First Fumble

The Chances

Min's POV

After the long flight, we had finally made it to our destination. It has been so long since I have smelt the refreshing smell of Vietnam. The smoky air with a scent of exhaust fuel can fill the longs of any foreigner. I have told Tessa about this place and all my childhood memories but it feels surreal to think that I am back here again.

"Min, this is just like you said it was." Tessa was looking around like a typical tourist. All I could do was smile and try to pull her along so that we could get out of this airport.

As we were moving towards the baggage claim section, we started to notice that there was more people in what it seemed to be a massive crowd. The crowd didn't seem to be travelers due to their lack of bags, but more of fans. Of course, in accordance to the crowd, the loudness began to increase. With the massive amount of people, I knew it was best for me and Tessa to just go around the long way and hope that our baggage claim wouldnt also have this amount of people.

"i wonder who all these people are for?" Tessa tried to get on her tiptoes and see if maybe she could get a glimpse of whatever celebrity the people were waiting for.

"Well, remember we are working for a big music company. Maybe they arrived today just like us." That seemed like the most logical answer so Tessa just shrugged and continued to follow me to the baggage claim.  As we started to drift away from the crowd and get closer to our luggage, the crowd started an uproar.


Even though most of it was a big slur of words due to the loudness, we could hear distinctively a mix between the 3 languages of Viet, English, and Korean. Its quite surprising that even at the airport fans would be this crazy, but since we have never met anyone famous, we just aren't used to it. After we reached the claim the sounds of the crowd was more in distance so it wasn't very distracting.

~Important message for Baggage claim 3B..... Due to the incident occurring near the gate entrance, the claim will be delayed 30 minutes due to the situation needing more assistance. thank you for your time and patience~

Perfect.... Now we have to wait and extra 30 minutes. Even though we got here early and we aren't particularly tired due to our sleep on the plan, I sure as hell don't want to wait at an airport for another 30 minutes due to something some "Fans" caused..... geez.

During the long 30 minutes, I decided to teach Tessa some more Viet. I mean, in order for her to enjoy it here, she is gonna need to brush up on her skills. By the time the machine started making the moving noise, I was able to teach her numbers, basic objects, and how to order something. Hopefully they come in handy.

As the bags began to come down the conveyor belt, Tessa's bag seemed to show up first. Since I had already told her about the terrible traffic in Vietnam, she felt it was best to go ahead and try to get a taxi.

"With all these people here, I better go get a taxi. I don't want to wait an extra 20 minutes and fight for a dang taxi."

I nodded and anxiously awaited for my bags to come down so that i could hurry and catch up. After what was like forever, my blue bag came into my sight. As i grabbed it, I heard Tessa calling my name and telling me to hurry up. We were pretty close to the door so i think she thought it was just better to yell for me rather than call me (besides roaming charges would be outrageous).

"Min! HURRY HURRY! THIS GUY ISN'T GONNA WAIT FOREVER! COME ON!!" Gahhh I hate when i have to rush. I grabbed my bag and tried to quickly run towards the door and shut Tessa up. Just like luck would have it, my art bag decides to try an open itself and spilling out all its content. As I'm trying to multitaskingly run and hold all my bags, I decide to take a quick look down and see if maybe I can keep my art bag from falling all over the place.

"What are the effing chances..... UMPH." Oh great.... Right when I try to multitask I WOULD bump into a stranger. Not wanting to look up and be embarrassed, all i can say is sorry countless times while still trying to secure my bag.

"MIN! Gahh... you always seem to get clumsy and hit random people whenever we are in a rush. Come Come, the driver is quite impatient." Tessa grabs my suitcase and pulls me along so that we can keep the taxi. As we get away Tessa says another sorry to the stranger and never looks back. I on the other hand, can't help but look back since i never really got to see the person fully. As I do a quick look behind my shoulder, I see a masked man with a light brown bag, and as he stands there glancing back at me I see hooded man walk up to him with the same bag, only in a darker color.

"The adventure finally begins Min... Im so EXCITED!" Tessa leans against the small taxi window as we get into the taxi and head towards the busy city in Vietnam.

"Yep, this adventure will be one to remember. Lets try our hardest to not make a fumble," I say with a smile. 

"To late....." Tessa starts to laugh and nudges me in the stomach. We both laugh it off and continue to stare out the window at the beauty of Vietnam. Im almost to the main part, i just gots to get passed the intros. Hopefully you enjoy and comment with our suggestions. XD

byerss for now :)

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