The beginning~

Hateful Love


Since he was young and until now, 22 years old, he was still going to the college by his father. Yes he did asked his father for a car because it was actually quite embarrassing for him to be sent to college by his father but he wasn’t allowed to drive a car. The reason why is because he nearly killed his mother when he drove a car after he got his driving licence and since that also he cannot drove a car again.


He hugged his father and promised him he will be a good boy since he loves his father and mother so much and went out from the car. He stopped as he looked at his book, making sure he took all the books or he will be dead meat by his English teacher, Mrs. Lisa , who hated him for getting an average marks which is not good for her class. And yes, it was only him that got the average marks.


He zipped up his bag before he slung his bag on his shoulder and walked to the entrance. He flinched when a car that heading towards him as fast as lightening hunk at him before he stepped aside to look to the person who was drive this stupid red Ferrari car is Woo ing Jiho.


He rolled his eyes and began to ignore the other laughing at him plus mocking since he knew about Kyung accident. And most of all he hated the fact that it was Jiho who help him that day or he will… not be here in front of this annoying guy.


He stopped as he heard the girls giggled and before he about to turn and look at them, he was pushed away from there or shoved, it was more suitable words to describe those ty girls. He smirked and agreed with his thoughts.


Suddenly his two best friends, Yukwon and Jaehyo pat his shoulder and he turned and gave a huge smile to his best friends. And his attention was on this pretty looking Jaehyo who sighed “I wish I can get closer to Zico like those girls” upon hearing that, Kyung grossed out and mocked the tall guy.


Yep, that’s Ahn jaehyo, he is gay but he is not madly in love with that Zico. His real name is Woo Jiho but people were calling him Zico since high school and still using that name which he think, Jiho was trying to be white people. Okay back to Jaehyo, Jiho is only his type of man who he want to be hook up but not Jiho – no way – ‘he is not my best friend anymore if he hook up with that maniac’




Kyung entered the class and save the place on the first lane at the right. It was perfect for three of them and he let Yukwon and Jaehyo entered first. As he opened his English books and began to read but before that, he wore his spectacles first. But as he about to continue reading, he heard a roar of laughter coming from outside.


Jiho was mocking him for wearing glasses and of course all the girl on his left and right were laughing too. But the other guy tend to ignore Jiho as he was focused on the book although he noticed Jiho sat behind him and anger filled him as jiho kicked his chair and was now tapping his chair with a pen.


At this, Kyung had had enough, he placed his book at the table quietly before he turned to Jiho “Hey white people wannabe! Can you please mind your manners” Kyung growled but the other didn’t scared of him instead he was mocking him again “What? To scare for fighting me back, Woo freaking Jiho?”


Then, Jiho leaned forwards, almost bumping their nose together and the little guy was clenching his chair tightly, his eyes locked with the latter and he didn’t care if people said they were about to kiss because that was the most stupidest thing he ever do and he prefer kissing a cat although he was allergic to cats


“Actually Shorty, my name is Zico and not Woo jiho… It’s Zico, Z I C O -zico, simple right? So please remember my name or I make Mrs. Lisa scolded you again” Jiho smirked as the red hair guy twitched and glared at him before Kyung turned around because Yukwon was tugging his shirt and he didn’t want Yukwon to worry about him.


As Jiho opened his mouth to continue, Mrs. Lisa entered the class and the learning begin without hearing any annoying freaking guy’s voice. At last, that Jiho is quite, Kyung rolled his eyes before he wrote down a few note as the teacher mentioned about the new task which they going to get. One group for three people with a literature books about this homecoming vampire novel books which he hated.


‘Vampire = woo jiho who is paled face, eyes like a fox, want to all you blood out of your veins, yes please kill me right now’


Suddenly Jiho chuckled and Mrs. Lisa acknowledged him before she leaned to him and asked him a question. Mrs. Lisa favourite student, Woo ing Jiho, always got high marks for English and yes English people wannabe. “How about instead of giving to all of us about vampire, how about give me about parrot.”


Kyung anger boiled up. ‘Parrot huh?’ Mrs. Lisa as usual, was amazed with her beloved student and asked Jiho why.


“Because there is one species of parrot that I want to investigate. It’s a rare kind of parrot because the parrot doesn’t have any wings, just hands and a pair of leg, perfectly fine and have red hair too. But most things I know that parrot talk a lot that any parrot can do”


With that, Kyung stood up with his book on his hands before he slammed his book on Jiho’s table “Yah! Shut up you prick! What are you? Playboy, cheater, jerk fox! How dare you picture me as a parrot!” Yukwon also stood and apologized to the teacher and the other before pulling the little guy to sit back to his place but the rich guy was fast, he patted on Kyung’s shoulder and smirked.


“Ohh that’s nice! So you’re agreed with me right? That you’re a parrot right? Awwww” he ruffled Kyung’s hair and the other shoved his hand away “Nice cutie parrot, want a carrot?” He smirked as Kyung gasped at him and at the same time, the bell rang “Okay teacher, thank you for your class, love you” Jiho said and he went out from the class.




“That creature!!!!” Kyung yelled before he tossed the tin from his hand and maybe hitting people’s head since Jaehyo heard a loud groaned not far from their place. Yukwon and Jaehyo watched as Kyung walked back and forth in front of them, making no sign of stopping before he noticed Jiho was heading to their place.


‘This is not good’ he hissed at Yukwon and eyeing him before Yukwon looked on his left, shaking his head ‘not good’ Yukwon stood up and held Kyung’s shoulder to face him “okay Kyung, calm down, I know you’re pissed but parrot is not you, you’re kyung, park kyung. Park kyung is definition of cute and handsome people okay? So let’s go now shall we?”


Then kyung curled his lips into smile “thank you”


They quickly walked away before Jiho arrived there and to make this little park kyung from boiled up for this entire days, Jaehyo and Yukwon had decided to take a walk to the park which is closer to the college and it’s beautiful.




The parks have two mini swimming pools, actually not swimming pools which people can normally swam there but Yukwon like to picture the park with two mini swimming pools for ducks, yeah there are lots of duck here. Sometimes Kyung likes to hang out alone there, feeding those starving ducks. – He is nice to everything except to zico, which yukwon didn’t know why and he was to scare to ask why.


Kyung was running all around the park, sitting on the swing and asked Jaehyo to push him but the pretty guy didn’t want to dirty his hand, yeah so ulzzang right? And kyung jogged to the jogging tracks, shouting his best friends name to jog with him.


Yukwon laughed and pulled jaehyo to follow him since the pretty boy said that he didn’t want his body to sweat but the little guy insisted and begged jaehyo until the other guy gave up. As he stood up, he heard a group of people were laughing not far from the last place Kyung was before he saw Kyung was laying on the ground with people circling him and a flash by the camera make Kyung’s eyes glowed angrily.


“Yah Woo Jiho!!” That the first name they heard before they pushed the others apart and pulled Kyung from the ground “is this funny to you? Do you think pushing me is funny? And that camera” Kyung move forwards “Stop taking my picture!! Give me that ahh!” He yelped in pain and quickly bend to hold his foot and realised his foot was injured “I hate you Jiho! I really hate you!”


“Oh yeah?! Thanks! I hate you too Park Kyung” With that jiho was now disappearing from there and followed by the others. Yukwon and Jaehyo were glared at them as soon as they gone but they looked at the other guy as they heard Kyung was sobbing and holding the pain.


“Kyung-ah, are you okay?” Jaehyo bend to look at him but Kyung didn’t break his eyes contact with his leg “Kyung please? Tell us where did you hurt? I don’t know where and how it was hurt”


Yukwon nodded as he plopped next to Jaehyo and sat in front Kyung “Kyungieee~~please? Don’t ignore us~ we’re best friends together till our last breathes”


With that kyung who was sobbing for his pain was now laughing at his cute best friend and stood up “It’s okay, I’m fine, I think, maybe I should go home by now and make my father wrapped my leg or something~ he is the doctor” Kyung said and with that, he wrapped his hands around Jaehyo and Yukwon’s shoulder before all of them walked from there.



Author note: I know I have fail to seduce be a wonderful author but I tries!! 


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whoahzikyung #1
Chapter 22: OMG UBOMB aigoo i don't know what to say, this fic is daebak, hwaiting authornim! '-')9
Chapter 18: This story is really cute and I can't wait until the next chapter! :3
Chapter 18: Ahaaaah you updated !!!! <3 loooove it soooo much!! Pls update soon again ^^ i like the way this story is taking !!! >.^
angel2001 #4
Chapter 18: Finally,you update!!Update soon~ ^.^
Chapter 17: Aaaaw pls update soon!!!!! I need more of this cute atory!!!!
Chapter 17: I have been smiling like a complete idiot throughout this chapter. I mean they kissed, they freaking kissed. My feels. I will tell you one thing author-nim, this is the only fic that I don't get tired of, no matter how much I read it. Like seriously, I get tired of a fic after 10 chapters but this fic, I read it again and again until the next chapter. I love this fic with my heart, soul and . Fighting author-nim. I seriously love you for making this masterpiece =D
angel2001 #7
Chapter 17: Yeay!!You update..Waiting for next chapter :):):)
kawaiiboo #8
Chapter 16: Aww ubomb is so precious~~
Ukwon likes minhyuk back, right?? o - o
So it's everything okaii with zikyung?? O u O I want to see them act like a real married couple!!
Keep writing and I hope you update soon!! <3