Maps and a Familiar Tune

The Chances

Tessa's POV.

After wait seemed like forever in that small taxi we seemed to finally be reaching a big city. There are so many people and everyone seems to look tan. Now i have some color on me since we went to the beach before we left, but dang, everyone is so damn tan.

"Min, why are you so damn light? You should be tan like everyone else. Geez..... and to think i thought you would at least fit in."

She bust out laughing, "Tessa. how many times have i told you that I don't tan. Hmm.. let me think? a hundred maybe.... And if you thought we were gonna fit in, I guess you didn't look at yourself to well. You stick out like a sore thumb." She immediately looked back out the window.

" Yeah yeah, you have told me a hundred times..... HEY! What's that supposed to mean?!.. I could sooo fit it here... Better than you can. I just gotta make sure i don't talk...." I thought she was ignoring me since she didn't look towards me.

"Min.... Minnnn..." I leaned in towards her and saw through the reflection of the glass that she had a huge grin on her face.

"Gahhh... i hate you. You always do that. I can never ask a serious.." I was cut off by the taxi abruptly stopping, causing us to jerk forward.

"Sorry, Sorry." The taxi driver looked somewhat apologetic for the abrupt stop. I bet it's mostly due to Min's face change and mumbling, which from from my basic Viet seemed to sound like the insults her grandma gave to her grandpa at home.

Anyways, as we get out of the taxi and get our luggage together, we finally see the hotel we are staying out.

H.O.L.Y.   S.H.I.S.B.A.L.L.S.

This hotel is not a regular La Quinta we are staying at. We are staying a Hilton style hotel. It has to be at LEAST a solid 5 star hotel. The marble exterior and the glass windows all the way up the maybe 20 floors look to cost more than the entire Vietnam. Even though the dor seemed to look normal with just a regular revolving door, We knew we were about to enter the world of luxury.

"Well, It seems we are no longer in Kansas MinMin." Normally she would give me the judging look at my corny jokes, but at this moment, all she could do was nod.


As we entered the hotel, we was more expensive and larger than we thought it would be. Chandeliers in every section that glistened to appeared to be all glass. The space was wide and even had a directory for the entire hotel.

"Wow.. there is a swimming pool, basketball court, indoor pool, gym, 2 restaurants, and a cafe...... well then..." Me and Min couldn't help to be at awe with everything and we could tell that other guests and employees were starting to give us the 'ohh the starry-eyed foreigners again." We tried to get back to our senses and finally make our way to the front desk. The front desk lady was polite and very helpful. she knew english as well so it went smoothly and we got our keys, Room 601.

After entering our nicely sized, double queen beds equipped with balcony over looking the outdoor pool room, we decided that we needed a quick nap and and let it all sink in.


When we woke up, it was the afternoon. " Alright, we got our rest and now its time to experience our first day in VIETNAM!" I was overexcited as usual while Min continued to pack up her sketchbook to take with her. Done with getting everything packed we headed out the door.

After getting to the bottom floor, i thought it would be best for us to have a map of the city so we can know where we are going. Although Min remembers some of this place, we still don't want to be the 2 typical foreign girls that show up on the 11 o'clock news.

"Go wait outside, I'll go get a map real quick. You just go get inspiration." Min and went towards the entrance while i headed to the front desk.

Right next to the front desk were the maps I was looking for. Walking up to the counter, I noticed a very tall young man struggling with the lady at the desk. I was trying to mind my business and look at the maps (which so happened to be a foot away from them), I couldn't help but notice that there seemed to be a language barrier between them. Being nosy, I glanced over and noticed that the guy looks korean.

"Annyeong?" It was a semi whisper but since I was looking at him, he looked back and widened his eyes in happiness and shock.

"Ahhh Annyeong!". To my surprise, this young man was very handsome and very tall, but maybe older than i thought. He started telling me that he needed 5 towels for s. He also stated that he wouldn't be in this mess if he wasn't the youngest. And I think I heard him mumbling about how 'they are gonna pay for this'. I took all that was important and tried to figure out how to say it in Vietnamese for the lady.

"Ughh.... khan (towel),.. 5 (of course holding up my hand)... cần (need)..."  It took her a second to realize what i meant, but then she nodded and smiled.

"Ahhh.." she slightly bowed and gave us the one moment signal. She rushed away into the back.

"Thank you for your help, she was starting to make me frustrated. Why couldn't she just go get someone else if she couldn't understand me."

"Ha..." I started to laugh slightly. "Well at least you can go back with the towels and plot your revenge I suppose." I finally saw the map i wanted and reached up to grab it from the somewhat tall stand.

"Woah, that's a nice. Did it hurt?" At first I was confused, but then as i looked towards this guy i realized that he was looking down at my hip. As i had reached up for the map, my shirt rose, and it exposed my dragon tattoo that'd on my right hip.

"Ohh, this, haha nawww. I took it like a champion. Me and my bestie have matching ones." I pulled my shirt up a little and pushed my pants down some so he could get the full view.  He was looking at it for a couple seconds and then i remembered about Min.

"Ughhh sorry, I gotta go. maybe I'll see you around." I bowed and hurriedly rushed towards the door to find Min.

After reaching the door and finding Min, I realized i didn't get his name. Danggit Tessa, you meet a cute guy and don't even get his name... gahhh..

Min's POV (During this time)

Eventhough I told Tessa we don't need a map, she still wants to get one. And now she is trying to butter me up with her 'go get inspiration.' This girl kills me.

It looked really hot outside and i didn't really want to go yet, but then I saw a puppy cage outside on the sidewalk, and I just can't pass that up. She did said go find inspiration, so maybe one idols likes animals. I took out my sketchbook and headed toward the cage.

Since the sidewalk was not crowded, I took a seat on one end of the cage and was scrolling through the puppies to find one I liked the best. I kept crossing out all my pictures and was beginning to quit until i started to hear a humming sound. I looked up and noticed that there was someone else on the other end of the cage, and he was was humming to the puppies. He had a puppy in his hand and that was blocking his face, but I could still hear his slight humming.. 'Hello, hello......hallo, hello'. Hmm, it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. I began to think until i saw that he had put the puppy in his arms and started to playing with him. That's when I was able to put the hum to a face.

To my surprise, the guy had a face that resembled somewhat of a puppy. He had the pout of a sad dog and had the cute actions of a what a hyper dog would be like. FINALLY, the inspiration had struck me. I began to draw the puppy i was trying to do earlier, but now it had some qualities of the guy i was looking at. Thankfully with all the speed drawing I did, this took a mere 10 minutes. The guy was beginning to make cute dinosaur noises that made him look more adorable as i finished with my picture. Signing it at the bottom sealed the deal and i was proud of my work. The guy finished playing with the dog and began to get up and walk away. I felt that since he was my inspiration, he deserved the picture.

"Uhhmm" I tore the picture out and handed it to him while he gave me a strange look. He took the photo and then looked at it. A few moments passed and he looked up at me with bright wide eyes.

"Ahhh.. you did this for me? just right now?" Wow, the korean surprised me but was able to reply yes and say a thank you. I could tell he wanted to hug me, but then he remembered that he needed to leave so he just bowed multiple times while walking backwards to the door.

Just as he walked into the revolving door, Tessa was coming out.

"Ahh.. sorry, I got preoccupied. You would NEVER believe the cutey I just met." I smiled and replied back, "Oh really, well i must say that I met one as well. He was so CUTE. Like a mix between a dog and and toy dinosaur." We both exchanged stories and started to walk away from the hotel.

I told Tessa about about the hum..'Hello, hello... hello, hello'. She seemed just as clueless as I was. This is gonna be stuck in my head all week unless I figure out what it is.

Next time, I'll be sure to ask him where it's from..

finally no more school for a month. YEAHHH.. okies so finally people are showing up. Although it's only 2, you guys should know who they are. there is much more to come and hope you guys stick around. And comment if you like :)

byers for now~

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