Fall 03




Huffing a sigh I stepped into my dark apartment, closing the door with a creak as I hit the lights. I kicked off my converses and threw my bag pack on the couch, heading towards the kitchen.

“Mom, I’m home,” I yelled.The coldness and emptiness greeted me as I opened the refrigerator, in search for a can of sprite. Staring at the almost empty fridge, I frowned. God, mom seriously needs to re-stock groceries.

Popping open the can, I took a sip as I let the iciness sooth my senses, “Mom” I yelled again, anticipating response but only answered by silence.

My eyebrows rose in query, weird, she’s supposed to be home right now…her flight leaves at midnight. I paddled towards the phone, prepared to dial her number when a white sticky note caught my attention.

Hi sweetie,

I’m leaving early today! My flight time changed. Sorry can’t cook you dinner tonight. There’s Ramen in the cupboard, don’t burn the house down!

Oh. And help me restock some groceries please. Our fridge is almost empty.

I'll be back in 2 weeks!

Ciao my love.


I rolled my eyes as I placed the sticky down. She could’ve told me earlier, now I’m lonely and dinner-less. Picking up my phone, I dialed Viey’s number and finished off the last bit of my sprite.

She picked up on the third ring. “Jaee! I was just about to call you. What’s up dear?”

Securing the phone in between my cheeks and my shoulders, I picked up my bag and headed towards my room. “My mom left early, I have nothing to do, want to grab dinner together later?

“Sadly, I can’t dear, not today. Stupid Mr. Daruns gave the whole class a pile of work on the first day of school and its all due tomorrow. I have to finish or else you know what that lame Asian guy will do.” I heard Viey sigh dramatically through the phone, “But hey, at least he has more hair this year, it’s almost enough to cover his head. Hooray for that.”

I chuckled, plopping down onto my bed, “See? I told you Mr. Daruns would get better. By the way Viey, you might want to check out Mr. Wu. He’s actually stalk-worthy.”

“What! See! I told you so, now you have an eye candy to check out every other day.” She squealed in excitement.

“Calm down lady, I was just kidding” I laughed and flopped down onto my bed, facing the ceiling “But the weird thing is, I’m the only student in his class.” I flipped onto my sides to face the wall as I waited for Viey’s reply.

“Huh? You mean you’re the only student in that class?” Viey asked incredulously “How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know” I bit my lips

“Well whatever, you lucky get to have him all to yourself for one whole year!” Viey harrumphed jokingly “Please, just introduce him to me dear.”

“No.” I managed to sound serious “He’s way too old for you, find someone your age geez.”

“Please, smart woman accepts s up to 6 years old. And I’m a smart woman.” She laughed heartily into the phone. “But anyways, I gotta jump to homework now. I’ll call you later. If I’m done before 10 we can go grab a night snack. Deal?”

“Okay, you better be efficient, don’t procrastinate” I teased.

“Please, since when have I ever procrastinated?” Viey asked sarcastically, earning a laugh from me.

“Just go, See ya later. Maybe”

“Okay, Bye love~”

The line cuts off and I tossed my phone towards the side of my bed. Sighing, I lazily stripped out of my denims and crop top, taking my time to walk around the room in only my undergarments.

It felt good just being in the cotton cover-ups that it has become a habit to be too comfortable in them at home. It used to piss the out of my mom but I guess she got used to it.

I walked to where my bag was lying in my room and dragged it towards my desk. Reaching inside, I rummaged around for my agenda, frowning when I couldn’t find it.

Did I drop it? I don’t remember using it after lunch since art was basically homework free.

Maybe Viey has it.

Shrugging I flopped onto the bed and snuggled under the covers. It was six in the evening and the colors outside was slowly diming down. I watched through the peeks of my curtain as the sun slowly started to hide itself under the endless seams.

Oh well. First day of school meant no homework; I should make up for my lack of sleep today.

Curling up, I closed my eyes

“Daddy, I’ll miss you”

“Sweetie, I’ll be back in 3 days. I promise okay? Take good care of your mother.” The man bent down and looked into the little girl’s eyes with much affection.

The girl stared up and nodded cutely, “I will! So daddy, don’t forget to get me some candies!”

The man’s shoulders shook as he laughed in adoration at the little girl’s request. “I will dear. I’ll even get you huge lollipops you’ll never be able to finish.”

“Really?” The little girl giggled and jumped happily, she pulled her arms around her father’s neck and gave him a hug. “Bye bye daddy!”

“Bye my little angel.” In reciprocation, the man wrapped his arms around his daughter, ruffling her hair fatherly as he gently kissed her forehead.

He waved one last time and left. Walking through the front door with his suitcase.

Out of nowhere, something shot across the lawn and his body lit up on fire.

Terrified, the little girl tried to yell, but no voice came out.

She tried to run towards him, but her legs wouldn’t allow it.

She could only watch in horror as the man disappeared in thin air, his ashes traveled upwards with the wind.

She never saw him again.

“No!” I heard my own voice echo through the empty room.

My eyes shot open.

Sweat beaded across my forehead and clammed my palms. I pulled my blankets tighter over my shoulders as I took a deep breath. It’s that dream again.

I squinted through the blurriness of my sight, only being greeted by the darkness of my room and the silence that etched into the empty space.

Through the seams of the curtain, I could tell that night had arrived. Not one string of light was in my bedroom. I sighed and leaned back onto the bed frame, exhausted.

When I was little, I used to have this reverie every now and then. After it, my mark would hurt like crazy; I would roll in bed until I could breathe normally again.

Mom was always so hysterical about the pain that she would shake her head furiously and apologize about random things…such as dad.

I was six, it was the first time I could ever remember what I saw in my dreams.

As time passed, I got used to having this horrifying nightmare. The little girl, the burning father. Everything

Yet I never understood why. The reason I would have this dream over and over again, and the pain it would bring to my mark.

I used to ask my mom why I would have such a weirdly shaped sign on me. She said it was my birthmark.

Made sense.

I exhaled deeply and positioned myself for the pain to come.

Leaning limply against the bedframe, I felt the ache arose from the pit of my hipbone, slowly curving up towards the location of my mark. I jolted and cringed, a sharp sting quickly replaced the numbing sense.

There was no definition to the pain. It felt like being electrocuted, twisted, and churned up all in the same time, on that one spot. Like the usual process, the agony took over for quite some time before it slowly died down.

I breathed in deeply and removed my hands that gripped tight onto my sides replacing it on my forehead.

Good thing mom isn’t here right now, or she’d be fussing again.

I closed my eyes and recalled the scenarios I dreamt of in my subconscious. It used to be blurry, the faces, figures and the setting around it.

The details had been getting a lot clearer lately, although I still couldn’t really make out the faces. Whatever, it doesn’t really matter anyways.

I slipped out from under the covers, gasping when I realized I was still only in my under garments. Quickly I hit the lights and shuffled towards my closet, grabbing the first pair of comfy shorts and a big T-shirt I could find. I slipped them on and threw my hair into a messy bun instinctively.

The clock spilled the time. It was 7:30. Like a cue, my stomach grumbled. I sighed and walked out of my bedroom, yelping at the complete darkness in the living room. The eerie black was scaring me.

The room brightened up as I hit the lights, making everything visible. I huffed a sigh of relieve.

It was time as my stomach protested again, reminding me its need for food. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. Mom lied. There was no ramen in there.

Guess I’ll have to make a trip to the convenience store.

I slipped into my flip-flops, locked the door and waited for the elevator. The sign read 12, the elevator at 12th floor? Weird, I don’t remember anyone living on that floor.

Finally the elevator came down to the 6th, my floor. I yawned and tousled my hair as the door opened, still a little sleepy.

As I looked up, about to step in, my eyes widened in shock and surprise.

Guess who I bumped into.

Oh Se Hun




Hi guyss!!

Sorry for not updating for suchh a long time. Took so much time writing and editting this chappie :D

But here it is! Chapter 3 of fallens. :D HOPE YOU GUYS WILL ENJOY ITDon't forget to comment and subscribe if ya'll like!

Thank you so much 



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Chapter 5: ooooooooooooooh seems really interesting. And I love how she has that 'mark', that's something I've never read in a fanfic before. Or at all actually :P
Chapter 5: so far so good. keep up the good work.
KissMeAng5l #3
Chapter 5: OOHH THIS IS GOOD!! But its MAINLY going to be SehunxYou right? And KrisxYou is just going to be the second majorish pairing right?
sehunsarmpit #4
Chapter 5: if the sehun for out loud was in the same room as you, was that a BAD idea ????????
kellen_1825 #5
Chapter 5: Awww sehun such cute creep are you please update more soon im so excited to read the next chappie hwaiting!!
Light-baekhyun #6
Um...im not sure about it but is this based on Lauren Kate's Fallen series?? It somehow look alike to me
Chapter 4: This is interesting. :) hope you update soon! :)