The Rules of the Game

The Chances

okay so i may change the point of view since you (Tessa) and your bestfriend (Min), won't always be together.... But no worries, I shall tell you :)

Anywayyyssss.... this is the first.

Your POV

"Wow, I can't believe we won Min. over 1,000 duos applied for this internship and we won.... WOW." I sat amazed as I looked at Min who was still staring at the the computer screen. Finally after a moment of silence from the shock, Min spoke.

"Tess.... we are going to Vietnam. We are going to see my home country. WE ARE GOING TO MEET FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY." Min was beginning to feel the excitement and started to realized that all the practice drawing and speed drawing she did had finally came in handy. Who would think that a video clip of her drawing a shopping center with about 30 detailed people in less than 20 minutes would actually catch the company's attention. Me on the other hand, who had to do a video interview of random people on the street (which was one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done) and then write an article about each person along with an essay on my "personal skills" (as they put it), seemed to be only tedious and normal for most contests.

"Min, you know now that we have won, we must get prepared for whatever this company wants and we should probably also get to know more about this SMTOWN."  We both looked at each other and then realized that neither of us actually knew what SMTOWN was other than a music company. When we found this contest, both of us were just trying to find a free way for us to go to travel to another country and have an adventure. We both know other languages (Min being Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean; while me Korean, Spanish. and whatever Viet min taught me), so we knew there had to be SOMETHING out there for the both of us. Being two different majors of writing and art didn't help, but we had to at least try. So when we found this international contest with a company called SMTOWN, in which wanted a duo... we knew it was meant for us.

"Well Tessa, if you remember, we did put in our application that we had no knowledge of what this company was about, soo...."  Ahhhh, now I remember. When we applied for this contest, there was a portion that was one question. the question asked if we knew about the company or any of its members. To us we felt this would be our disadvantage since most companies want knowledgeable people; but we couldn't lie, so we just checked the "no knowledge at all" box.

"Ahhh... well lets just read the rest of the email before we start our research process." Since we only got passed the first paragraph, we should probably read the rest of the email.

Dear Ms. Tessa and MS. Min,

Congratulations, you both have won the Contest for the 9 day internship with SMTOWN to their destination of VIetnam. Both of your applications impressed the panel and we have found you both excellent candidates for our program.We hope you will accept this position and plan on joining us. Your plan tickets will be mailed to you and the date of the trip is still scheduled 11-20th of June. For more details please continue on.


After reviewing your applications we found that you have no knowledge of our company. This was surprisingly pleasing because although you had no knowledge of our company you both still applied and gave the best you had. we had few applications like yours and out of them your duo was exceptionally the best. However due to this, we have some rues that you must abide by in order to continue to obtain your winnings.

1) You must NOT research our company prior to your trip.

2) You must NOT research any details about the artists or employees of our company prior to the trip.

3) On your first full day in Vietnam, you are to have a meeting with the CEO (LEE SOO MAN)

   - You will also have a follow up meeting on the 3rd day with 4 fan leaders that will tell you all the information you need to know for the interview.

   - On the 5th day, you will start your internship and this will continue till the last day of the trip. On the last day, you will your report on your success.

4) During the first 5 days, you are to be traveling around Vietnam and getting the inspiration needed for the sceneries you want for your artwork.

5) You will be given a stipend for the both of you for food and small amenities that are needed for your journey.

6) Finally, remember that your individuality and talent is what attracted you both to us, so bring it out in your work.

We trust that you shall follow these rules.




After fully reading over the short email from SMTOWN, me and Min felt a tad uneasy about the trip. Although the internship seemed easy at first, we now see that we are going to be tossed into a situation in which are skills will have to be at high alert. We are not allowed to know the company or the subjects that we are supposed  to interview/draw. Although it would be similar to interviewing random strangers, and drawing on a whim; this is an internship in which a company is paying us for a product, and if we do not give them an acceptable product there will be consequences to follow.

I could see that we both were starting to feel nervous about the whole situation. "HEY, who cares that we con't know about the artists or employess. We are going to VIETNAM. YOUR COUNTRY! Yeah we gotta do this internship with just the knowledge of the 4 fans, but heyyy... we might get to meet some hotties." I tried to put on a big smile that would make Min laugh.

"Shut up Tessa, you are always talking about 'hotties.' Its not like you ever met one though." Min put a side grin on her face after the last part.

"WHAT! Are you trying to be funny. I have met plenty of hotties... Geez...." I tried to put on my best side glancing eyes. Although I was lying, I couldn't let Min know this. I mean, how lame is that for a college girl to have never talked to a so called "Hottie."  She was my best friend but dang she knew how to bring out my bad points.

"Im just kidding.... Its not like I've ever met one either. Well, except for that one english teacher. What was his name? oh yeah.. Rodriguez..." Min laughed it off and nudged my shoulder, which made me laugh. We both knew were just lame college girls that had never gotten close to ever having a relationship. We had each other though, so that made everything better. With this trip, we knew it would an adventure of a lifetime. All we had to do was play the rules of game.

Alright so this was terrible and im sorries.. hopefully you stick around and read some more. It will get more interesting, it just needs to get passed the intro >.< .

Thanks you again for reading :)







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