tonight is dressing in your best suit and having a dinner with her. While you’re doing it, I’ll meet her parents to talk about your wedding date.”

“How could you?!” Wu Fan got up from the couch, “Isn’t it enough for you to hurt me once?!”

“Wu Fan, please…”The old lady sighed, “Just this once…please…don’t you love your mother…? You have to marry her. So, our lives will be fine.”

“How about Yixing…?”

“You don’t love him.” Mrs. Wu stated and got up to head to her own room, “And that’s final. Now, wear your best suit. We’ll be heading into the restaurant in an hour.”

Kris followed his grandfather into his room and saw him slump down on his bed tiredly.

“Yixing…” Wu Fan whispered. He got up from the bed and opened the window. Then he jumped out from there, Kris was still following him running until they arrived in front of a flower shop.

Wu Fan picked a tiny pebble and threw it to hit a window on the second floor.

“Please, Yixing. Open up…” Wu Fan whispered.

Then the window was opened and Kris could see Yixing’s face.

“Wu Fan…?” Yixing whispered.

“I’ll go up, wait a minute!” Wu Fan whispered back and climbed the tree with Kris following below.

“What are you doing here??” Yixing asked nervously, locking his door.

“I miss you…” Wu Fan whispered, leaning closer to kiss the shorter boy.

Kris could see the tears flowing down on Yixing’s cheeks.

“I miss you too, Wu Fan…” Yixing whispered, hugging the taller man in front of him.

“I have bad news…” Wu Fan said, “I’ll be forcedly married a girl my mother has chosen…”


“Run away with me, Yixing.” Wu Fan cut the boy’s words, “Run away with me and we can leave our new life. Please…”

“Wu Fan…”


“Yixing, it’s dinner time.” A woman’s voice was heard from Yixing’s room door.

“Okay, Mom.” Yixing said back, “Wait a minute!”

“I’ll be waiting for you, Yixing. Ten p.m under the clock monument, I’ll be waiting for you.” Wu Fan said before giving a last kiss to Yixing and jumping from the window.

“You have to come.” Kris whispered although he knew Yixing wouldn’t hear it and followed Wu Fan.



“It’s been settled then.” Mrs. Wu said to the girl’s parents, “December 14th, you two will be married. What a nice date.”

“Okay, Mrs. Wu. We’ll be one big family.” The girl’s mother smiled and hugged Wu Fan’s mother, “See you again.”

“Come on, Wu Fan.”

Wu Fan followed his mother heading off to their house.



“I’m proud of you.” Mrs. Wu smiled to his son once they’d arrived, “You’ll be a handsome groom.”

“I’ll go into my room.” Wu Fan muttered, pushing his mother’s hand away, and walked into his room.

Once he got there. He changed his clothes hurriedly and inserted his needed clothes into his back pack. He grabbed a music box from his table and smiled.

“I’ll give this to him…”

“Ten minutes…” Kris whispered, recognizing the music box, “Hurry…”

Once he was done, Wu Fan opened his window and sighed, “I really have to do this.”

Kris followed the boy and ran toward the center of the town. Wu Fan panted heavily and leaned his back on the monument, waiting for Yixing.

Ten minutes…



An hour…

“Why is he not coming?” Kris impatiently stomped his foot. He walked around the monument and a sight was shocked him.

It was Yixing, blowing his cold hands, waiting on the other side of the monument.

“It’s him!” Kris yelped. He walked toward Wu Fan’s place and screamed, “Wu Fan, he’s waiting on the other side! Meet him!”

But, Wu Fan couldn't hear him.

“No, please…” Kris begged, “Please, hear me, God…he’s on that side! Go that way! Check that side, Wu Fan!”

“He’s not coming…” Wu Fan chuckled sadly.

“He came! Dammit!” Kris pulled his hair in frustration, “Please, check the other side! He’s there!”

“Maybe, I should go home…” Wu Fan sighed in defeat, pulling up his back pack.

“Wait!” Kris screaming, following his grandfather, “He’s there, Stupid!”

But, he got nothing as the response. So, he ran toward Yixing’s side and screamed.

“Go after him! Yixing, he’s there!”

“I know…I shouldn’t have trusted him…” Yixing sobbed, pulling his bag, and walked oppositely.

“No! Please listen to me…” Kris begged.

But, both of them kept walking away oppositely. The snow was finally pouring down as a reflection of their broken hearts.

How ironic…



“NO!” Kris shouted, getting up from the wooden floor, panting heavily.

He looked around and saw the familiar attic he had cleaned up before. The music box was still on his left side. He felt his cheeks wet because of tears.

“No…” Kris cried, covering his face, “Why did it have to be like that…?”

He grabbed the music box and running down the ladder.

“Kris…?” His mother widened her eyes to see his son crying, “Why are you crying?”

“I have to go for a while!” Kris announced and grabbed his jacket before rushing out of his home.

He still remembered the flower shop. It was right, then left and right again.

But, the flower shop wasn’t there. It was just a house. He approached it and pressed the bell.

“Yes, can I help you?” An old man greeted him.

“I-I’m sorry…” Kris panted, “Is this Zhang family’s house…?”

“Ah, it’s not.” The old man shook his head, “If I’m not wrong the former owner is Zhang family. But, they’re not here anymore. Firstly, let’s come in.”

Kris sat on the couch, served a glass of orange juice.

“So, this is not Zhang family’s house…they have been moved out…?” Kris sighed, “Do you know where they went?”

“I’m sorry I don’t know.” The old man shook his head.

Kris sighed in disappointment. He had lost track.

“But, who are you?”

Kris smiled sadly, “Just sort of relative.”

“Oh, don’t you know the reason why they moved out?”

“No…” Kris shook his head, “Do you?”

“I know.”

Kris looked up. He could feel another hope bubbling in his chest, “Why?”

“Well…” The old man sighed, “I heard rumor that after the son of Zhang family had passed away, and they wanted to get rid of the memory so they moved.”

“Passed away…” Kris breathed, “When did it happen?”

The old man chuckled, “Far before you were born, Young Man.”

“Please…” Kris hopefully asked, “Tell me…”

“Well…” The old man’s chuckle stopped and sighed, “Maybe about eighty years ago…I don’t know. I just heard it from my father.”

“And…and…where did they bury him?”

“If I’m not wrong, it’s on the side of this town.”

“Thank you.” Kris got up and hurriedly rushed out from the house.

He picked a bus and sat on the last row.

“I’ll find you, Zhang Yixing.” He muttered to himself.

He hopped down from the bus after he had arrived at the place he wanted to see.

It was a cemetery.

He looked down to the music box he was holding before stepping into the cemetery.

“Zhang Yixing…” Kris muttered to himself, looking around to find the grave. But, he couldn’t find one.

Then, he looked at the small forest at the back of the cemetery.

“It’s impossible he was buried here.” Kris chuckled at his stupidity, but walking into the forest anyway.

And, he was wrong.

There was a grave in the middle of the forest.

Zhang Yixing


“Ah…” He squatted down to see the writing more clearly, “It’s really him…”

Kris sighed, tracing the old grave with his fingertips. He put the music box and the photo of both Wu Fan and Yixing on the grave. After that, he got up carefully.

“You have to know that he loved you…” Kris whispered, “I hope both of you can see each other in heaven.”

He smiled and stepped backward before turning away to get back to his home. Suddenly, he heard someone running toward him. Then, a familiar person came to his sight, panting heavily.

“Wu Fan…” The person whispered.

“Yixing…” Kris said the name at the same time with the person.

The person chuckled and approached Kris, “I…I’m here because…I don’t know how to explain it…It’s such a long story…”

“Don’t worry.” Kris whispered, “I have forever to hear you…”

“You can call me, Lay.” The boy stretched his hand to Kris, showing his familiar dimple on his right cheek by smiling.

Kris smiled back and held the warm hand in his larger one, “I’m Kris.”

Maybe, they could start over again with different ending.

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first oneshot is up~


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Yozari #1
Chapter 1: Agh—it's too beautiful.The ending really took the cake and then the clock monument!
And there's a sequel, you are amAZiNg!
Thank you! Thank you! thANk YoU!
lovefanfics1609 #2
Chapter 1: sad :-(
bunny5760 #3
Chapter 4: WTF LOL The story went so fast LOL
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 8: Woah. All of these stories. Amazing. Although, kaisoo was sad. So was kray. But other than that, amazing.
Chapter 8: *squealin* that was super beautiful!!! I freaking love it, heck, I love all your one-shots!
Too bad that was the last one, I'm ready to read more and more you know?
So far, after reading so many exo one-shot collection, this is absolutely my favorite ♥
Thank you for writing it~
And sorry for my annoying comments ^^;
Have to study for my exam but my head is full with what I read!
Ok, seriously, I'll leave now
Chapter 7: That was rather funny that fluffy lol
But really, sleeping when you get strong emotions! In that case, I'll be sleeping forever!! Never knew such a thing exist!
One more shot! Uh
Chapter 6: A SEQUEL!!! Has anyone ever told you that you're awesome!!! Kris amd lay will re-do their love story where wu fan and yixing left it years ago! (Am I making sense?).. is there another sequel to this!!!
Chapter 5: IT'S NOT A FAIL!! actually it was sweet ^^ and I'm already making a sequel to this in my hind hehe and it's oh-so-hot..aaand I'm making a fool out of myself!!
Never mind me, I'll just continue
Chapter 4: I...I... what!! Why!!!! Such few words stabbed my heart so hard!! My DoDo is gone! ! I'm not gonna cry again
I want to say I hate you for this but I can't!!
Please don't tell me there's more of this sad one-shot coming!???
Chapter 3: It was haaaard to separate the ring fingers (yes, yes I did what suho said)
I'm going to do this with my future husband *caught* kris *caught*